[Fall of Cleveland 15] “On a Wingie Friend and a Prayer” (Author & Artist: Vanner) {FB ID: 1301}

On a Wingie Friend and a Prayer
>You are a fluffy pony named “Lee” after some guy who your daddy said was a “genwal” a long time ago.
>You’re not really sure what that meant, but you’ve been traveling with a herd for a few dark times after scary men in blue came in and took your daddy away.
>They gave him big ouchies with their scary bang sticks because of the tasty nummies he was growing in the basement.
>The nummies made you feel funny, like you were flying! But daddy got angry when you ate them and said “Quit eating the profits, fuzz-ball!”
>But this herd seems nice! They’re headed to some place called “Sketti Wand” which is some place where a mountain of spaghetti lies for any fluffy who wants it.
>Their smarty friend is a pegasus named Baloney who’s kind of mean though. He’s always yelling and giving ouchies to fluffies.
>He even tried to give you ouchies once, but you’re a big earth fluffy, and you’re not going to get pushed around by a wingie friend.
>So you follow the herd, and try to keep positive. After all in “Geowga”, there’s plenty of “kud-zu” nummies to eat!
>But you keeping going along side the big hills, and the “kud-zu” nummies are becoming less and less.
>And there’s so many meanie humans following your big herd now! They just swoop in, grab a few, and start giving them big ouchies right there in front of you.
>One mummy got smushed under the big stampy boot and exploded!
>At least she gave the meanie human ouchies when she exploded.
>While the meanie human was making sad water, you grabbed up the bebehs, and gave them to other mummies.
>Mostly, you just walk though, trying to avoid meanie humans, and other munsters.
>Dog munsters, stripey munsters, smelly munsters, and kitty munsters all want to hurt you, but you keep going.
>Today, you’re passing over a big, running water on a metal human place, and all the fluffy herd is scared.
>Baloney is yelling at them, and smacking the scaredy fluffies around with his hooves.
>“We cwoss heh!” he yells. “Wa-wa bad fow fwuffies! Hoomans no how cwoss wa-was, so take hooman paff! Go wan bi wan or big ouchies!”
>The fluffies line up in a single file, and start walking. Every fluffy cowers and cringes as the scary smushing munsters speed past you.
>You walk as close as you can to the fence to avoid them, but other fluffies wander to close to the hot black ground and get smushed.
>Boo-boo juice splatters over you from the crushed fluffies as they cry and try to crawl back to the herd for “Hewpin’ huggies.”
>You’ve been out here long enough to realize that hug don’t help smushings, so you ignore the fluffies as the bad sleep takes them.
>Baloney is so busy yelling at all the fluffies that he’s not focused on walking safely.
>Suddenly, there’s a big gust of wind as a smushing munster blows past you!
>Some of the wingie friends go tumbling off the edge of the metal thing and into the water below!
>They drown within seconds, leaving Baloney yelling even louder!
>Baloney’s yelling, combined with the scary smushing munsters causes a panic among the herd, and fluffies start running everywhere!
>Fluffies are getting smushed left and right and the smushing munsters keep blowing fluffies off the metal thing!
>You hunker down, and grab onto a wingie friend for hugs because you are so very scared.
>But what’s this? When the smushing munster blew past you, the wind didn’t throw your wingie friend over the side.
>“Wingie fwiends!” you yell. “Gwab unicowns or earff fwuffy! No bwow way!”
>The wingie friends all clamor to the walkway again, and get big hugs from their other friends.
>Another car blows past, and your wingie friends don’t blow away! Hugs are good for something after all!
>Now you’ve got to find Baloney.
>Far from the rest of the herd, Baloney is busy hanging onto the side of the metal thing, screaming and cussing like a meanie.

>“Yoo hewp me up wite now ow I gif you biggest ouchies!” he demands.
>You glance around at the remainder of your herd. There’s so many fluffies having bad sleeps from the smushing munsters or falling into the bad waters.
>If he had just thought to have friends give hugs, none of this would have happened. It’s his fault your friends are having bad sleeps!
>A quick glance around shows that no one is paying attention to you.
>You place a hoofsie on his face and give a big shove.
>Baloney seems to hang in mid air for a moment as he begins to scream
>None of the herd even heard the splash as Baloney sinks beneath the waves.
>You walk back up to the herd. “Bawoney faww in da wa-wa’s” you say. “Haf bad sweeps. No can do noffin fow him now.”
>Some of the fluffies cry and hug each other, while others start pushing each other around and calling themselves “new smawty.”
>You stomp a hoof and glare down at your herd.
>“Wee is new smarty!” you yell. “Bawoney dumb and gif fwuffies bad sweeps! Wee wead you to sketti wand now!”
>At the mention of Spaghetti Land, the herd cheers and falls in behind you.
>The wingie friends give hugs to the other fluffies and you make your way across the bad waters with no more fluffies lost.
>As you settle into the tall grassies for the night, another group of fluffies happens upon you with smiles and hugs.
>Apparently they don’t have a smarty friend, but a pretty green mare named Holly tells you: “We goin to Sketti Wand too!”
>As the herds join and new friends are made, Holly sidles up to you and gives you a big hug, saying “Big stwong smawty fwiend wead us to Sketti Wand!”
>You can only hope that Spaghetti Land isn’t that far away. You can’t wait to share a plate of spaghetti with Holly and show her just how great earth fluffies are.


Baloney’s “Nuuuuu!” is so funny to me. All the drama of a Disney villain death, but undercut by this cutesy voice and silly speech impediment. Bravo.

“wong wive theh Gin” :rofl: