Feral Trick or Treat (By Labcoat)

Ferals can ruin any holiday especially Halloween. Begging, shitting on the sidewalks and worst of all the children end up trying to adopt them. Often neighborhoods will sweep the area a few nights before, each with their own methods of dealing with them.

Prompt one Trick or treating


I am begging for a follow-up showing each of their fates. This kind of suffering must be seen by all.


I like how all the ‘treats’ have abusive undertones, and the liquorice is just regular liquorice.

For sensitive Fluffies, that strong taste is likely to fuck with them by itself.


Black licorice is one of the most disappointing candys you can get on Halloween.


True, but I’m one of those weird pricks who actually likes liquorice.


I kinda like licorice it’s just black licorice that is just disappointing


Join the club my brother. That shit rocks.


Oi, lay off the black licorice!


I love how all of the items are special variants just to fuck with them, and then there is just a normal box of liquorice, because whoever came up with liquorice just wanted to fuck with people.


Hell yeah! I don’t see how anyone could dislike black licorice!

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Lol! Love all the subtlety in this one! Hit the nail on the head for the prompt too!


At least black licorice is way better than raisins.

If I had ever been given black licorice on Halloween as a kid, I would have committed my first murder in a red Power Rangers costume.

I love American black licorice. Salmiak black licorice from Germany tastes as if it was scraped out of the Devil’s spittoon and then rolled in a salt marsh.

While I like how we can clearly see that this isn’t going to be a good time for the Fluffies, the written portion of it reads like it belongs to a different post as the depicted Fluffies costumes look too nice for ferals thereby making me think that this is an abuser taking advantage of an anti-feral activity to damage other peoples property.

Honestly, halloween seems like a great time to cull feral fluffy populations. So many of them are so dumb and trusting that they’d try and trick or treat.

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The inside of this house is giving me biiiiig aqua teen hunger force vibes. I can imagine shake doing this shit.

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Just realized it’s a backyard but FUCK it looks like the inside of their house :rofl:

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