Frederick's Filthy Fluffy Farm: Day 4 - Part 2 [END] [By BFM101]

Friday: 13:17pm

Lewis Carter, recently fired employee of Frederick’s Family Fluffy Farm, was led down the hallways towards Bay 1, the office of Frederick Peterson, founder and CEO of the company since its inception 5 years prior.

And Lewis had just killed two of his Fluffies.

Leading the way, Gareth Michaels, Lewis’ sort-of supervisor who had been trying to kick Lewis out the door all week, you can’t fire someone for turning into a Hugboxer, but you can torment them into leaving.

Legally it was in a grey area, not that Lewis expected anyone to listen to him anyway.

Michaels stopped outside Peterson’s door and pressed on the intercom. “Gareth Michaels, here to take Lewis Carter to see Mr Peterson.”

A female voice on the other end replied. “One moment please.”

As they waited, Michaels turned to Lewis. “I can’t wait to see how Peterson reams you before you’re kicked out of this place.

“I can’t wait to get kicked out so I punch you in the face without having to worry about getting fired.”

Before Michaels could retaliate, the door buzzed open and the two men entered. The first thing Lewis noticed about Peterson’s office, was that it was clean. Smooth grey walls with a clean white line running along the middle, plants that weren’t dead and the smell of freshness permeated throughout. Peterson was in his own little world away from the dinginess of the rest of The Farm.

A pretty young receptionist walked up to the two of them. “Right this way gentleman.”

Lewis and Michaels followed her to Peterson’s office, it wasn’t a far walk but Lewis guessed it was for the look of professionalism that he was escorted there. Inside Frederick Peterson sat at his desk, looking surprisingly relaxed while drinking a coffee, he smiled and stood up, Lewis had seen him before at company outings but never this close before, he was younger than Lewis expected, still older than him by a fair few years but probably barely into his 50s, his strong jaw-line held his huge smile in place and in general his whole body language seemed genuinely friendly.

If anything that was the most unnerving part about him.

“Hey there.” Peterson chuckled as he took Lewis’ hand. “You must be Carter, nice to finally put a face to a name.”

“Likewise sir.” Lewis knew he was in the shit but he maintained civility, at least until he was pushed not to.

“And… Marcus was it?”

“Michaels sir, Gareth Michaels, I’m the supervisor for this chapter of the company.”

“Sure you are.”

Peterson returned to his desk and sat down, he motioned for Lewis to take a seat but Lewis, still holding onto what professionalism he had, chose to stay standing.

Peterson took a sip from his coffee. “Now then, my guys upstairs tell me that you just killed two of my Fluffies, and that you’ve been an issue for us all this week. My question to you, is why? What’s happening with you Carter, no offence but I’d never heard your name until this week and now it’s all anyone’s talking about.”

“No offence taken sir, I’m aware of how businesses work. As for why I killed the Fluffies, well to be honest sir, I’ve had a change of heart about this place and I’ve started to see it for the abuse pit it has become.”

“Abuse pit huh, interesting choice of words. Care to explain yourself.”

“Do I have permission to speak freely sir?”

“By all means.”

Lewis thought back over the last week, trying to find the point where his mind on Fluffies changed. “Mr Peterson, do you know why they call this place ‘Frederick’s Filthy Fluffy Farm’?”

“Ha, you must be mistaken there son, this is Frederick’s FAMI…”

“I know what it says on the side of the building Mr Peterson, I’m talking about how people refer to us both inside and outside. They call this place filthy because, to be frank, it is, we treat the Fluffies inside here with such disdain and hostility that I’m honestly surprised we can get enough good foals to actually make a profit. We butcher babied in front of their mothers to teach them a lesson then when the stress or their own fucked-up programming causes them to lash out, we dope the males to the gills until they can’t recognise their own mothers and rip the legs, the tongues and the eyes out of the females and send them to be fucked to death then afterwards we send the stallions in to fuck them again, and that’s just Bay 4. We punish children’s toys for acting like animals then punish them again when they become animals, we hire an outside specialist for the sole purpose of torturing Fluffies for no reason than because we want to hurt them, we have such little care for this creatures that we’re not even checking our own records anymore, I watched a Nurse-Mare claim a colt as her own son before it was killed in front of her, only for Michaels here to tell me it WAS her son despite there being three levels of checks to ensure Nurse-Mares never interact with their own young.

