Favourite Box & Why?

abuse. because it’s hilarious


neutral, followed by hugbox. the world of fluffies, like our own, has been organized into a profoundly cruel and terrible place, which only makes the kindness we’re capable of more meaningful.


Weirdbox, because it allows for creativity and twists beyond the expected, especially when crossed with other boxes.


My favorite box is Gourmetbox, aka Fluffies-for-food. I just love the idea that, unlike most meats wherein fear makes it taste worse, Fluffy meat tastes better when it’s suffered fear, which leads to so many creative abuse ideas where the corpse doesn’t go to waste! (Also I’m a foodie) Outside of niche- and subboxes, I’m a nuetralboxer and love all of the major boxes pretty much equally.
I love seeing them abused simply because some people are sadistic fucks. I love seeing them abused because we’re holding a fucking animal to human standards.
I love seeing them be taken care of, and given a second chance because there are somehow still kind people in this world. I love seeing their childish happiness at babbehs or sketti, like the world isn’t vying to kill them.
I love seeing their struggles, how their mind fails to comprehend that babbehs wouldn’t be a good idea due to the scarcity of food. I love seeing them realize that their own stupidity was the reason their whole herd got killed.
I love seeing how creators twist the idea of Fluffies, taking their basic marketable design and expanding it to include the weirdest shit. I love seeing the differences and similarities between those who staunchly stick to biology and those who throw it out the window to make a compelling story.
I love it all.


I voted Sadbox, because I love to feel things… and honestly even a lot of Abuse content just feels like Sadbox to me because I sympathize with most of these stupid creatures (keyword most). It just feels really cathartic to see something helpless and innocent suffer. I mean innocent in the sense of childlike and naive-- I would consider even some of the brattier Fluffs innocent in that regard. Although it really depends on my mood! I read all the boxes.


i both love fluffies and wanna sent them flying to the moon with a good ole kick


My primary box is hugbox because I’m a natural bleeding heart. I love the sweet side of fluffies and what they can do for their humans (and writing saccharine bullshit is my new passion). I love them warm fuzzies.

I’m open to the other boxes, though. I appreciate what they bring and it all adds variety and I’ve got this teen edginess that never left so sometimes watching a little shit dying on the street corner brings me the greatest satisfaction.

With that being said, I do prefer non-violent abuse more than the gory stuff. This is especially true for stories. I find that if I read something explicit with gore and the like I get dizzy and my vision gets blurry.


Weirdbox, but a close second to sadbox.

My reasoning? I’m here to see the retarded pig horse things do cartoonishly dumb retarded pig horse things. Sadbox scratches that itch on occassion, but that one gif of a fluffy shouting “fire da canons” before another fluffy jumps on top of a soon mama to launch her unborn fouls at an enemy fluffy will always be peak fluffy comedy to me.


loving bleakbox as a new addition, its fantastic to explore how much it would fucking suck to be a fluffy.


Someone needs to draw this. lol

I like Abuse because fluffies don’t like pain so inflicting it on them is fun.

Plus they have so many specific things that hurt them physically and emotionally.

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Alright. Call me a Wimp or wuss or whatever… but I like Abuse and Hugbox almost equally.

Abuse is… Cathartic. Especially when it’s deserved. It’s a way for me to project my darkest thoughts onto a non-existent target. Dealt with an absolute bitch of a Karen customer? Project that Karma onto a straw… fluffy? Near instant stress relief.

Hugbox? Admittingly. These things can be fucking adorable when they aren’t gross. Be happy little beacon of childish innocence. Don’t adult like I have to.

My Favorites? The duality of Hug-buse. Having the shitheads get there comeuppance while the often Innocent victims of the shitheads carry-on and find a good life? Its the almost instant Karma I wish to see in my everyday life. Not hear about months down the line.


If “hugbuse” had been an option, I definitely would have picked it. The way you described it is exactly how I feel, I need stories where the bad fluffies are punished and the good ones live happily at the same time.


Abuse for sure. You see, the problem with hugbox for me is that there are already quite a lot of ‘hugbox’ content on the Internet. If I wanted to see something cute and heartwarming, I could just watch some tiktoks with silly cats and cute girls or put down my phone and go pet my own cats or talk with my gf. But when it come to gore content, there are not really a lot of things to pick from. The only thing that is kinda the same as fluffy abuse for me is roadrage videos and all this stuff. For the most part it’s also justified and kinda fun to watch (it’s also helps that im from Russia - there are a ton of videos like this for some reason). But other than that im pretty sure that this community is unique because of it’s abuse/bleakbox part, as there are very little such content on the internet


Abuse. Any and all, I shy away from nothing

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For me, Abuse and Sadbox are the same… as I see Sadbox as a form of emotional abuse.

Hugbox is the domain of cannibal fluffs, flying fluffs, spark horn fluffs, whatever.

My favorite is industrial. Is that neutral box? I like to the see the “opposite” side of the hugboxer who saves the brown fluffy.

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I had to put other as my favorite is Horrorbox then Wierdbox


I just really like it, ever since i found the original fluffybooru back in the day.
But i read most of the stories here, regardless of the “box”

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Because funny.


Funny :slight_smile: