Fluffy Mukbang #3 (Ace)

This one is kind of gross lol

Fluffy Mukbang

Fluffy Mukbang #2


Diane’s Flufftube account was really taking off. While they had enjoyed Lucy until her retirement they really seemed to LOVE her replacement, Duncan. It seemed he had a voracious appetite and really took to eating whatever was set in front of him with gusto. Then again, that may be because of what laid in the guest room closet.

“Teehee…wub pwayin’ baww.” This was still early into Duncan’s career as a mukbang ‘star’, so he hadn’t ballooned to such a size that he couldn’t have fun. Currently he was chasing around a red rubber ball, waiting for mummah to get home. He’d made good poopies too, so that meant he would gets lots of praise and love.

Sooner or later he heard the sound of the front door open and it made him so excited that he took off at a full gallop, slipped in the front hallway, smacked head first into the wall. It didn’t hurt though, and he’d perk right up from the floor. “Hewwo mummah! Ducken make gud poopies ‘fo mummah!” He smiled up to her proudly, and she pet the top of his head.

“Good boy! I’ve got a present for you, luckily enough.” The colt’s face was one of pride as he marched into the livingroom with Diane so he could see what the present was. It was a little brown cardboard box from Hasbio with the words ‘Babies on Board!’ written in rainbow childish font on one side, not like he could read. She opened the box to show off a litter of five chirpies in different colors, a real rainbow.

“Babbehs! Ducken wub babbehs. Weaw am mummah ‘fo babbehs?” He looked around, there wasn’t one to be found. These chirpies were plump and fat, eyes newly opened, crawling around meekly in an attempt to find a new source of milk now that they’d been separated from their mother.

“They don’t need one now!” Diane began setting up everything to begin recording him. Duncan didn’t even realize this at first because he was giving the chirpies curious licks and nudging them to try and play but they were too small.

“Well, start eating, Duncan.” Diane said from behind the camera. The colt gave a curious wag of his tail.

“Wha? Mumma, dewe am nu nummies. Teehee! Siwwy mummah!” Diane walked over to the box of chirpies, upending them gently so they all plopped uselessly to the floor and tried to form a fluffpile in their apparent fear and confusion.

“Eat them, Duncan. I’ve got something special to put on top whenever you’re ready.”

Duncan was confused, scared, mortified. “Mummah! Chiwpehs nu am nummies! Dey am babbehs ‘fo wub ‘n huggies!”

His mummah already knew this was going to happen and had a perfect way to rectify it. Honestly he was just playing into her plans perfectly. He got scooped up by his mane.

“Oh? I guess it’s time for you to go to the closet.” The colt began kicking his hind legs around rapidly. “Nu! Nu! NUUUUU! PWEASE NU MUNSTAH CWOSET MUMMAH!”

That didn’t stop Diane from opening the closet and chucking him into the festering mess inside. Duncan landed with a wet squelching noise, forced to look at Lucy. A thing which he didn’t even recognize as being a fluffy. She was somehow still alive. The environment inside the closet was incredibly moist and warm so it had caused a number of different fungi to sprout on her body. Pale mushrooms rose up from fur that had once been pink but was now only a dark brown, black, and pale white where mold had grown in splotchy patches. The sound of her lungs was rattling and hacking, and maggots seethed against her body where bed sores had no time to heal. Her eyes still worked and were forced to settle on him.

“Hua…wuaa…” She rasped at him. Trying to tell him it was OK. He didn’t even want to look at her, of course. The thing would be a terrifying sight to maybe even a human.

“Munstah…pwease nu num Ducken…pwease…!” The colt begged and pleaded, trying to get to the very corner. Lucy felt incredibly ashamed of herself. That she looked so scary that a little babbeh was terrified of her mere presence. Tears rolled down from her beady little eyes, stinging as they tracked down into open sores.

Duncan wouldn’t need long in there. He was brought out in a state of panicked breathing, Diane wiping the muck that he’d tracked out from there off with a towel.

“Are you ready for your nummies now, Duncan?” She asked and the fluffy gave a nod like a convicted prisoner accepting that he’d be led off to the hangman’s noose.

He was set in front of the chirpies and Diane reached into the bag she’d brought home from the Fluffmart. If you purchased chirpies but not the mother they always pumped some milk from her to help the babies better adjust before being weaned onto formula. She hadn’t needed to purchase any formula though. Taking the canister of provided milk, she’d dump it onto the collection of chirpies, soaking them in the precious stuff directly from their own mother. They began suckling against one another in a greedy attempt to feed themselves.

“Well? Get to it, Duncan.” Diane hit record and watched as the colt stood over the chirpies.

“Sowwy babbehs. Ducken su sowwy.” He cried and closed his eyes, getting down to take a chirpy in his mouth. The taste of their mother’s milk wasn’t a far off memory for him: Not that long ago he’d been drinking it from his own mummah. He crunched down on the baby which gave a few terrified peeps until he chewed and chewed. The colt didn’t want to hear the babbehs. It was the worst thing ever. Not wanting to lengthen the task, he’d swallow up huge chunks at a time. The process was repeated over and over though no matter how many chirpies he ate it never got any easier. Especially since he knew they could see and would have to watch as he ate them and had to wait their turn.

After all the terrified peeping and chirping had stopped, he finally opened his eyes. The only thing left on the floor was booboo wawa and miwkies which had dripped off the chirpies. Duncan retched and gagged at the sight. There was something horrible about it. It made his stomach wrench and twist. Pitching forward, he began to throw up the grim meal. Fur and small coils of intestines. Little weggies that stuck out in clumps. Horrifyingly enough, an entire head stared back at him from the vomit. He hadn’t bothered chewing well so there it was, looking back into his own eyes as if accusing him.

“Finish it.” Diane said. Duncan looked to his mummah, thought about the monster closet, began to weep. There was no real choice in the matter. He had to eat it again.

That video got record views, by the way.

@toofymunstah did the really neat art!


Ducken donut wanna go back in da munstah cwoset. ;_; Poor fuckin’ Lucy lol

An absolutely horrifying tale, great work


Please tell me Duncan’s replacement will be named Avocado.


wonder if lucy will get thin enough in her starvation to force a few words to duncan and reveal how she turned into a monster


Her weight isn’t (technically) why she can’t speak anymore. She’s vomited so much over time that it’s basically eaten holes into her esophagus.


Great story, it keeps getting more and more horrifying. I’m looking forward to see what will happen next.

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diane should suffer the same fate as lucy hhas

Diane, you have my respects, will we see Duncan’s replacement? Or will we see how Duncan forces him to eat more fluffys?

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My heart… is at peace.


Whats next? The TurDuncan? Or the Duncan’cino?