The fluffy climbed up a few stone steps to the human who was sitting down and staring into his phone. The fluffy waved a limb to get the humans attention.
“Hewwo Mistah.”
Trevor looked down at the fluffy who climbed on his porch. He started to reach down to toss the invader from his yard when the fluffy cleared his throat. It had the most serious face it could muster on its solid blue frame. Trevor had never seen a fluffy that has blue eyes, blue fur, and a blue mane of the same color.
“Fwuffy wan’ tu show nice Mistah dis.” The fluffy climbed down the steps and walked away.
Trevor shrugged and followed the soon to be stomped fluffy. The fluffy lead him to an abandoned house just across the remote cul-de-sac that Trevor called home.
The fluffy pointed a pseudo hoof to the door. “Dat.”
Trevor noticed that the door was ajar slightly. He let his eyes travel along the bottom of the frame, matted shit covered fur caught his attention. He could hear the sound of fluffies fucking. The high pitched ‘enf’ caught his attention. He opened the door and stepped inside.
His first step landed in a dry shit, the crunch didn’t even stop the fluffies from fucking. The living room was coated in a layer of shit. He counted ten fluffies, two females and eight males. The two females were not happy and openly cried at their violation. Trevor sighed and closed the door.
The fluffies noticed him but didn’t even pause their fucking. Trevor kicked the first female in the face hard enough to send her into the wall. Her bulk carried her rapist with her and killed them both. Trevor stomped the others quickly, his shoes coated in blood when he opened the door. The strange blue fluffy waited for him.
“Aww gone?”
“Gud. Dank yew, nice mistah.” The fluffy simply walked away.
‘Did they just use me like a hitman?’ Trevor thought.
He thought nothing of it and went about his day. He let his mind wander as he worked at his parking garage. The event was a big fluffy fancier event, he didn’t care for the pompous rich folks and their overly expensive fluffies.
He watched as a few feral fluffies dragged another under a car. The whole thing happened across the street from his booth. He watched as the group beat the little one. They didn’t stop until the abused one was barely alive. They then proceeded to shit on him.
The day finished uneventfully. He made it to his front porch to find the same blue fluffy. The fluffy looked at him and waved. Trevor debated kicking him till he noticed that the fluffy had three dollars under his hoof.
“Hewwo nice Mistah. Dis am monies?” The fluffy asked.
“Yes. Why do you have that?”
“Fwuffy du wowk fo’ monies. Can fwuffy gib monies fo’ hewp?” The blue fluffy asked.
Now Trevor couldn’t help but smile, he had heard about smarties but had never seen one in person. He leaned down and decided to humor the strange fluffy. He took the three dollars and slipped it in his pocket. He would humor the little guy until he got bored.
“Alright. What do you want help with. I’ll help you till it’s dark.” Trevor said.
“Weawwy?” The fluffy said and a smile appeared on his face.
“Yep anything you want.”
“Fwuffy wan go to bad hewd pwace.” He pointed a hoof to the abandoned house.
Trevor scooped him up and went to the abandoned house for the second time. The smell was still as rank as before and the bodies were already dragged away by some animal. The fluffy pointed to the basement door.
“Dat pwace.”
Trevor opened the door and climbed down the stairs. When he made it to the bottom he noticed that there was a white mare with two unicorn males. The mare was heavily pregnant and the males looked pretty well groomed for ferals. The trio looked like they recognized him.
“Enfie toy wun away and git Daddeh?” The mare smiled.
The smaller male approached Trevor, “Be nyu daddeh? Dat fwuffy am bad.”
Trevor shrugged, “Sorry he paid me so I work for him.” He nearly giggled from the silliness.
Those words emboldened the blue fluffy. He pointed to the mare and let out a very unfluffy growl.
“Gib worstest-huwties! No wike meanie-mawe!” Trevor placed the blue fluffy on a fallen dresser out the reach of the other two.
He grabbed the pregnant mare by her rear legs with one hand. His other hand grabbed her nipple, a quick twist sent the mare screaming.
“Pwease nu huwt! Need miwkie pwace fo’ babbeh.” She pleaded.
Trevor shrugged, “Beg him. I work for that guy. I’ll stop if he asks me too.”
Trevor placed her down as the males tried to bite and kick at him. They didn’t even do enough to give him a firm massage. He tore off one teat and dug his fingers into the wound. She screamed and stared at him in naked fear. Trevor drank that in, this made hurting fluffies so much fun for others.
The bigger male turned to the blue male. He approached the overturned dresser. “Pwease hab Munstah Daddeh stop.”
“Wubba nu stop when gib Digga poopie-pwace worstest-huwties.” Digger said calmly.
Trevor paused and laughed, “You got butt fucked by the big guy?”
Digger nodded, “Bad fwuffy hurt Digga an’ Digga nu du nuffin but wive in nestie!”
“Wubba am sowwy!” The fluffy screamed out.
