Fluffy Pony: Coming Soon.... (TigerMcFluffy)

Just wanted to give a sketch teaser for a VERY funny and short comic for you guys, since I have thought of some interesting ideas to make some Fluffy Pony comics. I am currently writing the story for my first comic about Raven and Wolf, who are my Fluffy OCs, so that I won’t be thinking as I go, I apologize if I am taking too long! :sweat_smile:
So tell me, what do YOU guys think will happen next???


Same ol’ barely-a-fluffy mostly-a-pony anatomy as last we saw you. It’s like you never left.


D’aaaawh, Thanks a lot :blush:
I know that fluffies are usually round and puffy in MOST stories, but I’d thought to make them more pony like lol

No, no, you seem to misunderstand how it works.
You don’t get to call it a fluffy because you want it to be.
Fluffies have a specific way they look. And this is not it.

If you wanna draw ponies, Derpibooru is down the hall to the right.
If you wanna draw something that isn’t a pony but isn’t a fluffy, Deviantart is down the hall to the left.
If you wanna draw fluffies, now’s a good time to start

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Hmmm, sorry about that, I’m just kind of new to making comic about fluffies!

Well, instead of being snarky, taking criticism might be a good place to start. There was plenty of it on your last post, maybe read through those comments to get an idea of where to improve.

I’m sorry, I wasn’t being snarky, I’m just confused. I’ll take my time in doing so.

Eh, don’t take it personally. If I had a dollar for every time someone new joined, tried to do “their style” that didn’t look like a fluffy at all, refused to listen to criticism, cried because we were “mean” for not bending the definition of a fluffy to their convenience, and left in a huff, I’d qualify as a global superpower based on economy alone.

So it’s nothing personal, and I’m not saying you’re like that either. Just makes a lot of us… wary, I guess is the right word.

I see, thank you. Hmmm so what you’re saying is that If I were to draw a fluffy, I should draw them as how they SHOULD look, round and with MORE fluff, right??? Just trying to make sure.

Correct! Otherwise you end up with something that looks more pony than fluffy, and your art ends up being “overweight MLP abuse” instead of “fluffy abuse”. (Sometimes, they’re not even overweight! We’ve had multiple artists who just draw gore of seemingly regular ponies and say it’s a fluffy.)

Not all of us do have thick fur on our fluffies, so just having them be fat with stubby legs would work too, but for example in this panel you can’t tell they’re meant to be anything except ponies. Their bodies are lithe and they have comfortably long legs, I could mistake this for a comic about Pinkie Pie.

So basically, try out the norm before adding your own spin, just so you don’t make a square-shaped wheel!

All that said I am very curious as to what’s happening in this comic and looking forward to finding out! Your perspective’s cool and varied and your art style is super cool and I love the afro hair on the rejected foal.


These are mlp ponies. Fluffies are more….retarded. You know, fatter, rounder and more rarted looking. Looks more like this pic from the official mlp show. Hope this helps.


Try giving them pig faces and stubby legs, works every time haha

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I just hope the poopy baby dies and suffers horribly without any scatjustice happening.

Thank you guys for the tips and advice, I’ll do my best to match the style! Now tell me, what do you think will happen next? :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

Your art style is fine. It’s obvious these are fluffies, everyone wants to be a critic

“This is Evan1’s first post in this community”

Already trying to play expert?

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No, I’m just telling tiger that their art is perfectly fine the way it is. They put time and effort into their works and they look fantastic. Don’t be so judgemental about a rough draft

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Nobody’s disputing that their art is good. They’re a fantastic artist.

But these are not fluffies, AT ALL.

Here, read this: What is a Fluffy (Official Guide)