Diane was back at the local Fluffmart to try and get new ideas for her booming video channel. The chirpies video had exceeded all expectations, and her expectations had been rather high to begin with. How was she going to top it? Well, that question was solved by the appearance of a vaguely familiar face.
“Hewwo nice wady!” Came a chipper voice from an open-air pen where an orange and blue mare was nursing a litter of babbehs. Oh, this was perfect. Diane stooped to read her nametag and gave a smile.
“Hi, Razzle. Remember me? I took one of your babies home and he’s so happy. The green and brown one? I named him Duncan.”
Razzle gasped. One of HER babies and not these chirpies currently nursing from her! All of her babbehs had already been adopted and she really missed them? “Weawwy? Wazzle su happeh…” She sniffled a bit, so overjoyed to hear at least some news of a child taken from her.
“Mmhmm. He’s such a good boy. Would you like to come live with us?”
Would she? Was it even a question that had to be asked? The mare gave a piercing squeal of excitement. “Yis! Wub babbeh! Wub nyu mummah! Pwease gib new housie, ‘n toys, ‘n safewoom, ‘an wots of huggies!”
Diane smiled. Oh, she would receive those things. For a few days anyways.
So she bought the mare and brought her home, the fluffy so excited to see her babbeh and new housie that she burst out of the car when it was opened and ran ahead to click her hooves against the front door until she was let in.
Duncan was busy playing with his ball but it didn’t feel like very much fun. Nothing felt like much fun lately. Not since he had become a munstah who nummed babbehs. Just then though…was that his mummah!? It really was! His mummah was right there! Razzle practically collided with her child in her joy, giving his cheek lots of licks and hugging tightly with small coos of affection. Duncan smiled for the first time since the ‘incident’, but then realized something.
“Mummah…yew ‘nee wun away. Nyu mummah am munstah mummah. She am badsies!” Duncan looked at her with a huge amount of worry in his eyes but Razzle just shook her head.
“Nu be bad babbeh. Mummah am gud mummah. Bestest mummah. Wazzle ‘n Ducken in housie.” She gave him a stern look that said ‘Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth’. Of course telling her why she was a bad person would involve explaining how he had eaten babbehs. That would give his mummah the wowstest of heart-saddies so he didn’t try.
Well, Diane was on her ‘best behavior’ anyways. The video equipment didn’t come out and they were both fed moderate amounts of food instead of the force feeding Duncan had been privy to for quite some time. Mother and son had a few days of quiet happiness to themselves. Diane even let them sleep in her bed one night, where they both cuddled up and cooed. Even Duncan, as if the kindness being shown was somehow erasing the horrors experienced in the house.
One day as they were exploring through the house, Razzle tried to enter the guest room where Lucy was kept. Duncan grabbed onto her tail and yanked her back.
“Nu, mummah! Dat am munstah pwace! It am bad pwace! Huu…” He barely even wanted to think about it. Definitely didn’t want his mummah to see.
“We espowin’, Ducken babbeh. Dis am nyu woom. Nu munstah.” It didn’t have a threat as far as she could tell but it sure didn’t smell very pretty. The whole house stank to high heaven but it was even worse in here. Still, they were roaming around having fun and she wanted to see all the stuff she could get into. Razzle trotted into the room and ogled the closet.
“Teehee…Wazzle am smawt mummah.” She got on her back hooves and fumbled her hooves at the latch handle on the door. Luckily (or unluckily, given what was inside) it wasn’t a knob so she could work it, albeit clumsily. The door swung open and revealed the final stage of Lucy.
All of the mare’s fur had fallen off. What was left was a pale blob of fat whose skin had gone so translucent that one could see the foreign dark shades of it’s organs. Even the bugs and rats had seemingly thought better of feeding on it now. A feedbag was strapped to it’s face so it wouldn’t be allowed to starve itself off. At that, it was difficult to even tell it was still alive. One would refuse to believe it if not for the fact that it continued shitting back against the pile it was immersed in. The thing which had once been a fluffy shifted pale bulbous eyes to the front of the door, quivered and shook. It could no longer see but the light hurt it. It’s entire body jiggled pitifully.
“MUNSTAH!” Razzle exclaimed. Unlike Duncan, however, she ran forward and began stamping on it in a frenzy. She definitely took ‘fight’ over ‘flight’, at least when the problem in question was an immobile freak of nature. Lucy’s body gave in to the slightest amount of pressure, skin rupturing and sending out a landslide of stinking insides to the floor as if she’d been made of a paper bag filled with organs.
“Huuu…” Duncan whimpered but his mummah was very proud of herself.
“Gib munstah fowebba sweepies! Dummeh munstah!” She trotted away and went to the living room to wait for Diane, obviously proud and wanting to tell her how she’d vanquished the monster in the closet.
Diane got home and the mare was right at her feet immediately.
