[Fall of Cleveland 23] “A Home for Tulip” (Author & Artist: Vanner) {FB ID: 1321}

A Home for Tulip
>You are a fluffy pony. A ginger colored earth fluffy with a pretty brown mane and big green eyes.
>Your name is Tulip.
>You were looking for Spaghetti land, but like everything else in your life, it was a lie.
>Special hugs weren’t special, they just gave you babies that didn’t make it. Good nummies made fluffies have bad sleepies, and new friends gave big ouchies to fluffies.
>A few dark times ago, you were just another member of your big herd, wandering the edge of the big lake water when you were scooped up by humans.
>The humans looked over all your friends, and asked you hard questions like “What’s one plus one?”, “What color is this?” and “who are you always supposed to listen to?”
>You friends didn’t answer the questions right, and they took big naps after they got big ouchies.
>But you got them all right because you paid attention and gave the answers the humans wanted.
>Now after a few days of losing your fluff, having your no-nos hurt, then being cooped up in a cage with new friends, you’re here in a big pen.
>All around you are boy and girl fluffies playing with balls, or stacking blocks. The boys aren’t talking about special hugs anymore, and they don’t remember you.
>The humans here are all nice to you. They don’t hit you, and they give you crunchy food that fills your belly.
>They also gave you a pretty green collar and put a bow in your hair. All the boys say you look “weal pwetty”
>This is the life.
>You are playing with a block when you hear the bell on the door ring.
>You turn around to see two humans who are yelling at each other coming in through the door. With them is a pretty blue fluffy pony.
>”It was your fault!” says the human man. “You told her that “Evacuate” meant going down the slide!”
>”How else was I supposed to get her to leave the house in a fire?” demands the lady.
>”Problem, miss?” asks the nice human who takes care of you.
>”Yeah,” says the man. “Our fluffy pony drowned by jumping into one of your evacuations bucket.”
>”Terribly sorry,” says the Nice Human. “Did you want us to retrieve him? They automatically flush into waste disposal system every twenty minutes.”
>”What good is a dead fluffy covered in shit?” asks the man.
>”We did try to choose the best euphemism” says Nice Man, “but with fluffies you can’t predict everything.”
>”She was stupid anyway,” mutters the man. “So we’re in need of a fluffy pony for Carol.”
>”I Cawol!” says the blue fluffy pony.
>Her fluff is soft and silky, and she smiles so big, like nothing bad has ever happened to her.
>She’s probably never had a hard day in her fluffy life. Never had to scrounge for food in trash cans, or walk a jillion miles to find foodies.
>You can’t quite place it, but something makes you mad at her, like you want to give her big ouchies even though she hasn’t done anything to you!
>The Nice man, the blue fluffy, and the lady all walk over to the fence and look down at you and your fluffy friends.
>All the fluffies run up to the fence, bouncing up and down to get their attention.
>”Hi!” “Pway?” “Nummies?” “Pwetty!” “Pway wif fwuffy!” “Wuf new mummie!”
>You continue playing with your block. What more could you really ask for?
>It’s then that the lady puts the blue fluffy unicorn in the pen with all your friends. The lady is still talking to Nice Man.
>”All our fluffies are sterilized and tested for intelligence,” says nice man. “We love the little rascals, but we don’t need more and we only sell the best.”
>While all your friends are giving huggies and playing with the blue fluffy, the other man comes up to you.
>”What’s your name, fuzzball?” he asks.
>”I Tuwip!” you tell him.
>”What do you have there?” he asks.
>”It a bwock!” you tell him, and try to pass it off to him. “Wan pway bwocks?”
>He takes it from your stubby hooves, and puts it on top of your other block. This stacking blows your mind as you watch in utter amazement.
>”Hey, Carol, come over here,” says the human. The blue fluffy waddles over and plops down on her rump.
>Now that she’s closer, she seems kind of fat. Not fat with babies, just… fat.
>But her fluff! Her fluff is so soft, you just want to touch it.
>”You weal pwetty!” says Carol. “Dis new fweind? Cawol haf new fwiend?”
>”New fwiend?” you ask Carol. “Cawol wan be fwiends wif Tuwip?”
>You give each other huggies and start to play blocks with each other while other man goes to talk to Nice Man.
>”We’ll take that Tulip,” says other man.
>”Good choice,” says Nice Man. “She’s quiet, and thoughtful, for a fluffy. That’ll be twenty five dollars, and that comes with free sp… dinner coupon for her.”
>New man nods, and suddenly the lady picks you and Carol up!
>”Weh we go?” you ask. “Pwease put fwuffy down! Dun wan go nowheh! Wike it heh!”
>”You’re coming home with us, silly,” says the nice lady. “I’m your new mommy! Tell her I’m her new mommy, Carol.”
>”Dis mommie!” says Carol. “Dat daddeh. You new fwiend come wif me! Go Sketti Wand!”
>As the lady clips a string to you, you’re more confused than ever. Spaghetti Land is just a myth! Why would they take you away from your friends?
>As the door opens and they lead you away, you can’t help but panic. Don’t they know it’s dangerous out there? You have to warn them!
>”Pwease dun go out deh!” you say. “Scawy out deh! Munsters and…”
>The bright light hurts your eyes for a moment until you see it.
>A mountain of spaghetti rising a jillion feet into the air. More spaghetti than you could eat in a dozen fluffy lifetimes.
>What’s more is there are fluffies everywhere, giving hugs, or playing with balls. Fluffies are out here laughing and smiling as they go on spinny things and flying things!
>”Wha dis pwace?” you ask, stepping back. “It… so pwetty.”
>”This is Spaghetti Land,” says new Daddy. “You didn’t know you were here the whole time?”
> You just stand there with your mouth hanging open, too stunned to say anything at all.
>Spagehtti Land… is real? And you’re here? New Mommy and Daddy and Carol brought you to Spaghetti Land?
>”Come awn!” says Carol, tugging at your fluff. “Sketti Wand out dere for us to pway in!”
>Mommy and daddy nod and smile, motioning for you to follow her.
>Maybe this isn’t a lie after all. Mercury was telling the truth.
>You follow Carol as she gallops toward the Spaghetti Mountain.
>”Wai up, Cawol!” you yell as you waddle after her with the biggest smile on your face.
>You’ve got a new mommy and daddy, new friends, and best of all, Spaghetti Land is real.
>How could life get any better than this?


Tulip’s one lucky girl. At least as lucky as fluffies get.