Fluffy Breeder WDYD 01 (by Booperino)

Take them for the sake of moving the game along


If I want to breed them and don’t use artificial insemination, I should keep them intact at least the male, after easily overpowering them i go a have the talk with them. I make it clear that I could destroy them and make there live hell on earth… Or I could make there live good at least for feral standards and supream for there first two children if they breed for me as often and fast as possible. If they comply good if not I pillow the mare first as an example and then I se were this is going.


offer them a home, explain that you’re planning on making fluffies to sell but decide first if you want to keep some of their foals or not. let them know they won’t keep every baby but a few of them will stay


Luckily, you came prepared! You let out a puff of sweepy time dust and wait for all four to fall asleep. You only have thirty minutes, so you scoop the family up and take a small bit of their nest. Whisking them away home, you place them in one of the many pens your basement now has. You’ll work on taming and earning trust later. They have a sturdy nest box lined with soft blankets, two litter boxes, adult and foal sized. Food and water dishes and even a patch of wheat grass you had grown. You were going to keep a good rotation so your breeding pairs could graze as they wished. They even had a lot of nice toys to play with. You thought up a lie and you thought it up quick! When the family stirred, you explained to the stallion that there had been a strange monster who’s breath made you all fall asleep. You were so scared when you woke up, you brought them home with you, afraid the monster would gobble them up! You offered safety and warmth if they wanted to stay, you’d provide food and water. You gave them a very good brand of kibble, to eat when they wanted but would make two fresh meals a day. You wanted to also give them hugs and love, but only when they were ready. You hope to be their Daddeh, but being a nice mister allowed to care for them made you happy for now, if they agree. You’re not sure what to do if they don’t. (I tried to make it like a continuation of story as a response to what my character in mind would do. I love this so far!)


He’s clear on what he wants: don’t hurt the family. She wants to be left alone, very likely traumatized.

Problem here is that leaving them alone might be what they want, but might well end badly for them.

Explain simply what you want to do, and ask if they know any fluffies who might be interested. They MIGHT suggest themselves. If not, they MIGHT give a lead.

Eithe way read up on dealing with fluffy trauma/PTSD.


OH, and I’d just like to say that much like open source software? Ferals are only free if you don’t value your time :stuck_out_tongue:


As many pointed out, the stallion looks like is very open minded and doesn’t discriminate fluffies and the mummah produces lots of milk.
So maybe carefully take the mare home, the stallion might follow trying to save his family, get them into a room and get a breeding mare to pair with the stallion. The hurted mare might stay as a nursery mare, depending on behaviour the foals might be keept, the filly might replace the mom in the future but the colt might not be too useful, so maybe give it away?


Give them a blanket or something, remeber the alley. We will be back.


Simple smarty litmus test. Have some can sketti and some broccoli sourced form the food banks. Offer them a little bit of sketti and give them the broccoli. If they fight over the spaghetti it’s a no go.

This should give Insight to the relationship dynamics when there is enough food for everyone.


Give them some food and kindly ask if they’ve seen any “wingie-pointy” Fluffies nearby.

If yes, ask to be shown roughly where, if no, thank them for their time and move on. As others have mentioned the iffy colours and temperaments make them a hard sell but Fluffy news flies fast and the kind human looking for Alicorns might get picked up by other ferals


I don’t that’s a good smarty test given how fluffies react to spaghetti. Especially if hungry. Give the broccoli or salad or whatever, and see how they react. A smarty ought hoard it to themselves. Well, a bad smarty anyhow.


Would have talk to them calmly and tell them you meant no harm.

Offer them food.

And would invite them to your place and tell them they would be safe. Have the vet check on all of them and assure the couple.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm shit this is a hard one….oven mitts. Make sure your calm and tell them why,”I don’t wanna hurt ya, honestly im just looking for ferals cause I’m honestly not gonna buy fluffies when ferals are free.”


if you do successfully manage to get these fluffies, you could breed an earthy filly with the fathers colors (and somehow get blue eyes because let’s be real fluffy genetics are wack) you could make a big buck by selling a perfect pinkie pie


Stomp the Daddeh, milkbag the mummah, and keep the foals.

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Show them that I mean no harm and give them food, a warm place to stay, and kindness


Doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole in these posts.

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Make some sort of offer promising that you’ll take good care of you. If the father says no, go find another family.

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Thank God I’m wearing my good boots that day, and Le Stomp. L

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I’m not being abusive to other commentators, I’m not using foul language or threats, I have never said or advocated sexual abuse. I’m just sarcastic and snarky, I respect those who are snarky back to me. I support abusebox and On that rare occasion,very rare I will praise some hugbox.

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