FC Fighter Game - BloodyBoots

Hello everyone! :myeh:

Overview: I am working on my FC video game called “Fluffy Fighters”. It’s going to be a simple fighting game similar to Street Fighter. Nothing fancy, just basic for now to keep it achievable. :glee:

Goals: I want to complete the following before opening the game up for beta testing: Title screen, options menu, one stage, and two fighters. I will also need to add basic fighting game mechanics such as life bars, timers, move sets, and victory/defeat cards. Again, I will be trying to keep things simple for now so my goals can be realistic. :nurr:

How I Am Developing The Game: The app I will be using to build/make the game is Unity. It uses C#, a programming language that I am already pretty familiar with. It should be more than enough for what I need. I will use Photoshop to draw the sprites, which Unity makes very easy to import and use for the game. :tony:

Updates: If you are interested in tracking my progress and getting updates, just bookmark this page. I will be updating the text here (see the update logs down below) as things move along, including time stamps and info about what has been completed. :hewwo:

What I am Looking For: I am looking for a few things from the FC community at this time to help me with this project. The first thing I need is to determine what kinds of fighters I should use. I have opened a poll down below to get a feel for what the fluffy community would like to see in the game as far as fighters are concerned. Should it be only fluffies, or should it be famous FCartist avatars/characters? Or both? Vote below and let me know what you think. :martinidrink:

The second thing I will be looking for is help with the art. I am trying to stick to a Japanese/martial arts theme, and I need graphics for things like the menu art and other sprites. So, if you would like to help, just check the update logs below. They will give more detail for what I am looking for at the moment. Once you decide to participate, simply post your art on FC like usual and link your post to this one so that it shows up in the links down below. Obviously I won’t be able to use every submission (please don’t take it personally!), but if what you create turns out to be useful I will make sure to give you credit when I use it. Concept art for just having fun with the idea of fluffies/artists/mods fighting in mortal combat is also welcome, lol. :ahahaha:

Update Logs

4/10/24 - Closed name poll; Fluffy Fighters was the clear winner and is the new name. I also fixed the title screen so it looks much better now. I also added the copyright text.

4/8/24 -

4/6/24 - Options menu has been added. Looking for art to fill in the empty spaces around the objects. Fluffies dressed in karate uniforms, or dressed/shaped like fighters from other games, etc.

4/6/24 - Poll has been closed and removed. Fluffies + artists was the clear winner, and it was what I originally voted for as well. However, after giving it some good long thought, I decided to use only fluffies. This is because of the sizing issues. I would have to either shrink the human characters to be the same size as fluffies, or have them be different sizes and deal with radical imbalances between characters. Using only fluffies solves this problem. As a compromise, I will be accepting artwork for fluffy fighter designs in the future once I start working on adding chars. That way artists can be represented by the fluffies they design to fight for them. On that note, I might update the name to Fluffy Fighters since I think it fits better. What do you think? Vote below please!

4/3/24 - Completed basic title screen as shown below. I am looking for some artwork to include on each side of the buttons, such as a fluffy dressed like Ryu from Street Fighter, a picture of a fluffy punching another fluffy in the face, or something along those lines. It will need to fit in the space well, so make sure to use the correct measurements of the page (11"x 8") so the resolution matches.

Keywords to help with searching: video games, coding, development


where are the playing cards boots?


Lol, that project needs a complete overhaul before it moves forward. I have to completely redo almost all of the cards, convert the files, and submit for printing. I put a pin in it until October this year when I will get it done. I plan on releasing the cards in time for Christmas.


Just glad you still remember about it

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You should do fluffies with their artists as like ults


Do artists but they don’t actually attack. Their fluffies are summoned like jojo stands.


If you need ideas of what fluffies to add, here is a list!


Oh I love this idea.

This is sounding awesome, Boots! Following this thread for sure!


Imagine a pregnant mare as a fighter and if she takes enough damage she miscarries and can use the fetuses is as projectiles


I really want to sic Guzbo on Carolina.

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I’ve always wanted to do something like this, I’m glad to see you’re actually going for it


I meant more famous fluffys on FC, like Guzbo, Skippy, Lemonade, etc.


Can we get fatalities? I really wanna see @infraredturbine sucking up his enemies into the turbine and turning them into a bloody pulp or idk.



how about Doom Fluffy? Or perhaps Carolina?

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Also, If you need any assets, I can get you any asset for free from any of my games! Also, if you need help with coding or stuff, the modular fluffy project is here to help!

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I have only two desires in this project:

  • Janky, non-obvious hit boxes
  • A character with broken amounts of reach and/or i-frames

and a secret character named Marflow Skraps

Also, here is a fluffy punching a nother fluffy in the face!

Another version


My boi over here spittin truth bullets about fighting games lol. :fist_right::fist_left:

I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot (I love fighting games and play a lot of them). And, it’s made me worry about the sizing of the fighters. While I obviously want to have both artists and fluffies as fighters, it’s going to be hard to keep them balanced so that we don’t get the usual tier list off good fighters and bad ones.

Size is especially problematic because fluffies are obviously smaller than humans, so a human character will throw a punch that goes over the fluffy’s head. I could solve this by either making them all the same size (which would look weird) or only use fluffies and no humans (which is ok I guess, but I really want to include fc people in the roster).

So idk. Luckily it’s not an immediate problem; my first two fighters will probably be equally sized fluffies. Until I start adding more after that, I’ll probably just put a pin in the issue to deal with later.

And don’t worry, I’ll try to use all my experience with fighting games to try and prevent issues like bad hitboxes and broken characters lol :+1:

Anagram for wolfram sparks. Took me a minute but I got there! Lol