Peterson looked questioningly at Michaels, Lewis suddenly got the feeling that this was all brand new information to him. Michaels, being the spineless twerp he was, said nothing.

Lewis continued. “Earlier in the week I had an incident report with Fluffy 07-34, you can look up the full details on the system but long story sort, he was a feral that was brought in with his mate 09-12 and wanted to see her and their foals, she was pregnant when she came in. Per our guidelines 09-12 was given a forced miscarriage which resulted her being sent to Bay 4 as punishment. 07-34 found his way there as well, I’m still not sure how but I have to imagine there was a miscalculation with his hormone supplements. Today, by chance or something far more sinister, the Bay 4 computer matched 07-34 and 09-12 as a good breeding pair, and it just hit me that we put them both through all that stress and heartbreak for no reason, we could’ve evaluated them when they came in and gotten the same results with better chances of repeat business, but instead we destroyed those two because out business mandate said we had to, so I killed 07-34 and 09-12 to save them from the pain we forced them into, and if you ask me I’d do it again to any other Fluffy in the same predicament because it’s better than living on this Farm anymore.

Peterson face had turned serious, taking in everything that Lewis had said, he sat back in his chair and took another sip of his coffee.

“Michaels? Why am I just now hearing about this?”

Michaels face dropped as he was put into the firing line. “Excuse me sir?”

“I said why I just now hearing about this from Mr Carter here, you’re the supervisor for this chapter, you should’ve informed us about this decline in quality.”

“But, but Mr Peterson, we’ve been stretched tight on the budget, more and more Fluffies are coming in but we can’t feed them all…”

“Oh so it’s my fault for being a cheapskate is it?”

“NO! No, no, no, sir, that’s not what I meant at all. What I’m saying is that we have so many Fluffies onsite that… well I figured it be worth turning a blind-eye to some of the workers… proclivities to ensure that they received ample stress-relief while still maintaining a profitable margin.”

“So you’re saying you’re aware of these problems and have done nothing about them?”

Michaels turned very white and very quiet as he slunk away into the background, Peterson turned back to Lewis.

“So, since you seem to have a strong opinion on this matter Mr Carter, what do you suppose we do?”

“Downsize, drastically. Cut down the Bays by half at least, and completely revamp the ones we have left, make them safer, more personalised, treat the Fluffies like actual pets.”

Michaels jumped back to life. “That’ll cost millions sir, we can’t just ‘revamp’ the ENTIRE farm.”

Lewis nodded. “It will be expensive, but only for the short-term, right now the way we’re handling things, the return of investment will pop sooner rather than later, we keep losing foals to stress or killing them or even just selling enough traumatised and untrained Fluffies and eventually our brand name will sink lower than it already has. The Fluffy crisis has been over for a few years now, if people want one as a pet they don’t need brand names anymore, we’re selling low quality product for high quality prices when we should be the opposite. Focus on a few breeding pairs to start with, make sure they’re well-behaved and well-trained, have them raise their young while we install safe, friendly teaching into their developing brains. The Fluffies reputation as a bratty shitting machine is well-earned but if we start offering better colours and patterns AND Fluffies that are trained on politeness and litter-box use, then people will pay good money for that quality. Our return on investment will pay for itself in just a few foals and since we’ll keep the breeding pairs, we can save money on Bio-Waste and housing since we won’t need half a million Fluffies all wondering why we’re hurting them.”

The look on Peterson’s face was neutral but leaning towards interested, Lewis took that as a good sign. “And what would we do with the Fluffies we have now? We can’t just release them all into the wild, we’d go bankrupt from the legal costs alone.”

“This doesn’t have to happen overnight sir, we can start by not taking in any more Fluffies, then with the ones we have, remove any smarties, any bitch-mothers or any Alicorn abusers and with the ones we have left, see which we can pair off to make the best colours. It’ll take some time but I think it could work, your legacy could be the best quality Fluffies in the country, not some shitty Farm nobody wants anything to do with.”

