Fanart: Just Business[by:FallenAngel]

Base on the story CHAPTER by @TheHauntedTypewriter

Read the Start of the story HERE



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Please show a sequel to this


It’s really cool to see this story in comic form
exceptionally well done :heart:


Poor yellow foal, he wans’t even old enough to talk. At least the brown one will get a good home.


I second this motion I want to see what happens to both the mare and Brownie…


Kill her, Kill that bitch with Firer


Its just only that part written as an extra when douglas was lookin for a white fluffy.


Ah yes, third red flag: willing to commit murder to get what you want.
Good job, dumbass, hope you like babies as much as you say, 'cos now your only chance at getting a home is to be used as a breeding pillow 'til you die.


Ah, karma, my favourite.


That look on the brown foal’s face in the first panel is hilarious. It’s an “oh God, why me?” kind of look.


Some say that a fluff mother that have a “best baby” and is being a jerk with the brown foal, and this brown fluffy being saved is a bland premise.

But in reality, it is a classic!

It shows how a fluff can be an evil creature and is one of the best jump points to the best part of the story.

The distress of the bad mother when she realizes she fucked up, and that she WILL PAY for being a shitty creature is priceless.

Besides, I do believe that a brown fluffy who suffered with an awful mother would become a good pet. It has already seen the bad side of the world, now it will behave because it will be loved.


i would like to third this motion

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Oh hey, didn’t expect to see this; very well done!


I want to ask,when do your headcanon fluffies start to talk and open their eyes,and what amount of time is needed to turn them into mini-smarties?
I’m asking this for judging if the yellow one deserved death or no.

Is the question towards me? If so, I based most of my headcanons off what I’ve seen here, so around a week of life the eyes open, as an estimate. For the smarty thing, two, because they’d be easily impressionable in their first spout of life.

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And the time they turn into talkie babbehs?

Few days after. The stuff I’ve seen led me to believe it takes less than a month for a fluffy to reach young adulthood, like with birds, so a lot of the growing has to be done fast.

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A few days after birth?Or after opening the eyes?

Eyes. So, I’d say it’d take a week for the eyes to open, and a few more days for them to start talking and walking on their own. And, a few more from there, and they can eat solid foods. Makes the most sense to me to justify them being able to have population booms so fast.


Okay,so it means that the yellow babbeh was innocent after all,because it opened his eyes,but doesn’t talk yet,making impossible turning him into a smartie if he was taken from the mother before she killed him by accident

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