Welp, that’s all there is to it, now that little shit will think over what he has done with his lovely mare, I bet they’ll have such an enlighting conversation.
I hope this ending was satisfying.
Welp, that’s all there is to it, now that little shit will think over what he has done with his lovely mare, I bet they’ll have such an enlighting conversation.
I hope this ending was satisfying.
That last panel is really good, love the way they’re mooshed there, well done
100% of fluffy ownership cases end in abandonment or death so I don’t know what the guy thought would happen.
I hate self proclaimed smarties so this is a satisfying end.
The only way you could have made it better would have been a fast forward to the smarty drenched in the necrotic liquids of it’s long dead and decomposing mate and spawn muttering wan die, wan die.
To his limited credit, he isn’t fighting back against his ex special friend’s words. I was expecting some sorry hoofies.
Oh you didn’t mean it yet you DID shoved your kid out of your own frustration that you realized you can’t fucking fly.
Man he gonna wait till she kicks the bucket but that “hatchu” will forever haunts him until he finally croak.
Guess whoever suggested the guy to buy a fluffy is out of his friends list now
Nice ending , let him think of his own failure of listening to his owner for the remaining of his life hanging around.
Damn this guy really went above and beyond to dispose of his unwanted pets
Thanks! Sometimes death is just too merciful for a smarty, I do like to put fluffies in a situations where death is the better alternative, but due to their own helplessness not even that are able to do.
What I wanted to portrait with this guy is him having a bad day, which made him explode towards his fluffies, cause that mess by his pegasus was enough to tip him over the edge.
Which it’s not a big deal, cause I do have the headcanon of Fluffies being biotoys so they are not animals, and thus, killing them not being a big deal.
Plus now that he doesn’t own fluffies anymore, he can either buy new ones if he does miss the company of them, or just sell all his fluffy stuff on a garage sell for an extra buck.
Yup and now has a little bit of a show on his yard, seeing that little shit regret his choises in life.
Expect any bad smarty to have a stupid and irritating ego no matter how an owner tell him the reality.
Funny thing if the owner will met that “friend” told him to buy one who was also an irritating s.o.b. and he just punch him straight in the face.
I still love your classic Hidden Stylist and Gud Feew Nu Mowe story.
I do have something cooking from those two, although it’s gonna be something of a hugbox comic… I guess? it’s kinda focused a bit more on Yair than Pearl tho.
Ohh thats cool, will wait once you posted it
This is lovely. Violence against fluffies is always better when they behave like little shits. Excellent art too.
Did the mare go into a hatechu state? If so then damn you might’ve just created a new way mind-break a fluffy.
The only thing I want is an extra final panel, a few days later, with the three shit rats dead and rotten… Or one of them alive, close to die and full horrified after to leave with two corpses for days
As much as I love seeing a Smarty get his comeuppance, part of me also wants to teach this one’s owner a lesson. Is that wrong?
Well I do like the headcanon of fluffies’s brains being something like an AI chat, and it can eventually fall into a loop with enough stress, the idea of fluffy ponies being biotoys and a clear difference between actual naturally formed living geings, is a side of these stories I like to take.
All that to say, that fluffy just hit that feedback loop and will stay like that till she kick the bucket.
@Pollo_Loco Maybe I’ll do that aftermath later, that pony will most likely die of dehydration, being in a plastic box will heat up fairly quick, not enough to burn but just enough to dry that bitch up.
@SmartyHater4000 That’s good too, I do like to make my humans as complete assholes that are prone to violence, sometimes incompetent idiots or edgy smartasses, a good convination to go with fluffies when you wanna abuse them. Yeah, you’re not supposed to root these people on, just enjoy the pain they give to fluffies.