A cruel idea spread from Trevor’s mind. “Rubber. You hurt the little boss. I’ll let you go if you give him ‘bad enfies.’”
Trevor thumped the smaller unicorn hard enough on the head to break his horn. The male crumpled with a pained groan. The unicorn shook his head trying to clear his mind from the pain, he didn’t even have time to scream before Rubber hopped on his back and began to rape the unwilling herd member. Trevor laughed as the unknown unicorn cried and tried to buck off his former friend. Even as he laughed he heard the soft laughter of the fluffy near him, Digger was enjoying himself.
“Nuu! Worstest poopie-pwace huwties!” The smaller male cried while dragging himself away from Rubber.
Trevor waited till Rubber finished and grabbed the weaker male. “Well little boss. Which one gets to live?”
“Wubber.” Digger said without hesitation.
The other fluffy was scooped up by his neck, Trevor slowly squeezed the fluffy throat. The weakness of fluffies was something that always felt wrong. An animal would fight back and try to survive, this little creature just shat itself and cried as life slowly left it. Trevor tossed the body to the side and heard the skull crack on impact.
“Nice Mistah?” Digger said.
“Yeah, little boss.”
“Digga wub nice Mistah.” The blue stallion said quickly and averted his eyes.
Trevor rolled his eyes, “Yeah yeah.” He scooped up Digger and Rubber. Rubber screamed and voided his bowels in fear, while Digger simply kept quiet. Trevor brought them to the overgrown backyard, small bushes dotted the place. Before he set them down he noticed blue fur near a small hole.
“Is that your home, Digger?”
“Digga nestie just fo’ sweepies. Nu bawkie Munstah dewe.”
“Well then this is a perfect spot.”
Trevor set Digger down before focusing his attention on Rubber. He placed Rubber on the dirt with his palm on top. His other hand grabbed both forelimbs and he locked eyes with the male.
Trevor wrenched the male’s front legs out of socket. Just for good measure he crushed the pseudo-hoof pads on each foreleg. He waited till the males screams of agony turned into pitiful ‘huuhuu’s of pain. Trevor stepped back and admired his handy work. Rubber could only move using his rear legs, any attempt to raise his front just left the fluffy in agony.
“Alright little boss he is all yours.”
Digger looked at him blankly. Then at Rubber, even for a smarty he didn’t seem to understand the implications. He just walked around Rubber and looked back at Trevor. Trevor idly lifted the shit caked tail of Rubber.
“Okay… well you’ll figure it out. Anyway it’s getting late and I don’t wanna see what you are gonna do to his butt. See ya Digger.”
The next day…
Trevor opened his door and noticed that Digger was sitting on his porch waiting for him.
“Hewwo, fwiend. Hab stuff fo’ Nice fwiend.” Digger said before heading to the back of the house.
Trevor followed with a smirk, he assumed that the fluffy found some grass or a cute flower that he wanted to share. He continued to walk until he heard the soft crying of another fluffy. Trevor looked down to see a scruffy yellow-maned pink furred female fluffy with two broken front legs trying to right herself. Trevor even noticed that her foreleg was stomped to uselessness. The pitiful pink fluffy looked up at him and stopped crying.
“Pwease nice mistash! Munstah fwuffy gib wowstest huwties. Said dat Munstah fwiend gib enfie tu Honey.” She shook her head and the jingle of a collar caught his attention.
Digger looked up at Trevor, his eyes full of pride. “Dis am fo’ fwiend. Digga nu knu why fwiend gib bwoken fwuffy den Digga enfie. Digga hab gud feews!”
Trevor blinked and reached down to check the female’s collar. The collar was old and deeply dug into her fur, the name was scratched off and what little he could make out of the address was three states away. She was abandoned. He was more amazed at the distance that Digger would have had to drag this fluffy to get to his backyard.
“Fwiend wike?” Digger said.
“Thanks.” Trevor said before Digger started to walk away.
“Hey.” He said.
Digger paused and turned around, his eyes filled with trust and a shared comradery. Digger sat down and waited. Trevor approached and put his hand on the fluffies head. Even with the bits of dirt and leaves, Digger had soft fur.
“I never had a fluffy before but I wouldn’t mind one as cool as you. Wanna live with me?”
Digger paused and looked at the house, he had never seen inside of one where humans lived. He had smelled the foods, heard stories of sketti, but he also heard stories of Munstah Daddeh’s and Mummahs. He looked at Trevor with a sense of awe.
“Digga nu kno hoomin nestie. Digga kno Daddeh’s wan poopie in pwaces. Digga-”
“I get it. I’ll teach you how to not shit on all my stuff. If you don’t like it, I’ll let you go back.”
Digga nodded, “Kay.”
Trevor scooped him up and grabbed the other fluffy. Honey squealed in pain before Trevor looked her up and down. “No point in wasting a free toy.”
Just like that Trevor adopted his first fluffy.