Flying Suspencion Part 2 (By Caldo)







What’s with all these foals always landing on their necks from great hights, huh?

Part 1

Part 3


Very cool how that weggie was torn off


Why was the foal so fragile? :laughing:


I hope karma comes for the stallion for being a coward


Leave him to starve


Ooh yes, throw derped mummah and babbeh up with him and let them starve.

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they have plot convenient levels of fragility/resinstance


Way to go smarty, now your a fucking coward that couldn’t protect your mate and ended up killing your own kid , bravo :clap:

All of this for being stubborn as a rock bout thinking you can fly.

Welp guess he won’t be seeing his mate anymore either.


in all fairness, most species of vertebrate are pretty fragile when it comes to major neck impacts.


itd be way funnier if the foal had a family guy death pose

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with how stubby fluffies’s limbs are, i’d leave that task to other artists, haha

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As proof of this, I was once doing some research for mortality rates for falling from heights; apparently for people falling off buildings, there is a 50% chance of surviving a fall of 3 storeys, if they fell legs first. Head first, this 50% survivable distance is reduced to 1 storey.

However, for accidental falls from height in the home (scaffolding, stepladders, etc), this head-first distance is a mere 6 feet - I guess there’s less time for people to brace themselves, or the majority of people who end up in such falls, aren’t the more survivable fit young adult types.

@Caldo Ah, the inherent selfishness and cowardice of a smarty. I do hope the little bastard gets fucked up.


When it comes to young humans it’s almost a coin flip as to if they’ll bounce or die from a small bump.

I was tossed over a car, hit the road head first as a kid, got up and walked away with nothing more than bruises and a hairline fracture. At the same time you hear about a child slipping and falling a much smaller distances and outright dying because of the angle they got hit at.

Human biology is wild like that.


Hope I can deliver a satisfying ending

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Seems like this guy just had a bad day. How nice of him to take the time and teach his fluffies about flight :slight_smile: