Explorin' Babbeh Comic! Story by foalout4 Art by gr1m_1

This comic right here hooked me up into the FC. I don’t know whether to be thankful or not. Great comic, i love it.


Well in that case welcome to the loony bin.
I’m sure you wil do well here.
If you have any questions feel free to ask

And please don’t feed the fluffies after 10, it only makes them fatter.

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Be kinda neat if he went off the rails, and picked on a random fluffy belonging to a massive Samoan, or a Sicilian that has “Ties” and I don’t mean the clothing ties…

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Super late reply, but it’s actually a girl. She just looks masculine. Gr1m made another comic where she tortures a foal-in-a-can foal.

The abuser who if I remember correctly his name is Jason is my hero

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Only in the comic.
Jason is Gr1m’s unoffical character he uses in most of his comics.
He has a daughter, Melissa whom also shares his disposition towards fluffies.

Oh and welcome to FC



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Ah I remember this one.

If you got any questions feel free to ask.

What is with Jason and fluffies? Why does he hate them

That I do not know.
Only @gr1m_1 can awnser that, Jason is his character after all.

Though i doubt its deeper, then he hates then because he hates fluffies, and is just used across gr1m’s work.



I just pinged Gr1m so he might awnser sooner or later.

Ok thanks

iirc its a combination of fluffy hate from their negative effect on the world (depending on your headcanon) in my case very negative. have yet to really explore that as I’m not the best writer

the character was randomly made and strung together originally all depictions of a green haired character was supposed to be only the one character at different points of life.
But then got the idea to expand it into a family tree


I always get excited when I see the frame where he pinches the baby - but alas, those are not his special lumps.

Oh, no tears please. It’s a waste of good suffering


You get excited at the thought of a foal getting his nuts pinched? I dont think that fetish even has a name yet. Its like that dude a few years back who was caught doing (truly digusting act omitted), whose kink required an entirely new term to describe, pedonecrobestiality.

(No offense intended, I know that’s not what you meant, I just don’t get the opportunity to tell the story of (seriously, unbelievably gross act omitted) very often.)

(Unless that really was what you meant, in which case, still no offense intended, I don’t judge.)

I mean excited like a sports fan watching a field-goal - NOT sexually! :laughing:

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