Fluffies in fluff-mart stasis pool (thatmotherfluffer)

In my headcanon, fluff-marts use stasis pools to keep their fluffies calm and quiet.
When a fluffy is selected, the catheter inside the fluffy detaches, and wires pull the fluffy up and out of the stasis pool, where their VR headset and oxygen/food tubes are removed.


How will the buyers choose what fluffy they want, if all of them are just differently coolerd vegetables without any differences in attitude and behavior?


Brainwave activity displays personality traits


Maybe it would be better to show what are they doing in VR? Display can tell that the fluff is shy, but it it can’t tell what kind of shy

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In the back of the shop are controls for the different VR headsets, and different personalized cartridges for them. First, brainwave activity is scanned and a personalized cartridge is inserted into the controls. There are also punishment cartridges to discipline the fluffies.


Before removing the catheter, a worker puts on a diving suit, dives into the pool, and squeezes the shit out of the fluffy.


It already sounds extremely expensive. What if such technology were used only for premium designer fluffs?

Microorganisms dwell in the broth then?
Only consuming a particular material, which is what the Fluffies are fed?

I’m getting some serious Simic vibes and I love if.


Sounds good for the far future. Not so much the “present” in most cases.

I’m writing in the 2060’s, and hobbyists can afford ectogenic tanks and simple gene smelters like a large Warhammer army, paints, and a 3d printer.

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In my headcanon It’s rarely the case for premium designer fluffies, many fluffies that carry those rare traits are poorly colored, and unfortunately, no one really tries breeding the poorly colored fluffies, and so, they are disposed of.


What about show-accurate fluffs? You can easily train it to act like it’s show counterpart that way

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Cartridges of the characters in the shows are kept, this does influence their behavior


Imagine mlp-hater getting this job, and being forced to learn about every single character

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This happens occasionally, there was a worker who dove into the pool and strangled the fluffy while a child was watching. Let’s say he’s gone


Lots of story potential there

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The dude went into a coma, the stasis gel is hella potent


The shit goes through the catheter and into the waste reservoir. The tubes pump nutrigel into the stomachs of the fluffies

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Well I am not talking about him specifically. It could be a guy who give to show-accurete fluffs sorry cartridges more often, or the one who block the food supply only to see them getting hungry in vr and trying to combat this with virtual food, which of course doesn’t work

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Too many blunders and the screwups go missing

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