Fuckffies Side Stories 13 by Ponepone

Tyrant stepped out of his delivery truck with proud swagger. Freshly graduated from the Florida Biophallus Labs. His ass burned with the final stress test of his body. He stepped up to the small farmhouse. He was bulkier than most of his kind and his mane was cut short. He had two saddle bags filled with his paperwork and coupons.

His OD green fur billowed in the wind, the pleasant scent of plants tickled his nose. His dark green, almost tail swished in nervous excitement. He had been trained to be extremely disciplined and live for orders. His owner never talked to him while he was being trained or even when he had emails sent to him. He thought of all the scenarios where some big scary human would command him to-. He shook his head and attempted to regain his focus.

“Sah! Tywant wepowts as owdewed!” He shouted and stood like a statue.

The door swung open to the farmhouse. A grizzled tanned man with blue eyes stared down at Tyrant. Tyrant locked eyes with this man and felt a flutter in his heart. This man felt special to the fuckffie and he carried himself as such.

“What kind of grunt eyeballs a superior? Stand straight and look forward, this is an inspection!” The man commanded.

Tyrant stood straight, kept his eyes forward and kept his head level. The man walked around him in slowly circles. He clicked his boots once he stood in front of the fuckffie.

“You might look the part of useful but I am not impressed till you show some work.” The man said.


“Can’t even say ‘sir’. No matter. At ease and follow along.” The man walked with a perfect military step.

Tyrant followed he hummed a little tune to keep his cadence in step with the much larger human. It wasn’t long before he was in the back of the house and standing before a series of blue tent-like structures. It took him a moment to realize they were all large greenhouses. He stepped into a large weed farm.

“I grow medicinal Mary Jane. Can’t stand the stuff myself but business is business.” He waves a hand over the buildings. “Do you notice a problem?”

Tyrant scanned the area, it only took him a second to notice the small chew marks at the bottom of the building. Then he noticed the haphazard shit piles but didn’t smell any signs of a dog.

“Fwuffies eating da garden, Sah!”

“Oh look, it has eyes. Good Job, Cock-Holster. Now this is your mission, this is the only thing I care about.”


“I want you to terrorize these fluffies. You don’t have to kill them all, infact I don’t care if you don’t kill any of them. I need them to be terrified of this land.”


“Private Tyrant. I want you to unleash every horror and war crime you can think of on these fluffies. Rape ‘em, kill ‘em, burn ‘em, eat ‘em. They are the enemy and I am your Commander issuing you the only command you’ll need.”

Tyrant ears turned toward his human. The big man cut a figure of absolute authority, the very nature of this commanding human made Tyrant hard as a rock and worked well with all of his training.

“Remove the enemy.” The man said. “Return by night fall.”

The man did a perfect about face and began to walk back toward his home. Tyrant realized that he was dismissed without so much as a pet on the head or any gesture of affection. He walked away and began to sniff at the signs of fluffies around the tents. It wasn’t just a few fluffies, the patches of unnatural color fur told him of a very large group of fluffies.

Tyrant followed the trail until he came to a fluffy corpse. A pregnant yellow mare, she didn’t have any external injuries but the chewed up mushrooms around her told the story of her death.

“Dis am smawty ‘wan.”

“No dis am Bwuebewwy wan!”

Tyrant heard the words and approached a clearing filled with berry bushes. The strong scent of weed tickled his nose. Seventeen fluffies stood around two fluffies that were arguing. Tyrant sat between the two who quickly paused their conversation to gawk at the giant creature.

“Pwease continue. Tywant am vewy cuwious.” The pair stared at him before going back to their argument.

The small pink female fluffy spoke first, “Spawk hewd aweady here fo’ wong time!”

The fat purple male shouted, “Nu cawe, Bwuebewwy hewd big an’ need nummies!”

“Wai Bwuebewwy wisten tu dummeh mare? Bwuebewwy hab big hewd, gib worstest-huwties tu aww o’ Spawk hewd.” Tyrant said.

The pink mare looked horrified, “Nu dat am no nice.”

Tyrant looked down at the mare with smile, “Den gib fowevah-sweepies tu Bwuebewwy.”

“Nu can du dat, Bwuebewwy am fat!”

Blueberry expression became shocked.

“Dat so mean. Bwuebewwy, dat sound wike Spawk wanna be enfie-mawe.” Tyrant said.

Spark looked horrified at the very concept. Fear overtook her and she attacked first, her small teeth ripping at Blueberries cheek. Tyrant smiled as the gathering exploded into violence. Tyrant watched as Bluebewwy and his herd fought the surprisingly violent Spawk herd members.

