Fluffy game update! (aka fluffy pummel party)

Good luck with the GED! I did basically the same thing, got sick of high school and had a chance to go to college early. The GED is so easy, I could have passed it when I was 12. That was a few decades back, mind, so things might have changed. (I doubt it, though.) I use this place to purge my nastiness, too. (PTSD ain’t a holiday.)

Glad to have you!


hey I understand school was shit for me I still did it but thats a long ass story I really dont feel like getting into but hey Id love your help even if its a simple line of code. Its also the same for my the voices keep talking 24/7 tbh its maddening but fluffys? at least I can kill them!
Hope you do amazing with the GED! Goodluck!


just recently I was hit with my first visual hallucination. my room is in the basement and I like having all the windows blacked out (its slightly above ground) so its pitch except when my tv is on. my stairway is shaped like a T. the black door on the right being my room and the empty void to the left, only covered with shanty grey curtains is the laundry room where lo and behold there is a fucking eyes wide shut dude staring at me (the cult movie with the masks) dude I stg I yelped a lil when I saw it cause it looked like REALLY there

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I feel you tho and I’m glad you’ve found a way to cope


Oof, hallucinations suuuuuuuuck. (I get them with certain medications, and phantosmia–hallucinatory scent–is my primary migraine warning.) I hope you learn to manage them well, using whatever method works best. :sparkling_heart:

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Oh one last request. You should Make one of the breakables a dragon statue to reference @Great_White_Nope ’s “Bad babbeh gallows” the worst breakable punishment should be for the dragon statue. As you are filled with rage from your shit rat pet breaking daddehs beloved dragon statue

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Hell yeah! Its my favorite comic from how funny and creative it is.


Hey man really happy about this reminds me a lot of the canceled Fluffgen game. Hopefully your becomes another success too you got my support


Fun fact between you and me (and everyone else who reads this) i actually have one of the modlers from fluffgen helping me with the models of this game.


I have alot of requests but this is one of those projects where im like “i have no idea how much work it actually takes to implement any of this” so im just gonna throw out some ideas, weather they are possible i dunno

  1. Breeding system, fluffy have increased chances of colors based on the breeding fluffys, also have a percentage chance of say poopies or SBS or alicorn to be rejected for the beeding fluff

  2. have the fluffs change triats depending how you treat them and act accordingly (if you are a abuser the fluffs will try and hide behind object or if you treat one fluff better then the other it gets “smarty” traits.

  3. have a nice veriaty of toys, my biggest gripe with casual fluffy simulator was the fact the ball was all they had, id love if you could make your own saferoom, multple toys beds etc etc

  4. (This is just a community thing that might be cool as a addition) a very rare chance of getting fluffs from populer storys from here and the buuro, crimson, spinew, fillmore, mintchip etc etc


There is going to be a breeding system. The mares have tits for a reason aswell as other parts (stabbing those parts give like a 2x pain multipler)
The idea is to have traits like sensitive babbeh and smartys.
Dont worry the safe room is going to be entirely customizable so is another room for torture.
Also yes the first fluffy character im adding from the community is the purple fat fuck from no more miwkies. I am going to create a special timeloop hell just for it.


Keep cooking


Maybe give us a chance to donate towards development or help out with coding or art. This is a very creative and supportive community, so I imagine people would be more than willing to help you, even if it’s just suggestions or advice.

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I’m curious about getting Fluffies. There is going to be a FluffyMart or we are going to go to an alley to persuade them or capture them to take them to our house.


I have become so invested in this game that I made an account here too

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I can’t wait sounds like a perfect way to get out my anger if need be! Can you customize certain Fluffies?


For starters in the safe room will have a Interactiable vending mechanic or something to spawn fluffys the end game will have foal in a can and fluff mart but for the forseeable future its gonna be something simple like click the door and you can get a fluffy. I do have some of the finer details worked out but ill save it for the alpha or beta whatever i call it in the upcoming year


Yes! I dont got a funny quip to go along with your answer XD


Yeah i mean i got a discord granted id need to refresh the invite link!


CRIMSONNNNNNN!!! i fucking love crimson! also maybe slate the colt.