Glimmer Chapter Whatever: Bongwater the Midwife (ambitiousleather8309)

Featuring Lindsay from @UndercoverPallasCat and @FluffyChimera’s Bad Mummah Ch. 1 (FluffyChimera) Stories

Bongwater ‘s best friend in the whole world, (besides Daddeh, obviously) was a red unicorn stallion named “Demon.” Demon was a fluffy pony with a job, just like Bongwater! Well, different of course. Demon’s job was to patrol the compound, meaning he lived outside in his own nestie under the stairs and made sure nobody came in or got out of Daddeh’s Labbo-tree without Daddeh’s permission.

Demon was a very special fluffy, just like Bongwater! Well, but different, of course. Demon was a Can-Ball fluffy. His favorite thing to eat is tummy sketties. That’s why he lived outside. Anything Demon could catch, he could eat. When Daddeh would clean out the lab, she would let the normally caged mares and their foals roam outside, eat grassies and flowers, but if they strayed too far, Demon had permission to eat them. No fluffy pony that belonged to Daddeh would ever try to run away.

Demon may have been Bongwater’s best friend, but Bongwater was not Demon’s best friend. Demon hated the dummeh no-lumps stallion and his dummeh smile and his dummeh happy face. Demon also hated the dummeh mares and their dummeh babies, even though it was his job to protect them and keep them safe, even though many of those foals were his offspring. Demon also hated Daddeh, who would make him give bad special hugs to the dummeh little mares.

Their squealing and crying made it really hard to have good feels, but Demon would be sorry-sticked within an inch of his life if he didn’t give the dummeh mares tummy babies. Yes, babies were the best thing ever, but the mares were all so frightened of Demon and the way he always smelled like blood.

Daddeh wasn’t a nice daddeh, per se, or necessarily a monster Daddeh, but Demon had clean wawa to drink, kibble when there was nothing to hunt, a nice clean nest under the stairs just for him, away from the sun and away from the vroomy monster area. Demon’s situation could definitely be worse. But the bestest best part of his new life:

Demon had a special friend and little babies he had with her were the bestest babies. Many of them were born forever sleepies, but some survived and looked like an ordinary fluffy pony, like Demon. His special friend was named Sir-boos and each of the four glowing eyes spread across her three faces was prettier than the last. She lived in the back of the laboratory, in a big dark sorry box. This wasn’t a punishment though, Sir-boos was a good fluffy and a very good mummah, but the bright lights hurt her see places.

The dummeh little mares were fragile and boring and nothing more than meat to Demon, nothing compared to the beauty of Sir-boos. Demon’s special friend grumbled and purred with delight when she could smell Demon nearby her dark boxie. Sir-boos didn’t speak, but sometimes love transcends language. Demon looked forward to the special days Daddeh would turn out all the bright lights and let Sir-boos out of her dark boxie. Demon could play with his babies before they went to their new families and also see his special friend and give her all the hugs.

Sometimes Demon had sleepy-pictures remembering how good it felt as Sir-boos’s tentacles pulled him closer during special hugs, how strong her back was to lean against, the density of the muscles where his hooves touched her sides… waking up from sleepy pictures like that made his lumps hurt so bad.

Lump hurties would have to wait, there was the more important task at hand: the bright, unrelenting sky-ball was up and blazing down on the derelict concrete warehouse complex, angry seagulls screaming from the docks beyond, and there was the stink of unfamiliar fluffies on the air.

Demon was on the hunt. His perimeter patrol along the fences turned up nothing at first but the familiar scent of the dummeh no-lumps Bongwater, and the piles of shiny garbage he would stash along his routes to and from the warehouse. Demon kicked a pile of silvery mylar out of the way and watched as the light ocean breeze scattered the scraps of foil like flower petals.

Fluffies are stupid in ways that can’t even be adequately explained. Just puffing his cheeks at the ferals and raising his voice was enough to scatter the small herd of dirty ponies. The strong scent of blood on him, the click of the metal hoof-caps against the concrete, and the aura of hatred that surrounded Demon was so palpable even some of the less than clever humans were intimidated by him.

The thickly muscled unicorn looked more like a bright red bulldog than a fluffy. Not many living things came around the abandoned warehouses except rats and fluffies. But every day on Demon’s patrol, he really hoped to catch a stupid fat mare with squishy tummeh babbehs. Rats were nice, not very meaty or tasty, but the warmth of their fur in his mouth and the little squeaks they made as his sharp teeth sank in scratched some strange itch in his think-place, and was the only real peace Demon had ever known.

Demon had just settled down into his nest of old flannels and was about to take a midday nap when the dummeh no-lumps poked his head out the doggy-door.

“Dee-man! Deeeeeemannnnn! Sir-Boos Nee hewpsies! Hewp! Deeeeee….”

“Shu’ up, Dummeh Bongwattow, Wat wong?”

Daddeh hadn’t come down from her apartment above the lab yet, and even though Demon wasn’t allowed inside the lab without Daddeh, he could sense the urgency, and rules didn’t matter when his special friend needed help. Enf the rules. Enf Daddeh. Sir-Boos was worth 5 bajillion sorry sticks. Demon squeezed his hulking form through the tiny flap door and navigated the dimly lit concrete steps up to the kennel area.

He could hear the pain in the wordless whimpers of Cerberus through her darkened crate, and Demon began frantically banging his metal capped hooves against the plywood, slamming his horn into the crate hard enough to crack splinters loose and set his ears ringing.

“Deeman! Nu huwties sewf, Wet Bongwatto open!”

Bongwater awkwardly climbed the nearby supply boxes and clumsily worked the latches on the top of the crate until his teeth bled, finally able to grip the pin tight enough to pull it free from the latch.

Demon watched in awe. Maybe Bongwater wasn’t such a dummeh after all.

Demon wiggled the snugly fit door loose enough to let in a single shaft of light. Cerberus let out a hiss of pain as she covered her see places as best she could.

“Sowwy Spechu Fwen, Deeman twy hewp yuu…”

The mare was a swirl of inky blackness, tentacles whipping around her pregnant belly trying to reach at her backside. She was in labor. Too soon! Demon thought to himself. laying beside her were two stillborn foals, malformed and underdeveloped. Lots of Cerberus’s litters were like this, born forever sleeping. The monstrous mare was straining to push a particularly large foal, dripping blood and shit all down her back legs and all over her bedding.

“Demon dun knyo watto du…”

“Bongwatto dun knu bout babbehs… but Mummah Cowny wood!”

Bongwater leapt from the top of the monster’s crate and ran with an agility that surprised Demon. Bongwater winced as he wrapped his tender and bloody mouth around the latch that held the cage of an older, piss yellow mare with two chirpies at her teats. This was Bongwater’s own mother, Corny. She had birthed and raised more foals than she could count in her years caged in the laboratory.

“Yis, Babbeh Bongwatto, Cowny heaw, Cowny hewp munstah mummah and munsta babbehs!”

Corny set her young down in the corner of her cage and followed Bongwater all the way to the back of the lab where Cerberus’s crate lay in the shadows. Demon was gently covering his special friend’s eyes with a piece crate liner and giving her gentle lickie-kisses on her cheek. Cerberus normally hated interacting with the ordinary fluffy ponies, but she was in too much pain to notice Corny and Bongwater.

Corny let out a soft “huu su saddies” looking at the stillborn foals, and assessed Cerberus’s backside. Corny had plenty of stuck foals in her life, and had helped other mares with stuck foals as well. It was for this very reason that Daddeh usually crated soon mummahs with a helper fluffy, as fluffy pony births were sometimes very fast. The trouble was Cerberus had a habit of killing anything that was placed in her crate.

Corny could see the foal was stuck by the shoulder at a strange angle. its head dangled limp and unnaturally still. The old yellow mare gently pushed the foal back into the birth canal with her flexible pony mouth, and Cerberus let out an unholy shriek as Corny rotated the foal as gently as she could with her muzzle.

“Otay biggest poopies out nao! Yu can du it, munsta!”

The swirl of Cerberus’s tentacles fell limp as she began to cry and her whimpers became weaker.

“Dee-man, du sumfin!” Corny urged with an uncharacteristic anger and stern-ness to her sweet voice.

Demon took his special friend’s three faces between his hooves and looked her straight in her two forward facing eyes, “Be stwon, Sir-boos. Fo da babbehs, fo Deeman. Pweese.”

Cerberus’s weak panting ceased as she took an enormous inhale of breath and pushed with all her might, letting out a deep, gutteral battle cry as the large dark pink foal hit the crate liner with a ‘plop!’