“You make a sound argument Carter, I feel like a dumbass for not paying attention to this site for so long if things are THAT bad. Christ do we really have a torture guy come in here to hurt Fluffies?”

“We do sir, and you do not want to see his pay-cheque.”

“Oh I think I do now.”

The glare that Peterson gave Michaels nearly made him shit his pants.

“But this is a risky venture, re-jigging our entire structure from the ground up based on a whim is suicide as far as stocks go. But I’m gonna make you a deal Carter, I’m not gonna fire you, in fact I’m gonna give you a promotion to take Michael’s job.”



Both Lewis and Michaels were shocked to hear Peterson say that, Michaels most of all.

“Michaels, you’re clearly pissing away money and you don’t give a shit out the brand-name, MY name. Carter here has killed two Fluffies BECAUSE he cares about the name and he’s given me solutions when you can’t even give me answers. So yes, if he wants it, he can have your job but he has to do a test, take 10, 12 Fluffies, I’ll let you pick which ones you want, and trial run this Hugbox idea of yours, if by the end of the year you’ve shown that this can work and work well, we’ll start revamping the whole farm to your idea.”

“And if I don’t deliver?”

“Then you won’t be fired, but you’ll be forced to quit on the spot and go without severance pay AND sign an agreement where you can’t work in the Fluffy industry for a period of up to three years.”

Lewis paused for thought, he was already half-way out the door from either being fired or quitting, but now he had options. Likely long, annoying and painful options, but options none the less.

He leaned in to whisper to Peterson, making sure that Michaels could still hear him though. “Is Michaels still fired regardless of what I pick?”

Peterson chuckled. “Yeah, he’s out no matter what.”

“Then I think I know what to do.”

“You took the job?”

Jackson damn near shouted when Lewis told him the news, he also expected to never see his friend in the building again and was already preparing his going-away party when Lewis came upstairs to tell him the news.

“Yes, I figured I get to stay here with my friends and I can start actually making a difference. I’ve not gone full Hugbox but I think it makes more financial sense than whatever the fuck we were doing beforehand.”

Jackson’s mouth was still agape, taking in this new information that Lewis had just spring on him, Lewis pitied him and gave him some levity.

“I also wanted to fuck over Michaels as best I can.”

Jackson was brought back to earth and laughed, Michaels being fired would’ve been worth losing Lewis alone had he chose to leave. “Look Lou, are you sure about this, you’ve got a lot riding on this.”

“I do, but I’d feel like shit if I didn’t try it, besides Peterson offered me two weeks’ vacation to sort my head out beforehand, so I got time to figure this shit, already got a few ideas.”

“Such as?”

“Bigger pens, more foal-friendly toys, fire Mongola first chance I get.”

The pair laughed again, neither of them still believing the situation they were in.

“Well look Lou, if you need any help with anything, I’ll be here, just give a shout and I’ll see what I can do.”

“Glad to hear it Jackson, still on for football tonight?”

“Damn straight, me and Sarah will bring the food, you make sure there’s enough beer. See you around Lou.”

“You too Jackson.”

The two friend gave a final handshake as Jackson returned to his work and Lewis went home for the start of a well-deserved holiday, he didn’t know if this plan of his would work, but he knew he needed to try it, even if only to sooth his own soul from all the Fluffies he’d killed.

Besides, there were too many abusers in this fragile world, what harm could a little love bring?

That is the end for this current arc of Frederick’s Filthy Fluffy Farm, I know this might be a bit of an easier ending than some people were expecting but this series seemed to be turning more towards the Hugbox side of things – at least in theory - and I wanted to see where I could go with that.

There’s a good chance Lewis could return, I think he could make a good foil for Josef someday, but for now I’m giving him his rest until he’s needed again to bring some hard-fought decency to this fucked-up world we live in.


damn josef is out a mill job, oh well theres hundreds of mills

but good on lewis to work on it i suppose? i wouldve just cut bay 4


Wait… What? This was not the swerve I was expecting AT ALL. Absentee owner taking in the checks and blindly listening to his managers? It’s so… Plausible.

