Fluffy rituals [by FluffyStalker]

Some times, a fluffy’s selfishness and greed can surpass those of a human, of course this leads them to be dumb and have an equally dumb death as a punishment for it, but some times a fluffy is willing to sacrifice what it deems precious to obtain what it wants.

These fluffies have come across [REDACTED]wich gives them forbidden knowledge, usually avoided even by humans, one of those pieces of forbidden knowledge are blood rituals.

These are preformed with chirpy foals, usually of the preformer fluffy, if they do not have foals of their own they relay on abducted babies, all of them wich are chirpy.

For what has been known these rituals consist of 4 chirpy foals in a seal, these foals are usually stomped or even [EXPUNGED]as a way of execution, this seal is to be made with the blood of the preformer fluffy’s hoof, with a chunk of mane and fluff of the preformer fluffy aside each sacrifice foal.

Seal found in an alleyway where a ritual was preformed.

It is unknown what happens once the ritual is successfully preformed because of sudden surveillance equipment failure, it causes an uncontrollable feel of dread to any other individual that isn’t the preformer.

Even with forbidden knowledge they are still fluffies who are easily tricked even by themselves, the result of a successfully preformed rituals ends invariably in the preformer being executed.

Most of the times these fluffies are crucified over the seal, no matter what kind of material composes it, their bodies are almost intact except where the fluffy sized nails are used for the crucifixion.


Love the SCP style tone in this writeup. For some reason I’m also getting Hellraiser vibes. Great work.


In the end the summon was complete… As Kim Kardashian appears… But halfway through the portal… Her large ass got stuck…


Only her forehead could be seen as rituals can only summon live tissues


Ooooof ouch! Love it!!!