The inky black monster’s breath heaved unevenly as three more malformed, stillborn foals slipped out of her special place and into the bloody mess between her back legs.

“huu huu… aww da babbehs gu skettiland. Daddeh gun be su maddies …” Bongwater fussed and made anxious tippie taps on his hooves.

Corny sniffed at the bloody mess with a puzzled expression. To the other ponies’ surprise, she began licking at the shit and blood pile. Bongwater looked on in a normal level of horror, but Demon was angry, thinking Corny was stealing the afterbirth, when it was Cerberus’s to eat.

suddenly the small wet mound of gore Corny was rooting around in let out a raggedy peep. Corny extracted the premature and deformed pink foal and frantically gave it lickie cleans, picking it up gently in her mouth and placing it at one of Cerberus’s three teats. The foal had a strange mass along its spine, pulsing and wriggling. The foal was too weak from the trauma of such a rough birth to nurse.

“sickies saddies babbeh nee widdle miwkies. Yu push wike dis. One dwop atta time.”

Corny pushed roughly on Cerberus’s teat until a single drop splashed down on the exhausted foal’s face, gratefully licking at the sustenance.

“Nao Dee-man du dat, shu Munsta mummah.”

Demon obediently pressed on his special friend’s teat until a drop of milk fell.

“Den gib wickie cweanies.”

Demon followed instructions. The foal left a streak of dark, tarry black meconium on his tongue and he shook his head and gagged.

“Yu nebbah git used to da poopies.” Corny sighed, having coached countless dams on how to care for foals.

Cerberus regained some of her strength after eating her own dead foals and the afterbirth, laying contentedly with her last baby.

Bongwater nuzzled his mother affectionately and licked the blood from her muzzle, the two walking shoulder to shoulder back to her crate. “Bongwatto su smawties git hewp fo munsta. Bongwatto fluffy He-woh.”

Bongwater chuckled at his mother’s praise, “Mummah su bwave for hwep Sir-Boos. Sir boos scawwy, even fo bwave fwuffy wike Bongwatto.”

A long shadow caught Bongwater’s eye and he looked upwards to the stairs.

“Well, well, well …. what have we here?”

Corny and Bongwater scurried back to the kennels and the gelding flipped the latch back down on his mother’s cage door before hiding under his hooves in terror. They had broken about a gazillion rules and they all knew it. Daddeh had given forever sleepies for less.

Demon stood defiantly at the open crate of his beloved. Even though his normally vicious and cruel golden eyes were glossed with fearful tears, his ears pinned back anticipating the sorry stick, the proud stallion puffed his cheeks and chest as he took a defensive posture.

“Sir-boos dun du nuffin wong. Pummish Deeman, nu spechu fwen.”

The silent, emotionless Daddeh’s arms were crossed, not a single emotion on her face, but regardless the ponies in their kennels were pissing themselves in fear. Daddeh took deliberate strides towards the dark crate. Demon scrunched his eyes shut to not cry and not flinch when he was struck … but Daddeh instead knelt down and reached into the crate.

Cerberus let out a quiet, plaintive yowl as Daddeh took her last baby in her hands.

Then Daddeh did the unthinkable.

Daddeh smiled.

“Good job.”

Daddeh took some pictures with her phone and placed the foal gently back with Cerberus, before walking back up the stairs.

Maggie had, of course, seen everything going on, and decided not to punish any of the ponies involved. Maggie had phone calls to make.

Several months pass, and the monster foal has grown strong and weaned from Cerberus’s milk, and ready to go to her new owner.

The second most infamous character in the fluffy pony world, a name rendered practically a curse-word at Hasbio Board of directors meetings, a madman on par with Maggie in brilliance and savagery, was cutting into a cantaloupe with an unnecessarily heavy butcher knife in her immaculate kitchen.

Lindsay had always been a “work smarter, not harder” kind of sensible creature and always had the perfect tool for any task.

Maggie owed the fluffy fashion designer, seamstress, surgeon a great deal during their friendship. Today was a day to give a little something back. Despite her vast knowledge of fluffy pony genetics and how to manipulate nanotech, Maggie was admittedly shit at surgeries. Splicing DNA? no problem for Maggie. Tongue-tied chirpie unable to latch properly? Maggie killed so many test subjects before giving up on anatomical problems entirely and just bringing them to the beautifully appointed home that hid the lair of an evil mastermind.