“Mummah! Mummah! Wazzle gib munstah fowebba sweepies!” She giggled and pranced around in a circle, feeling like a big hero. Diane scowled. No. No way did this bitch really just give her #1 motivational tool a well deserved dirt nap. Storming off to the closet and getting a good look at the ruptured sack of flesh inside, she made a sound of frustration. Oh, fine. Things would have to move ahead of schedule.
Moving out of the guest room, she went to the garage and got herself a fair amount of rope. Going over to the still prancing Razzle, she gave the mare a swift kick and sent her screeching down to her side. Diane was down on the floor next to her, trussing and hogtying her legs up neatly before she got a chance to really struggle around. Razzle was left on her back, legs bound and helpless.
“HEEWWWWPPP! DUCKEN, HEWP MUMMAH!” She cried out. Diane got out the tarp all her Flufftube videos were filmed on and rolled the mare on top of it. The camera on it’s tripod came out too, a basic filming light was positioned and flipped on.
“Nu…” Duncan immediately knew what was going on. He might be a fluffy but even he could tell what was up.
“Start eating, Duncan. You don’t want to imagine what’ll happen if you don’t.” He could already imagine though. What had been in the closet and what he’d been threatened with ever since he got here. That he’d become like that.
“Dat…dat am mummah…she gib Ducken bes’ miwkies when babbeh. She wub Ducken.” The fluffy teared up and turned to run away. Diane let him. He ran off to his little pillow bed and curled up on it, hiding his face. She let him lay there for a good five minutes before going to collect him.
“You’ll be the next monster in the closet if you don’t get in there and eat your mother, Duncan.”
Duncan refused to believe it. Yet the munstah had existed. He didn’t have any good way of trying to explain how she did. Only had the human’s word that not eating when told had made her like that. Finally the fluffy got up from his pillow and went back out to the living room. No matter what he didn’t want to be like that.
“G-Gud babbeh, hewp mummah.” Razzle gave her babbeh a hopeful smile. Duncan stood over her, looking down. Diane was at the side.
“Don’t try and be cute by trying to give her forever sleepies before eating her. You can only use your mouth. And I want your eyes open the entire time.”
“Sowwy. Ducken am sowwy mummah.” He forced himself to keep his eyes down and bent down to seize his mouth against her side and yanked back to tear away a patch of fur. Out again to clamp down against the exposed area, rending back and tearing back.
Razzle screamed with all her might. “NU! BAD BABBEH! MUMMAH NU AM NUMMIES!” That didn’t stop him though. He chewed on the flesh and went back for another bite. This was going to be a long day.
He had chewed through to Razzle’s intestines but she still wasn’t dead yet. The mare had to sit there and bear as her own child slowly ate her alive. The pain was driving her mad.
“HAECHU BABBEH! WOWSTEST MUNSTAH BABBEH! WISH YOU HAB FOWEBBAH SWEEPIES, HUUHUUHUU!” Duncan tried to ignore it but it caused him to sob as he chewed on a loop of her tummy skettis.
“Pwease…babbeh…mummah am gud mummah…” Razzle tried to plead with her son. Anger hadn’t worked. This was the next thing she could try. “PWEASE STAHP! SU MANY HUWTIES!”
Ducan stopped eating for a moment, mouth absolutely smeared with blood and viscera. “Ducken hab tu mummah. Dun wan be munstah….”
Suddenly Diane walked in front of him. “Sponsor time! This touching family moment has been brought to you by RAID Shadow Legends! Join a bajillion other players and some of the toughest heroes in some of the most exhilarating gameplay I’ve ever experienced. Duncan, what do you think of RAID Shadow Legends?”
Duncan blinked. Ad time had been drilled into him over time. “Uhmm…Ducken wub Waid Shady Wegends. It am bestest.” He got on his hind legs and did a little dance, not fat enough yet to be unable to. The ripped open Razzle gave a screech of pain which was close enough to a ring of endorsement.
Razzle’s intestines had largely been dealt with and yet she was still alive. That wouldn’t last for long though. Eventually Duncan would get to her slowly throbbing heart.
“WAN DIE! WAN DIE!” Razzle screeched because God wasn’t kind enough to have let her die or pass out. Duncan’s teeth seized against her heart and gave a tug, a squeeze, a yank back until it was wrenched from her body. Diane had the cellphone cam ready to go and get right into his face as he sat there miserably with his mother’s heart crammed between his teeth. It was such a tough piece of meat that he had to chew over and over yet it just seemed to keep springing back against him. Thankfully enough, Razzle had quickly passed on to the next phase of her existence. Which was likely Hell because fluffies didn’t deserve much else.
“Second ad time! Duncan wouldn’t have had to eat his mother if he’d only been subscribed to Hellofresh, with their great selection of recipes and fresh foods sent directly to your door.”
The fluffy had finally managed to choke down the heart, staring up to the camera with watering eyes. “Huuhuu…wub yew Hewwofwesh…bestest nummehs….sowwy mummah…”
Diane flashed a peace sign to the camera. “Like and subscribe for more great content!”