Me when I read abuse comics
Brutally fun all around.
Shouldn’t this also have the splorin-foal tag? I saw other comics here with that kind of tag. Like the one where an exploring foal gets pinched by a crab.
talking about a massive improvement over the art style during the whole comic.
also, i enjoy many of this dude’s face.
This very comic and how cheerful the abuser was at times was a major inspiration in creating my own character, Abusalina. One of two, the other being Za’s Derpy Daycare. In a way I wanted her to be cheerful like that, and also an Anti-Juniper.
This is what we we are here for. 10/10 good fucking god
What’s this? A seeeeeeeeeeeeecret?
00101111 01100100 01100101 01101100 01100101 01110100 01100101 in binary translates to “/delete”. I hope you all enjoy this completely useless knowlege.
All good stories start brightly, in this case: The happy exploring blue foal. The first part works perfectly setting up the bodn between the widdle spwowing babbeh and his lovely mummah. I love how proud she is for her little exploring foal.
“MOmmah is so proud of her little exploring baby”, “Mommah looking, exploring baby, mommah looking”, “mommah love her little exploring baby”. I love these dialogues, there’s something aobut them, the sincere and pure love that the mom has for her foal. It makes the abuse even more tasty.
I’m surprised how resilient yet frail fluffies and their foals are all the pain and damage inflicted on the blue foal could have made another pass out in pure agony but little dude remained awake the whole time. I love that about fluffies. But what made me love this story even more were the panels with the mom begging to see her baby. The dialogue in them is amazing:
“Mummah commin’ babbeh, mummah comin’!” I love how from peaceful and tranquil the mummah starts welling tears in her eyes. It’s fantastic. “babbeh am tu wittle fo upsies”, “Nee to be with mommah”. I know these have been prahses spouted over and over again in several other comics from different authors but I will never get tired of reading them. Specially when the mare is drawn in such painful expression.
I love the mommah’s helpless and useless begging, she is decpited tapping on the door with her little hoofs to no avail, it’s adorable and lovely, her big pretty eyes full of tears and her pained expression.
I don’t know why! I love it! I cannot help it. And what truly made this comic one of my favorites is the way the daddy or owner beats the mare to a pulp, yeah, sorry stick and all but what I enjoyed the most is the fact how the author describes the mom chirping and peeping after being severely and brutally beaten.
I love that! forcing an adult mare into a foal-like estate. chirping, peeping, trying to gain some mercy from her executioner. It’s genius and it gives me many ideas.
I love how I have found many wonderful abuse comics with great lore, amazing descriptions and ideas. It’s inspiring.
Damn this was brutal. Very well made!
Br’uh, your comics are always fire.
Lol its very uncommon for an abuser to do anything to another person, especially family. So i doubt that the kids or wife will be hurt at all
Oh wow you’re right never caught that
It is funny, I usually prefer psychological abuse over physical torment, but I always find myself coming back to this one, it’s just so cathartic. The look on the faces of these fluffies as they’re slowly and brutally removed from the world is just magnificent.
i’ve read this comic so many times and just now noticed this little fucker
it’s literally his point of view i am blind apparently.
As if, lmao. The people running this place barely care about real animal cruelty, what makes you think they give a damn about abusing shitrats?
What makes you think they don’t care about real animal cruelty
The people running what place?
This man has the paychopathic tendencies to gives these foals and mummah a brutal death I LOVE IT TEACH ME YOUR WAYS
I wonder how Jason would react if someone did the same things to his kids that he does to fluffies and made him watch?