Favourite Box & Why?

Looking for a little bit of community engagement here, specifically I’m interested in the Why rather than the What.

They’ll be a poll to keep track of what the preferred genre of the community is but if you do vote in the poll please comment underneath as to why you made that choice, whatever your reasons may be.

  • Abuse
  • Hugbox
  • Neutralbox
  • Sadbox
  • Weirdbox
  • Bleakbox
  • Other
0 voters

Vote: Abuse
Why: They deserve it.


My vote was hugbox, mainly cuz I’m a sap. I will try to branch out more but if I do write abuse then I am truly angry or feeling sadistic that day. However you can’t have one without the others, all the boxes need eachother!


i second this motion

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Sadbox. Fluffies are unlike any other creature/fandom I have found because they are just human enough to tell human-esque stories,but toylike enough that you can stretch what is “acceptable” to do them.
I also enjoy sadbox because fluffies are,in most canons, cute,fun,and loving. They expect good things to come to them simply because they are good,and generally only want to do good. They are all about love. Sometimes that love can be weaponized,and that makes very good sadbox. They are naive,and generally innocent in most canons. They’re perfect for showing how cruel some situations and people can be.


Neutral box but hugbox is a second. Neutral because I believe everything needs to suffer before it can be happy and hug because “LOOK AT THE TINY LITTLE BABIES THEY’RE SO CUTE!” That is my reason


Abuse! Why? Because fuck you that’s why

Nah jk sorry I like most things pretty neutral secretly I don’t think the world could handle my hugbox


Abuse, but really anything box in which bad shit happens to fluffys because I enjoy seeing these semi sapient things try and deal with a world they were never meant for. I would have chosen Bleak though but IMO not many writers who try Bleak have been able to actually get it right. Also I’m surprised Hugbox is that low considering how many and prolific Hugbox creators seem to be.



Because seeing something that is designed to be loved and cared for succumb to the reality of life and how real life doesnt cater to a fluffies idea of a perfect world is satisfying. :f_martini:

Plus i like a underdog story so seeing a feral fluffy try to survive or try to raise its babbehs against all odds is fun (even if these days you rarely see it go well)


Sadbox is best box


I love the balance of pain and joy, of loss and love.
All good stories have highs and lows, fluffy tales are no different.
While I will always like pictures of fluffies living peacefully and fluffies being killed brutally, its the tales that so wonderfully blend the two that have me coming back time and time again.


i dont think i can put my fave into 1 box? I guess hugbox or abuse with a twist
i love seeing fluffies power through tough times to get the love they deserve, or seeing fluffys who deserve pain get it. i also just love the chaos of weirdbox where fluffies do absurd things they shouldn’t be able too.
Without the dark the light isnt as bright, Without the light the dark isnt as terrifying
My fave serious storys are the ones that use both to create a story you beg for or you cant stop watching
Like fallen angel’s series about the little black alicorn.
Or no skettie tuseday’s series about frosting and her owner!
the contrast of the love and kind fluffies drives home how awful the bad ones are and why they deserve hell.
this is a lot for me to say just to explain that im picking hugbox cuz, without it the abuse means nothing


I like sadbox because the innocent and uncanny nature of fluffies deserves suffering, cosmically, and something about the idea of causing suffering to talking plush toys through sadness rather than just ripping off legs appeals to me.


Sadbox, because despair is my life blood.


I love them all, but weirdbox is my top favorite.



Harks back to my 4chan days and the rise of bronydom/mlp being posted fucking everywhere. It was amusing to see the extreme cutesy creatures be dismembered.


I have always found absurdist humour appealing.


I voted “other” because it really depends on my mood.
Just like how I don’t really have one single favorite food or genre of music; just a spectrum of things I like.


I like abuse/sadboxes. Reason being, you can be very creative with them, like with Alice, or go beyond what one would do for the sake of pushing the limits. I like the idea of what someone can do and for how long.

Hugbox stuff is fine, but I generally don’t like the samey/same idea being done to death. Like in anime, where friendship is power and they just rely on that so hard to get out of issues. Where as One Piece where Luffy have to think his way through things and can’t reply on his friends/random stuff to save him.


Due to the innovation that it can cause in a story. There are just so many things that can be done with them. Also abuse usually ties into it as well