Fat Asshole (love2hatefluffs)

First part of an idea I’ve come up with recently. Follow-ups to come at some point, idk.


Screenshot 2024-08-27 8.45.12 PM




Why was it free?

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Peepo… Reminds me something that would be probably banned everywhere orr its just my schizophrenia

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Damn, your doddlefluff and mine must be related lmfao.


Boy’s outgrowing the rest and costly to feed

The little weird goobers are fun to draw lol

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Aye, that they be!

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Is it common for regular fluffys to just casually kill micro fluffys for no reason? Brutal

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Regular fluffies tend to look at other subspecies as “munstahs” fairly often. Except sea-fluffies for some reason

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Damn that’s even worse I could see one regular fluffy going on a killing spree just because the opportunity is there lol

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He’s still got a shitrat to take care of

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He couldn’t have gone wrong if he picked the pink pipe cleaner…thing.


I read it in Bonzi Buddy’s voice

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The boneless fluffy reminds me of the slimes or even metal medleys or metalys or metal slimes or whatever this slime variant was called in the old dragon warrior/quest games

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I would like the pink one

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Boneless fluffy is so cuteeeeeeee

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