Fluffy Doodles(By LycanChimera)

So I don’t really have a consistent style yet so I figured trying to draw some random fluffs I found adorable would help me figure out what feels best. The one at the top was an attempt at drawing the good fluffy from hayley566’s Good Fluffies and Bad Fluffies. It is probably the closest one to the original(although I swapped her foal for an egg and changed the fluff on her belly) but I went too far with the ink. The one on the right is Present from Neku-chan’s Grandma’s Christmas Tradition. Despite coming from an abuse story I enjoy I, just wish I could hug and adopt the little chonker. Finally the one at the bottom was initially based on My first post by ponygirl, but I messed up really badly and ended up just doing my own thing after a bit.


People change their style as they progress, is natural :slight_smile: so don’t worry about it.
Love all the different interpretations and also how you can draw fur better on my style than I do :'v


It’s alright, I’m still working on my style. Takes time to find out what you really want.

My style has shifted drastically.


It’s a very fluid process, your style will likely also change drastically. You’ll get there.