Fluffy translator?

Ive heard that theres at least one out there, byt i have no idea where to find it D:

I have the urge to wrote my first fluffy story, and im not that great at translating it myself just yet


Yeah i use it sometimes now i need to find that bookmark lol

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Also you can just look up “Fluffy Pony Translator” on Google.


I suggest getting good at translating it yourself. The translators are not that great


I second this, if only because everyone has their own headcanon on just how articulate fluffies should be. Do they use pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘me’? Or do they exclusively refer to themselves in the third-person, IE: ‘Wetawd a gud fwuffy!’ ?

Furthermore, are they capable of more complex vocabulary? Do they know how to count? Can they understand similes and metaphors, or concepts like irony and sarcasm? We aren’t making high art here but these are still important questions that we need to be checking with ourselves as we’re writing.

So yeah, I’d also advise just ‘git gud’ at it, fluffy-speak drives me up the wall personally but I don’t trust translators to get it across the way I want it to be, so I end up just writing it myself.

I litteraly just gave a guide answering that question

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I’m saying it still falls to personal interpretation on these matters. Hell I saw someone once write a story where a fluffy said ‘you know what I’m saying?’ to it’s owner, it damn near broke me because I don’t personally see fluffies as being anywhere near that articulate.
But… I’m not the writer of that story, it’s their call at the end of the day, hence why it’s so important to just write it yourself instead of using translators.

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There is also this one: Fluffy talk translator! (Eded_ted)

But that one isn’t that committed in following Fey’s primer