Foals busters & Bozdo. (by: artist-kun)

31541 - artist_artist-kun bozdo fluffy_logo_week foals goblin logo mare safe


Aha! So there is more than one goblin!

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what makes you think it’s not actually one?


Because I’m not blind, and I can count?

There’s two. And one of 'em is taller. So I doubt they’re the same goblin.

Maybe he can reproduce asexually? He’s got green skin and pointy ears, maybe he’s just an ugly Namekian, exiled to Earth. For being ugly.

Face it, he’s not gonna win any beauty contests.

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the number of goblins are two, but still, what makes you think it’s not one?


Because there’s two. We’re just going to keep going around in circles, so I’m going to change the subject. There’s something that’s been on my mind.

In my headcanon, there is a flesh golem made of fluffy corpses.

I bring this up for a reason:

If the flesh golem made of fluffies ran into the goblin that likes eating fluffies, what would happen?

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how do i know? it’s not my character


Take a guess. Feel free to speculate. I think it would be entertaining, because that flesh golem is currently the size of a house.

Or ask AK what he thinks would happen, you’re in touch with him, right? He’s the one who told you that there’s only one goblin, you said so.

By the way, that little green slippery bugger made his way into my headcanon. He didn’t stay long. Cal kicked him out.

“What do the foal busters do?”
“Mostly stomp on foals to the Ghostbusters theme song.”
“That sounds like fun.”
“It’s almost criminal that they get paid for it.”


Picks up fluffies and puts them in a garbage can

“Busting fluffies is easy!”

there is no sketti. there is only zuul

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Gerblin folk help cleaning up after fluffies? I want a comic about this.

I went ahead and did my own take on the idea.

The goblin took one look at the flesh golem and NOPE’D out of there.

Sometimes, a big dinerrr is a too big dinerrr.

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Goblin eats the flesh golem and looks like old tom and jerry when jerry ate an entire christmas turkey or something

lame, but understandable if you have a normal mundane goblin on your hands

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Did I mention that the golem is the size of a house? I’m pretty sure I did. And that it gets stronger, the bigger it gets?

At its starting size, it was capable of beating angels unconscious.

Angels can’t actually die.

But the golem tried.

Honestly, you can’t blame the goblin for running away. Plenty of dinerrr in the goblin’s home universe, and the dinerrr there can’t fight back. The goblin made the right call, if you ask me.

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he didn’t even try to make him start a chase to the north pole where he would freeze and be preserved for future consumption? yeah, not a savvy goblin, is a hungry goblin

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Believe me, that wouldn’t have stopped the golem. And it’s not smart enough to fall for a trick like that. It doesn’t have any intelligence at all.

What the golem does have is a set of clearly defined instructions that it will stop at nothing to carry out, and one of those instructions is to kill anyone who gets in its way.

It can’t be reasoned with, it can’t be intimidated, it can’t be tricked.

Because it just doesn’t have the brains for any of that. It’s a weapon, not a person. The goblin would have better luck trying to stop a bullet train with his face. Or trying to trick a volcano into not erupting.

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  1. find a lot of bullets
  2. install some turrets on your truck
  3. start shooting at it
  4. when it sees your shooting truck as something that gets in its way, start moving away from it
  5. when you reach the ocean, switch to your boat with turrets and repeat the process
    is it stupid? yes. will it work? probably not. but can it? yes. worth a shot at least