Fluffy facts: before cooking. (by: artist-kun)

Would a vacuum tube work?

Did ya say something?

I like your thinking about the fluffy’s skin being delicious like chicken skin. You might have to shave the fluffy (or put up with the smell of burning hair) but that’s a minor consideration.

I’ve heard that a vinegar bath is great for dissolving the hair follicles when preparing fluffies for cooking. After a good soak the fluff get brushes/pulls off, and the acrid taste makes the fluffy gag preventing it from drowning.

I’d rather it be like pig skin though, where it turns into crackling when roasted. I always get roast pork when it’s on the menu when I eat out cause of how delicious the crackling is.

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i was going to but i couldnt really think of a good response so, meh, fuck it

“Nuuuu! Babbeh nee’ pweshus poopies!”

It should be the standard term for the part of the fluffy’s digestive system where shit builds up for sorry poopies.

“The common fluffy pony, in keeping with its aberrant nature, lacks the standard bowel seen in the rest of the animal kingdom. Instead, their unusually short and ineffective digestive tract terminates in a pocket known as the fecal bubble.”

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Might help compensate for colic ( if they are horselike enough )