I was told once that my automatic translated English and trying to build it is good for fluffy talk. I wish to try but need help beyond the basics.
I so far used the translator and the written terms I saw from others because it is hard for me to understand what is a fluffy saying and what it is.
Right now, I am in Hungarian to English to fluffy, or fluff to English to Hungarian. It is getting hard and I wish to know more than common phrases. How can this be done?
I want to use more fluffbeszél for the stray cat suggestion story I write.
I could also use some help on what I can do with fluffy behaviour, so far I got told the feral fluffy is selfish and lazy and scary and the worst, so I think they are like rats from a cartoon but how can I improve that?
I did read it. The issue is translation twice for every line. It is getting confusing? No idea what else to write?
Thank you still.
What else to know about fluffy?
That’s a bit of a broad question.
What do you want to know ?
Keep in mind that fluffies talk in baby\toddler talk and have a lisp.
To make them sound cute\endearing
They have a limited vocabulary and can only use a set amount of words because of their programming and limited intelligence.
When writing for a fluffy just keep things really really simple.
Fluffies also cant say I, they refer to themselves in the third person.
“fwuffy am hungwy” means “i the fluffy am hungry” ( or less facetious “I’m hungry.”"
Fluffspeak is hard to write just do what you think sound best and dont sweat the details.
If somebody complaints about it put it down to accent or regional differences.
Well i am Russian, and the only trick i know to combat the double translation is improving with English so much to the point where your translating speed is as fast as reading and writing speed
Basically, git gud
Yeah that there ^ is pretty much the best advice anybody can give you .
You have to get better at English to get better at fluffspeak.
And getting better at English doesn’t hurt.
Most of the internet speaks English.