Here are all of the counted submissions for Theme Week 005.
The Archive (Author: Oculus), Iris (A tribute to Waggytail) (Author: Oculus, with cover art by Cookiecrunch) , and Crazystein meets Tumbly (Author: Oculus, with cover art by EmotionalSupportFluffy)
[Theme Week 005] Roach Queen by Super Weaner and [Theme Week 005] EgorAlexeev The OG Abuser by Super Weaner
You will need to choose three winners.
Choose The Winners!
- Sexygoatgod
- Booperino
- Newb_ronswek
- Reddit-Word_H83r
- InfraredTurbine
- CuddilyBloodily
- Oculus
- AMDk7
- Man-Bat-Person-Thing
- ArisenLeaf
- SuperWeaner
- BrainStemScoliosis
- Maple
- Karn/Princess Purrpaws
- NovaUmbra
- Chikahiro
- Gr1m_1
- Vanner
0 voters
Voting will end on October 10th