Bongwater the Plug, a Glimmer Prologue (ambitiousleather8309)

Headcanon Backstory/Scraps of a comic (AmbitiousLeather8309)

More story for an idea I’m working on.

Bongwater was not the kind of fluffy to hoot his own corn, but, everyone told him what a good boy he was. He was a fluffy with a job! Every day he put on his special purple hoodie and special yellow bandana and walked his special, secret passage to the street. And Daddeh’s friends would meet him to play a game! Daddeh’s friends didn’t have good see-places, so it was important that Bongwater wore bright colors, so the friends could see him!

The game was, Daddeh’s friends would give Bongwater a lunchbag full of green paper, and the little diarrhea green stallion would run as fast as he could to Daddeh. Sometimes bad munsta hoomins would try to grab Bongwater, but he was just too fast for them! Bongwater always won this game. He even took different secret hidey entrances so the bad munsta hoomins couldn’t guess where he would be coming or going from.

Daddeh and Bongwater built fun tunnels for the fluffy stallion to run through to get to Daddeh’s housie, hidden deep in an abandoned industrial area. Places where the corrugated metal and concrete has worn through by the rain. too small for a human to notice, but just big enough for a fluffy.

Daddeh would count the green paper and count out the right number of tiny glass vials full of sparkly wawa for the fluffy pony to take back to the friend waiting on the street. Daddeh’s friends would be so happy to see Bongwater, sometimes they gave him presents like toys or treats. Bongwater’s favorite present was a plastic gold medallion in the shape of a dollar sign. Daddeh laughed so hard she spilt her coffee the first time she saw it.

Daddeh is a human lady, by the way. She’s really really smart. She would be the smarty of the whole human herd, in Bongwater’s humble opinion. She likes smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee and working on her laptop.

After the day’s games were done, after the ‘ding’ of the messages on the laptop had stopped, Daddeh would make the bestest sketties just for Bongwater, and Daddeh would give the fluffy’s fluff a really thorough brushing before bedtime.

Cozy on the couch together, full tummy, clean, exhausted from running, Bongwater fell asleep in Daddeh’s arms. Sometimes Daddeh would sneak away before Bongwater was fully asleep, and the drowsy stallion could see Daddeh opening the door to the garage. The air wafted with the strong scent of mares the moment she opened the heavy metal door. Lots of mares. The scent tickled some recessive part of Bongwater’s brain, but as a gelding he didn’t comprehend, and Daddeh had told him not to worry about the garage, so Bongwater never did. He didn’t even worry when he heard the distinctive screams of fluffy ponies, because Daddeh told him not to worry.

Bongwater had great big ears for listening, and he was the goodest boy who always listened to Daddeh.

Daddeh would be gone most of the night, either in the basement or in her vroomvroom monster, and in the morning she would be back, with more vials of sparkle wawa for her friends, and sometimes a donut for Bongwater’s breakfast.

In the early morning light, Daddeh’s cornflower blue see-places seemed to get sparklier and prettier every day. Daddeh’s eyes were starting to look like her friends who Bongwater played games with every day. Bongwater had asked about the sparkly eyes before, and Daddeh had said a bunch of words Bongwater didn’t understand. Plat-num all-loys. Bongwater didn’t know how you could num a plat, or who Al or Loy was, so he never bothered to ask again.

Bongwater was the goodest boy. and he loved his Daddeh.


:sob: I love him so much. I hope he’ll be okay once his Daddeh can’t facilitate his games anymore…


Bongwater just providing a good life for his Daddeh.


the rare and reclusive participation of teh girlfriend: BEHOLD! FAN ART!


He needs a strung-out mare to really complete the image


I love you, Bongwater :pensive::pray:


aww work hard for that money buddy


Love the chain link fence.


thanks, its from a photo, lol.

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It sets a mood and establishes spatial relationships.


oh gosh, i hope bongwater ends up being ok when his owner passes… i wana just give them a hug