[Theme Week 005 - In Memory Of: Micron] - Art by gr1m_1

My entry into this grim celebration is also a tribute to one of the best weirdest weirdboxing artist that ever weirdboxed. Some newer to the fandom recognize his iconic character Ivan Ivanov from an old entry into “Space week” Fluffybooru! Now archived in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 of Grim’s Grimoires!

I remember some very funny things fondly and tried to recreate them as best I could in his artstyle! :rofl:

Fullscreen :mag_right:
There was no shortage of tongue in cheek humor, vodka growing, fluffy enfing and fluffy variants in his comics and the cartoon style looked like it belonged in a Russian Fluffy newspaper.

If you have never heard or seen the stuff until now some of it is so random, just so absurdly funny and Micron seemed to have quite a bit of fun making hundreds upon hundreds of images with no malice, only to portray the obscene and the weirdbox fluffy universe he constructed over his years at the fluffybooru.

Where ever he is I hope he’s doing well and if I still drank I would toast a vodka for you!
Thanks for all the laughs and fucking chuckles, Micron!


Micron’s fluffs were a direct inspiration for Napoleon. I also liked how they didn’t have to look like conventional fluffies. THey were what they were :slight_smile:


they were great in their simplicity


micron is my favorite purely because of the dutch demon tulips and the fluntfies


I did an Easter-egg tribute to Micron in the post where I introduced Bluebell’s dad.

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Don’t forget the churpo’s.


I’ve had a hard drug induced hallucination a lot like this before. Except it involved people and it might have been real.


This is g reat, I wouldn’t have guessed that Micron was one of your favourites, but I guess Micron is one of everybody’s favourites here.


Micron, King of Weirdbox. We will not see his like again. Unless he comes back, of course.

His fluffies were basically Tribbles with stubby legs.

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Ass-slapping lunacy. I grew quite fond of it as well. :smiling_face:

Love how round and silly they look, but women fluffy looks… kinky…