Feeling Old -Vanner

For “In Memory Of”

I’ve been at this fluffy thing a while.

I won’t claim I was best of friends with the legends of fluffy, nor do I hold a candle to their talents, but I was there when this all started to kick off. I’m glad I’ve come back time and again. I do sometimes miss the old days of shit edits and flame wars, but the fandoms matures and changes. The stories get deeper, our art gets better, but artists and authors come and go. Maybe they’ll be back, maybe they won’t.

Such is the ephemeral nature of internet friendships. Sometimes you make a friend for life; sometimes you make a friend for a year. Just like the real world, we’re all here for now, so let’s enjoy what we’ve created together.


We are all along for this crazy ride, so lets make the best of it.


hard to believe some of us have been at this shit for a decade now lol


You’ve been hear for near a decade and i respect you for that. Truly

Well Markus Maximus came back for a while, coalheart made a pice of art and Santanon is in the Weekly Fluffcast, maybe you could join him there sometime.


I do join the Fluffcast when I can. And MarcusMaximus was kind enough to do a card back for me. We all drift in and out as time and inclinations allow. No one is here forever, and that’s okay.