Octoberthon Marathon Prompt #6 - Community Posts - FluffyCommunity (fluffy-community.com)
Why is one baby out of the box?
Because she’s only saving her bestest and leaving the rest to die lol.
Right. Good point. Still a little new to community.
Going out of this world the same way they came in: Covered in shit and dumb as a bowl of oatmeal
I kinda wanna see an aftermath of this and perhaps a spinoff with the bestest.
Bestest probably be dead in some alley, because dumb and don’t know how to find food or something.
I was referring to if its placed in a foals focued Saw trap…
I am loving this series of Saw traps for Fluffies. Death by shit is quite the fitting way to go.
I don’t get it. Are the keys hidden inside the foals?
something like that. at the scale of the drawing I couldn’t really got that to come across
For a website about murdering and abusing cute retarded(sorry) animals there aren’t many Jigsaw type traps
If I was jigsaw here I would tell her she failed by prioritizing only one of her babbies, then have her bestest die with her while all the other foals go free.
If her bestest is the only one she cares about, that’s the one that has to die.
I feel this one would work if you made the mother have to rescue all of them before the bestest
I remember another comic like that. Basically it was a gameshow and the contestant had to guess which one of the 5 foals the key was in (the one that was crying because someone inserted a key into it). He killed all the foals because he could.
I highly doubt thats the bestest … i bet ya 5 - 1 thats the mares poopeh baby watching karma hit its family for the mistreatment
Looking back on this comic, I’ve realized that a certain small but very dedicated group of… enthusiasts would pay good money for a tub setup like the one pictured here. Not to torture fluffies in, mind you, but rather for personal use.