Finishing up the story of the fat asshole fluffy. An excess of lard built up around his heart makes for poor performance in the heat of actual activity.
On the one hand there’s something poetic about this fat bastard not only being such a fucking blubber boulder that he dies doing the one thing he’s been wanting to do, but also through his action he doesn’t even pass on his genes to his dreams of a herd because his nutsack isn’t even his.
On the other hand however…
“ Abomination detected prepared for sterilization”
what in the hell is that?
Dear God what unholy fuckery is that!?!? It’s very existence is cursed beyond belief. The owner of Catalina need to destroy now before it can escape.
An abomination that must be destroyed immediately.
hahahaha, wtf dude, you are a genius.
I want that fucking thing to talk like Cartman.
If we kill it, is it considered manslaughter, or since Fluffys already have an unholy amount of human DNA that’s it’s still considered a biotoy and thus fair game?
Someone bring a effing flamethrower, a very big one
More than fair game; it’s absolutely necessary. That thing deserves to exist even less than biotoys. It must burn.
Im surprised he managed to finish
That ending is wrong on so many levels.