It only took a minute but only Spark, two toughies, and Blueberry remained. Tyrant watched passively as they violated the mare. Bwuebewwy limped away from the wounded and raped mare. His toughies flanked him as they discussed what to do about the rest of the herd.

Soon it was only Tyrant and Spark. “Wan Tywant to teww hewd ‘bout dis?”

Spark wheezed and nodded, at some point during the violation she had a nasty bite on her throat. She could feel her battered organs with every breath, the only taste in her mouth was shit and semen. She knew that her herd would need to be warned.

Tyrant nodded, “Dun wowwy. Tywant gib fowevah-sweepies to Bwuebewwy hewd and Spawk hewd.”

He pressed his hoof on her head and brought his weight down. The wet crunch sent shudders down his spine. He has been conditioned to take pleasure in following orders. His first kill left him excited both physically and mentally. He slowly tracked the scent of Spark’s herd. He found a small thicket filled with nine fluffies, most of them females with two large males that immediately approached him as he appeared.

“Hewwo fwuffy.” The first male approached.

“Dis am Spawk Hewd?” Tyrant asked.

The black furred male nodded, “Dis am Spawk hewd.”

“Tywant am fwom hoomin wan’. Hab impowtant thing to teww. Aww fwuffies. Dis aww o’ Spawk hewd?”

The black furred fluffy nodded, “Nu hab babbehs yet, Spawk say dat cowd comin’.”

Tyrant nodded, “Gud.”

Tyrant stepped over to the gathered females, even as the males followed him. He stamped the face of the first female he encountered. He flicked the same blood hoof into the chin of the next female. The herd began to scatter and he smiled as he grabbed the other mare, a red-furred bastard, by his face and shook hard enough to kill the little fluffy.

The large black fluffy stood in stunned horror, Tyrant loomed over him. He looked up into the eyes of his herd’s enemy. He was a toughie, he was named Night as a protector in the dark times. He should do something, anything! He pissed and voided himself without moving a muscle. Tyrant let out a sigh of disappointment.

“Dun wanna eat fwuffy, can’t buwnie fwuffy, and need fwuffy to tell odda fwuffies about bad place.”


“What am name!?” Tyrant barked.

Night shuddered and blinked his unfocused eyes at Tyrant, “N-n-night.”

Tyrant nodded, “Night. Tywant ‘bout to du somethin’ dat is gonna suck.”

One hour later….

Blueberry paced his territory, an abandoned pickup truck that was mostly grown over by vines and rust in equal measure. Thirty-fluffies lived under his leadership and mostly things worked decently outside the occasional coyote attack. His mind was more concerned with the herd he just pissed off, they would come looking for him.

“Bwuebewwy! Come wook!!”

A mare appeared from between the rocks that blocked the entrance to the underside of the truck. Blueberry recognized her as one of his food-finders, she didn’t look damaged. He followed her from the truck into the tall grass, it didn’t take him long before he smelled blood. He has seen the jet black earthie before, one of Spark’s toughies.

“Bwuebewwy…” The Stallion wheeze.

Semen clung to the male’s fur, his breath was rank even for a fluffy. His prolapse anus nearly touched the ground like a macabre tail, the male eye were red and wet with tear stains. He resembled something out of a horror tale rather than a fluffy.

“Dis am Tywant hoomin’s wan’. Weave o’ hab worstest huwties.” Night spoke and curled into a ball. He simply sobbed as the gathered fluffies looked down at him.

Tyrant approached without acknowledging the fluffies. He sniffed and picked up on far more fluffies than his encounter with the previous herd. He looked at the fluffies and the fluffies stared at him. He cleared his throat and puffed up his chest, he would try something different.

“Tywant wan aww o’ da fwuffy gone!” He roared in his best military voice.

“Wai?” Bwuebewwy asked.

They didn’t fear him. Tyrant needed to fix that. He charged Blueberry and grabbed the smaller male by the nape of his neck. The other fluffies screamed, some ran away, while others watched in awe. Blueberry let out a squeal of surprise, Tyrant bit into his neck hard enough to draw blood but not kill him. Blueberry trashed against the giant, his soft limbs digging into the grass.

“Nu am mawe!” Blueberry squeal as he felt something prodding at his backdoor.

“SCREEEEEEE!” The sound was ripped through the field.

Night stopped his sobbing and looked at Blueberry, the fear in the smarty was uncanny. Night had seen fluffies die from many things but this was his first time seeing one tortured. The herd was escaping in every direction, not a single one of the herd even stopped to so much as bite Tyrant in defiance. Night’s own violation was fresh in his mind and on his body, but he didn’t remember so much blood coming from him.

“MMmmmpf.” Tyrant reached his peak and stood up. Blood clung to his underside as he stepped over the dying fluffy.

