FOAL-N-CAN brand procedure document [by fwaffynuteww]


Instwuctions uncweaw, wumps stuck in toastah.


School, college, work, even at a global megacorp, THOSE posters that are Popular Science level crap. The kind of info that promote dunning-kruger disease, so many people now go “Oh, I totally understand the whole thing now and can do it myself”. When the truly sinister aspect is they are just reminders for the employees who know the whole procedure, all the nasty issues and problems, the many minor techniques to do it correct and quickly, and find the general populace annoying when they refer to these images.
That is the kind of image I made here. I’m my own cause of getting flackbacks to jobs I’ve worked at…


i can only imagine stucking the tubes in the wrong places lol burst urethra and shit overflowing


woasted wumps <3 tasty wumps


Now for sure this would cost 100’s


Protip: Chinese labor for mass-production (can literally at pennies per unit), and FCL (Full Container Load) cargo container shipping. Have a friend who bought an entire shipping container of “walkera brand” drones, which he could sell at $150/ea for a profit. But his “business partner” stole everything while he spent a month hospitalized for a heart attack.
But, imagine dropping Benjamins into a vending machine for a biotoy of unknown color and quality.


This seems like it could be a DIY hobby product in the fluffy universe. Costs way more than a mass-produced foal-in-a-can, but lets you have the fun of making your own foal can with a foal of your own choice.


That’s a lot


and you get the option of putting it in a tiny can


I also think people who’d buy things like this on foals older than intended, because at that point they could have actually picked their favorites. Meaning there could be foals that talk and have their eyes open getting shoved into tiny cans for the novelty amusement of their owners.


Really not seeing signs that anyone here is from manufacturing.
Consider something like a Hotwheels toy. Cast metal, injection molded plastics, painting, tampo, assembly, vacuum forming and printed&cut paperboard, all that design, physical effort, and material to produce a complete shelf-ready product that sells for $1, (those $5, $8 and more expensive Hotwheels toys cost the same to make as the $1). Then add international shipping from the Indonesian factory to worldwide ports, onto trucks, distribution centers to stores, and the toy still hangs on a peg at $1.
Take a consideration of all the products in “dollar stores”.
That $2.50 2-liter of Pepsi costs the same amount (or a tiny bit more) to make as the $.80cent store brand cola.
When the NEWS tells us that a company’s PROFITS are in the million$ or billion$, that is Net Profit. After they paid taxes, power, water, gas, insurance, employees, materials, services, shipping and a long list of other costs, Net Profit is how much they “overcharged” customers (above and beyond all business costs) for the products compared to how much they cheated their workers and suppliers. A business needs profits to continue operation, but many products we buy are pricegouging rather high.


I imagine all the molded and stamped parts for a foal-in-a-can would cost about $.03cents for each set total to a wholesaler (minimum lots of 5000units or something). Gallon bottles of faux-miwkies probably $.50-$2.00.
Unweened foals straight from a fluffy mill, hairless probably valuing at $.05cents each or less, older color-confirmed foals maybe $.10cents, $20cents? Ones with choice colors and features removed from the foal-in-a-can production line, to be sold at higher prices.
Plugging and installing foals into cans, an automated assembly line with 1 hands-on worker likely 10 foals canned a minute (watch videos of Chinese factories in action). 5000 canned foals a day from one production line, cost of labor-per-canned-foal about $.05cents-per-unit.
Add manufacturer markups, distributer markups, shipping, store markups, the cost to get truckloads to vending machines would be less than $1.00 per can. Vending price $1.25 to $5.00, and that’s how business is done.
A home-kit with unassembled can parts, small bag of powdered milk, funnel, one-use .01oz tube of lube (optional for catheter insertion), miniature tampon-applicator-style waste plug (anything else?), vacuum formed plastic insert to hold all these in place, in a full-color printed box with window. Tag it on the shelf for $5 to $12? Buy a foal $.50 to $10 from whatever quality and assortment the shop has available.


Wow that’s a lot of math


You haven’t seen stress calculations for wing spars.



Oh lord


Cool, but why an absorbent pad if there’s a catheter? in the OG design it was to absorb the urine


Standardized parts. Basic Foal-in-can (FIC) has just the pad, with or without waste plugs depending on packaging facility. Premium FIC has catheters for a cleaner product with longer shelf life, the pad is then solely for comfort. All products made from this supplier’s parts use the same transparent cylinder with pre-installed bonded padding.


Why have an absorbent pad if the foal is cathetarized?

Also, lube can let the catheters slip out.