Fluffies Vs Wildlife, Red Fire Ants (Pastry_Knight)

Yeah but they:

Suck at procuring food. Like, they’re horrible at it. Most animals have a way to procure food while fluffies are in the realm of ‘Well I hope there’s a cheeseburger on the ground’. Even other scavengers have a specialized method of getting food.

They have a high infant mortality rate.

Inclement weather fucks them up quickly and they suck eggs at making any.

They have absolutely zero survival methods. In a fight or flight situation they can: Shit themselves, or run away. And they aren’t great at running away in most stories.

Lack seemingly any awareness of potential danger

These are all things generally accepted as canon for most people. If you combine those things, fast breeding really won’t mean much.

…But that’s me overthinking an imaginary diarrhea pony


They have a high self-inflicted infant mortality rate. No matter how quickly they reproduce, BMS will keep their numbers low.


Trust me, I believe and an whole hearty agree. If the Hasbro/PETA outbreak happened in Australia, they’d die out within the week when everything there want everything else dead.

But it’d still be funny to see what X would happened to a fluffy(s) because abuse.


I think of it like a safety in numbers advantage. The fluffies on the outside are going to get fucked up, but eventually there’s just so many layers that they’ve basically formed a wall. Fluffies were also portrayed as much less hellgremlin-y in the past, so the main cause of foaldeath (infanticide) wasn’t nearly as common. I wish we could go back to that time, before all of this bestest baby shit.


Yes. Now imagine procuring enough food for that entire group lol. Fluffies are the dead-end of natural selection.

But it’s my autism triggering over ecology.


Let them eat shit. Everybody knows fluffies produce more shit than they eat food.


WIP Fluffies Vs Flora, Gympie-Gympie


Exactly what makes fluffies so detestable. They’ll do somehting mean to something else for no reason beyond curelty, then cry and ask that thing to ‘not be meanie’ when it defends itself.


Reminds me of the time I accidentaly broke a line of army ants while on vacation.


The same would happen in most of the US. People tend to forget how deadly our wildlife is. Fluffies vs rattlesnakes, brown recluses, coyotes, bears, and razorbacks? Even the strongest toughie would fall in minutes. That doesn’t even get into the varieties of birds of prey!

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Lulz. I can only imagine the unquenchable pain of eating one of those beast plants.


This is hilarious already so I can only imagine how hilarious the final version will be. XD

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Bobcats and Pumas/Cougars too (and Canada Lynxes if you include Canadian wildlife). Those would make for a fun spin on Fluffies vs Cats (which is always a classic).

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Ooh, yes! And jaguars, if you go south. Maned wolves there, too. There’re so many American species to rival Australia. Any tarantula would love to find a foal while hunting!


One of Hasbio’s darkest secrets is that Fluffy DNA has a significant amount of…a certain animals DNA. A certain primate, if you will. It’s how they were able to develop enough intelligence for speech and basic concepts. It’s also why certain…regions…places… of a Fluffy bear an uncomfortable resemblance to other…primates.

It’s best not to dwell on it too long, especially when you think about Fluffies-as-Food, or Enfie Fluffies, or exactly where and how Hasbio obtained that hu-I MEAN PRIMATE DNA.

A lot of the great apes will happily snack on smaller monkeys. Bonobos, after a successful hunt, even trade monkey meat for sex, iirc.

Fluffies-as-food seems pretty well in character for humans in light of all that. :ahahaha:


I guess, in an evolutionary way that makes sense. For me, Fluffies always disgusted me not because of their saccharine, pathetic nature or their disgusting physiology (although they ARE nasty, dirty creatures). It’s the fact that they’re a homunculus abomination. A sick perversion of science and animal/human DNA, technology that could be used to cure diseases and better society, instead used to make a children’s toy.



Another poster a long time ago summed it up best for me

Mentality of a child with the urges of an adult horse


Buddy I hate to tell you but humans share a MASSIVE amount of DNA with other animals that are far different than us. DNA is just some of the most basic components of all life


More talking about smaller area having more shit that wants ya dead. Like, how some wooded areas having more then likely deadly plants there then in the US. I did found a pic of mirco fluffies being invaded by scorpions - the deathstalker. Sadly, the artist is on the do not post list.