Fluffy Species Combat Headcanons (Star-The-Alicorn)

Fluffies, despite their seemingly delicate bodies, can do considerable damage to each other in a fight. Like many animals, fluffies come with their own set of survival skills and competitive instincts.

Fluffies have the mixed instincts of horses, rabbits, cats, dogs, and a little bit of human. When aggressive, fluffies will generally: Pin their ears, bare their teeth, puff their cheeks, stamp their hooves, paw at the ground, growl, hiss, and raise the hackles they have on their shoulders and flanks.

Fluffies tend to use their hooves to beat each other, like a real horse would. They rear up on their hind legs and kick with their front ones as hard as they can. As fluffy hooves (in my world) aren’t exactly soft, it can cause some slight bruising on humans. If they’re that strong, they’re certainly able to do more significant damage to each other.

Earthies have rather dull teeth like normal horses, but they can still pack quite a bite. If you’ve ever been bitten by a horse, you can remember it hurts. Earthies have a stronger herd instinct than others because of a higher percentage of horse dna. Therefore, they have an urge to protect their herd from predators and stranger fluffies. This is why they’re often used as toughies as ferals.

In a fight, earthies will pin their ears back, whinny, hurl insults and rear up a few times in challenge. If the threat does not back down, the earthie will charge forward, rear up and strike the threat with their hooves and bite as hard as they can. They can also headbutt, but this does not work as well for them as it does for unicorns.

Unicorns act like horses as well, but when charging, their horns can pack a punch. Their horns are sharp and hard, and one stab in a bad place can kill an opponent fluffy. Unicorns have a strong neck and hard skull specifically for fighting purposes. When fighting, unicorns have an instinct to go for vulnerable areas like the eyes or the abdomen. Owners of unicorns should never let their fluffy near their face when it’s angry.

Pegasi fight using primarily their wings. If properly exercised, the wings will be firm and strong. They tend to hit each other with their wings, like a pigeon would in a fight. A pegasus hiss sounds less like a cat and more like a goose. They will also attempt to display heirarchy dominance over the other by pinning their opponent beneath their hooves.

Some alicorns, because of the slight intelligence boost they get from a larger horn that takes in oxygen, tend to sometimes use tools. Those fluffies would rather not risk damage to their person, so they use things like sharp sticks, stones, and poisonous plants. But if they have to, they do resort to using their teeth, hooves, horn and wings for a devastating attack.