The two scientific geniuses shared pleasant chitchat over fruit salad and fresh pressed juice, because of course an anatomist like Lindsay would know the value of a high fiber diet.

“Okie Dokie! We’re rested and hydrated and now we can have a proper look at my new babyyyyy!!!” The congenial blonde practically bounced with excitement as she gently cradled the cardboard carrier and escorted Maggie to an exam room in the bowels of the sprawling home.

From down the hall, Emperor, the enormous golden pegasus sniffed the air with a perplexed expression at the gate to his safe room. Not much phased the well trained stallion after the things he had seen, things he endured, things he did, but this smell… whatever was in that box… that was weird.

Like a kid at Christmas, Lindsay opened the cardboard with awe and reverence, her grass green eyes growing wide as a smile even wider spread across her face.

“Oh GOODNESS GRACIOUS MAGGIE SHES BEAUTIFUL! I thought you could only get these in Korea!”

The Mal Chingu foal was dark pink, almost puce, like dried blood, with a shock of pink curly mane and a beautiful silvery horn. The filly’s enormous eyes were completely black and glossy, beady like a rodent, the multiple tentacles that sprouted from her back, where wings should have been, were tipped in the same bright pink as her mane. The filly smiled, baring her nubby but sharp little teeth in a smile, with contented purr rumbling from deep in her little chest as she waved her hooves for huggies.

In her excitement, of course Lindsay obliged, giving the foal a little too tight a hug, causing a wet belch that resulted in milky, bloody vomit running down the front of Lindsays shirt.

“oh! god! Im so sorry, Lindsay! I should have said she ate before we left! She eats bloody ground meat mixed with formula now…” Maggie gagged a little at the rotten meat and milk smell coming from her friend.

“Oh hush, Maggie! She’s only a little baby! A little spit up never hurt anyone. I can change clothes in a minute…”

The monster filly curled a curious tentacle around a loose tendril of lindsay’s blonde hair and gave it a playful tug.

“Oh shit, Lindsay! Uhh….” Maggie pointed to where the fabric was starting to sizzle under the stain left by the baby’s indigestion.

Gently setting the fluffy pony down on the exam table, Lindsay quickly whipped off the shirt she was wearing into the steel sink, watching with fascination as her blouse bubbled and melted.

“Well thats pretty neat. how long has she vomited such a strong acid?”

Lindsay stood smiling in her bra as she quickly wiped the acidic spittle off her face and arms, before turning back to the table and give the filly more scritches, wiping the foulness from the monster pony’s face as well, tossing the sizzling cleaning cloth into the sink.

Maggie’s eyes were glued to the floor as her face burned crimson, “That’s … uh … thats new. not seen that before. wow. holy shit. Im gonna… go now… thanks for lunch. sorry about your shirt. bye! “

Lindsay shrugged off her strange, awkward friend’s abrupt departure and playfully wiggled her fingers at the mini-eldritch horror on her table. Maggie never named her subjects, or if she did it was incredibly mean names. That wouldn’t do at all, not in Lindsay’s house. “What should I name you, sweet baby?”

~end…. for now….


This is so sickeningly cute! What an adorable little horror! She’ll fit in perfectly with Lindsay’s herd! :sparkling_heart:


Oh my God I lover her so much. She will fit right on in!!

And she’s naturally occuring :heart::heart::heart::heart:

Thank you so much! This was a delight to read. Demon is such a sweet daddeh. I have a feeling that Bongwater is going to end up as a friend after this!



I think Lulu would be a beautiful name!


I really really loved this!!


Lulu is cute!! We still haven’t come up with a name.

Nothing just… fits.


Huh. Well, Nari is a Korean Girl’s name that means “lily”. Maybe if we branch out for a non-English name, we’ll find a nice fit!

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Its the brainstorming.

So far the joke names seem to be the best, but it doesn’t feel right


GAAAAY! :grin: I see you, girl, gettin’ all awkward after your cute, weird friend has to take her shirt off! I ship it.

Lessee… I’m not very good at Korean names, but if her Mom is Cerebrus… there’s Scylla, Charybdis, all kinds of Greek monsters to pull from.