Tyrant watched the fluffies disturbing the grass as they fled, it was already getting close to sunset. He huffed in annoyance before turning his attention to Night.

“Wai stay?” Tyrant asked.

“Nu wan’ bad enfie no mo.” Night said. “Scawed.”

“Gwoss fwuffy. Nu wan’ stinky poopie-pwace, dat am owdews.” Tyrant rolled his eyes. “Go. Teww aww fwuffies ‘bout Tywant.”

“‘Kay.” Night said but still didn’t move.
Tyrant huffed and stood up, he strolled back toward his new home. The farmhouse still looked as imposing as before but now he checked each greenhouse. He reached the last greenhouse and noticed a shape slowly tearing the ends of the plants.

“Stop! Nu do Daaaaaaaa….” His words died in his throat.

Stepping closer to him, Tyrant stood face to face with another fuckffie. One almost a head taller and much more muscular. Golden fur gave this fuckffie the appearance of a mythical being with braided mane and tail. Tyrant noticed that the fuckffie had a small satchel that he was stuffing more plants into. The stallion wore a thin collar that had his name on it.


Champ smiled in a way that made Tyrant’s blood run cold. He could smell that this fuckffie was bred for violence beyond what he was capable of. If he was a jeep then this fuckffie was a tank.

“Oh. Hewwo new fwiend.”

“Weave. Dis am n-”

Champ chuckled, “Nu fun. Wiww weave.”

He grabbed the bag in his teeth but Tyrant placed a hoof on the bag. “Nu.”

Champ’s smile vanished, “Need dis fo’ Hoomin-stawwion. Hab bad pain.”

“Tywant hab owdews.”


Champ’s hooves connected with Tyrant’s skull like twin hammers. Tyrant stumbled back and swung his rump out to kick the stallion, Champ stepped into the movement preventing Tyrant from kicking out. Champ raised his foreleg hard and crushed Tyrant’s sack. Tyrant crumpled in agony, his eyes welling with tears.

“Sowwy.” Champ repeated before running away with the bag.

It was ten minutes before Tyrant limped his way to the front door. His owner let him in and stood there with crossed arms.


Tyrant told him everything including his defeat. The man gave him a hard glare and moved to the refrigerator. He dropped a bag of frozen peas on the floor with a towel on top.

“Rest your nuts on that. I have to make a phone call.”

Tyrant did as he was told, he couldn’t help but feel the sting of shame. He got beat up on his first day and he looked like a fool. He laid on the bag and closed his eyes. A door knock was heard a few moments later.

“Alright. I’m here.”

Tyrant watched as a rail thin man stepped in followed by Champ. Tyrant stuff but kept his eyes locked on the massive fuckffie. He slowly let out a growl that would have sounded more at home on a canine than a chimera.

“Eric. This is my brand new fluffy killer.”

The sickly looking man looked down at Tyrant. He winced at the swollen nuts and turned to Champ.

“Did you have to kick him in the nuts?” Eric sighed.

“Sowwy.” Champ said, looking genuinely remorseful.

“I just got him and he is already down for a while, those things are swollen.”

“Wai meanie muscwe take fwom Commandew!?” Tyrant shouted.

“That’s my fault. I can’t legally sell to Eric but if a few clippings go missing because of wildlife then he can get it.”

Champ looked just as surprised, “Wai teww Champ dat owd hoomin-stawwion shoot at Champ if seen?”

Eric shrugged, “I found it funny.”

Champ moved toward Tyrant, “Dummeh Ewic make dis bad. Nu wan huwt Gween enfie-stawwion.”

“Take Champ on loan till your guy gets back on his feet. Maybe they could be friends. What’s his name?”

“His name is Tyrant.”

“What are you, twelve? Sounds like a kid named him.”

“It sounds like something fluffies would be scared of.”

“A fluffy doesn’t have the mind to know what a tyrant is. Might as well just named him sowwie-box.”

“Tywant wike name.”

“Champ wike name tu.”

“Tywant no fo’gib Champ fo’ dis.”

The old man sighed, “Shut up Tyrant. Forgive him.”

“Tywant fo’gib Champ fo’ huwting so bad and making enfie-hoomin wowwy.”

Eric chuckled, “I like the sass on him.”

“Meh. He came back with swollen nuts and blood on him. Good enough for now.”

Tyrant smiled at the half-ass compliment.


Weed? Sodomy? Violence? Fuckffies?

Yup, it’s another PonePone banger.


Nice job, Tyrant


Tyrant and Champ are roommates, now?

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Ah hell yeah happy birthday to me indeed. New Pone content


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Ya’know there has been a lot of stoners in my stories lately lol.


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