PonePone Writing Master Post

Ponepones Story Archive

30% more degeneracy than the next fluffy writer

Hello. It seems that you might wanna read some more raunchy stories along with you preferred box. I am nothing if not willing to write some fun degen stories. Plot with porn.

My main series and what I am known for writing. XXL fuckffies. Follow the story of Star, a fresh out of the gate fuckffie is put on a ship and allowed to roam. Sinister plots and rampant fluffy infestations abound in XXL Fuckffies. Abuse/Sadbox/Herds/Subspeices/Sexualizing Fluffies/HumanxFluffy
Bitey By Federalalchemical1728

Part one
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve (current)

Now I am a writing that loves doing side stories in a universe. The XXL fuckffies Side stories are simple snap shots of events in the greater XXL world and can be read in any order. They run all the theme from hugbox to sad box to weird box. Check Tags please.

Part one : 4 Shorts
Part Two: Farm Fun (Abusebox)
Part Three: Hole (Sadbox)
Part Four: 2 shorts
Part Five: Skull’s Story (Abusebox/Sadbox)
Part Six: A streamer visits a Biophallus Lab (Hugbox/Industrial Sadbox)
Part Seven : Valentines Day! (Hugbox)
Part Eight: Sisterhood (Hugbox)
Part Nine: Service Chimera
Part Ten: Pizza Face (Abusebox Za Cameo)
Part Eleven: Camelot
Part Twelve: Baba Yaga (Abusebox)

A Regal Garden
A two part short following a poopie alicorn.

Part 1
Part 2

The Eviscerator
A short that might blossom into a full series depending on feedback about a heroic XXL fuckffie.



BioWorks : AfterDark Episode 34 by PonePone (Hugbox)

Holiday Stuff

Pride Month Short story 2024

Also any writing requests can be left here.


What in the hell is that image.

I mean it’s good you made a master post, those always help a lot, but what the hell is that image. Is THAT what the fuckffies look like?! I guess it’d work for the tentacle crowd…


That is Bitey. Drawn by the wonderful @FederalChemical1728 A villain in the main series. He is NOT a fuckffie or a fluffy but a Mai Chingu (Korean Knock off.)


I want a Mai Chingu now.


I kinda want this bitey tattooed on me it’s so hecking good.


Bitey! Fuckin love that character