I would’ve been happy with less. Wow. Thank you.


Also: wasn’t expecting to see this today. Egad, did you have it at the ready? Were the two together too big so you split them up? Are you part machine?


A combination of drive and not having to write Fluff-speak made this an easier chapter to knock out. At least that’s what I’ll tell everyone.



If anyone is a machine here it’s @NobodyAtAll. I gave up trying to keep up with their output.


And ending i would agree added Lewis breakdown of the condition of the mill itself was very good telling the owner himself what’s going on.

Now we even see Michael never actual report these situation, typical! If your into your company you should be reporting everything

Now its too late karma catches up to him.

Its a rule in business he forgot he got a boss he now pissed him off. :joy:


Great ending. And a believable one, as I’ve gone through similar situations within companies, where middle management either out of laziness or whatnot didn’t relay problems to the brass. Also good that not every person in the story is a bloody sociopath like the “” “” “” doctor"“” “” “” "


Yeah love how Frederick reaction that he never been told, that’s the scariest on lying or never tellin your boss bout the problem in real world scenario thats a heart attack to the boss and owner of the company and the damn paycheck he is shellin out without knowing.


I would agree bout your idea having Lewis as oppose to Josef, maybe more mature for Lewis facing Josef twisted mind. I leave that to you on future story :blush::+1:


That would be good.

For a real challenge (as in I’d have NO idea how to do it)? Make the two dependent on each other for some goal. Neither gets what they want/need unless the other gets what they want/need too.

I like Lewis, don’t get me wrong. But I’d put up with his torment to see Josef suffer as well.


What so impressive bout Lewis is this last part, I was expecting him ranting bout as a hugboxers but when he start breaking down the whole shebangs of the mill, like damn! He tells every damn thing that messed up the mills suppose motto and its target.

The recovery and damage control is bit real he say its not instant but a slow recovery. As any business have to dealt with.

To think Michael should KNOW bout this in the first place. And a meer employee sees the big picture.


Yeah, I think he’s more neutral when you get down to it. The thing is the new model would be beneficial for the fluffies AND the humans. The farm ground them down too. Pretty much everything it touched was worse for it.


Ha, that’s fair. If you want me to take a break from writing so you can catch up, just say the word.


If you’re putting that much out because its gotta come out, that’s totally not fair to you. Or the other folks reading your stuff. Don’t worry about it. I just marvel at your output O_O


Look, I was already trying to slow down a bit so people can get all caught up, so if I gotta grind to a halt entirely until everyone’s done so, I’m okay with that. It’ll give me a chance to think about new ideas for stories, especially new fluffy related stories, because CatC has a stronger focus on humans/humanoids. I haven’t got a whole lot of other stuff to do, which is partially why I’ve been writing so much, but I could, I dunno, go play some video games while you’re reading.

I’m trying to meet people halfway, here.


That was an great ending and surprisingly realistic. I’m glad my first impression of Michaels as the slimey middle manager who let his position got to his head was correct, and I’m happy to see him fall.


Calling it now, Micheals tells Josef that lewis screwed him out of a job and about the experiment. Josef tries to fuck with him through that girl he’s boiking. Gets shit in the eyes by the fluffies and gets an eyepatch after losing an eye.


Depends how @BFM101 wants to handle it.

Could simply have Josef sneak in, cause havoc, and sneak out, or give Marcus the tools and time to kill Lewis.
With the same ease Sweetheart’s owners could find her, sue him, and make such a public spectacle of it that he’s not going to be able to just disappear into more mill work. Or Lewis could just hire someone to Tonya Harding his hands and leave him with no income for the rest of his life.

Its the rivalry angle that would be hard. Unless one made a hobby out of destroying the life of the other, realistically they would never meet again. At least without some drastically new element like a Fluffy plague, new mutated breeds, Crimson escaping and winding up at the mill, and so on.

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Not the ending I was expecting, but I’m okay with it.

The company terminating the guy’s a-hole supervisor does help them move away from what was looking to be a healthy payday for Lewis from the lawsuit he could file.

The boss seems like an okay guy for a mill owner.