Fuller Farm Fluffies! Chapter 5.5 (by DrVegafluff)

You are Emerald! Only that namesie was too hard to say! So now you’re Emma!

You’re stuck in a dummy, stupid, dark sorry box! Your stupid daddeh put you in here because you were “being a bad baby” and “throwing tantrums”! But he deserved it! First he took mummah away when you were still drinking milkies for some “bath”, and then when you got upset and told them you were still hungry and slammed your hoofsies, he gave you bad upsies and carried you into the slippery wawa box!

Then you got the worstest coldest bath ever! It felt like it took many forevers before you finally got done getting the coldest wawa hurties! After you thought it was all over, you tried to give sorry poopies to the dummy wawa sprayer! Only for the worst part to soon follow. Your daddeh put one of his not hoofsies over your poopie place!! It gave you the worstest scardies! Even more scaredies than all the cold wawa you had been covered with, something in your head told you that you really weren’t supposed to be touched there! You make beg your daddy to let go, and when he finally does, you prepare yourself to give him, AND that sprayer the worst bad poopies you could!

But right when you began trying, the wawa sprayer sprayed you right in the poopie place! Giving you the worstest hurties you’ve ever had in your life! After awhile of that you couldn’t even scream anymore, just peeping like a chirpy baby…

After that daddy dried your pretty fluff off and threw you in this sorry box, and left! You cried for a long forever hoping him or your mummah would hear and come back for you! You were the prettiest baby after all, they wouldn’t forget you.

After you got too tired to keep peeping, you noticed your tummy had hurties, and so you stood up and tried to make poopies in the corner, but only wawas came out…

But now you heard the slidey door that daddeh said went to the “backyard” open from your sorry box! You began chirping again trying to get your daddeh’s attention, he must’ve realized he made a mistake putting the prettiest baby in the sorry box!

“Daddeh!! Daddeh babbeh Emmuh wan’ out of sowwy boxie nao! Nu wike dawk boxie!! Hab tummeh huwties and poopie pwace huwties! Nee’ mummah hugg-” peep!

You were cut off by the box you were in quickly shifting to one side, then the other, as you could feel it be lifted from the slippery wawa place. chirp! “Bad upsies!! Babbeh nu wike!! Wet Emmuh out of sowwy boxie nao!!!” you made bad peepees as you heard another door open, it sounded like the door to your saferoom opening! Daddeh must be taking you back in there to see your mummah, what a smart daddeh!

However you were quickly jostled out of your gratitude as you felt the boxie you’re in be seemingly dropped onto a hard surface, you weren’t hurt, but it still scared you, which made you look up to the crack in the top of the boxie which in turn caused you to notice… it was now really dark. Before there had at least been a little light coming through the tiny crack, but now it was just dark.

“uuuuuhuhuHUHUUU!!! WET BABBEH OUT NAOO!!! EM-UH NU WAN’ BE IN DAWKIE BOXIE!!! HUHUUU TUU SCAWY!!! MUMMAH HEWP BABBEH!!! UUUHUUUHUUUUU!!!” You screamed for you don’t even know how many forevers, still cold and damp, it wasn’t anywhere near as warm in this box now as it had been before, and even that didn’t compare to how warm and cozy your pretty saferoom was! You wished so bad you were in there right now. Tears were still silently falling down your face as you curled up, you had decided to just try to sleep so you wouldn’t have to see the dark anymore, or think about how lonely you were. Your voice had gone quiet for a while, it only made tiny chirpies when you tried to yell, and it gave you bad hurties to try and be any louder. You wished everything would just be the way it was yesterday when you wake up in the bright times.

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Sorry for the short chapter! I don’t have time for a full one tonight, or at least right now. Just a bit of an in-between/POV sort of thing for Emma for when James is outside with the other fluffies.

Trying to think of what sort of new situation to put this family into next. I’m between having a herd show up outside of James’ yard, causing him to have to deal with ferals that may not be as kind as Fern was when they met. Or maybe the fluffies meet the herd while James is inside? What do you guys think? I could also just fuse the ideas, I don’t know! What do you all think?


Emma you fool. In a shelter you’d be thrown in the incinerator for smarty syndrome.


Great to see more of this story. I think the former option with James meeting the herd first could be more entertaining, as a mean herd finding the fluffy family first when outside strikes me as somewhat of a tired situation. I think it could be a learning experience for James to meet some bad fluffies in isolation so he doesn’t have the rage of them potentially hurting his fluffies, making for more of a gradual buildup.

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I was thinking the same thing, just wanted to have some input from others before I went ahead and decided on anything concrete :slight_smile: Always a joy seeing a response from you.

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I’m happy to hear that, just glad my commenting isn’t annoying lol.

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I actually think it might work better if Fern and her kids met the invading herd first, maybe the Smarty tries to take her Doghouse away from her, maybe one of her kids gets hurt or killed and Fern is forced to retreat and ask James for help.

This gives a learning experience to Fern who realises she needs James more than she thought, and to James who realises that bastard Fluffies do exist and for all her faults, Fern is not one of them.


Comments from the community are one of the biggest reasons I try to get these out relatively often! Makes it worth it :slight_smile:

Hmmmm. I can see the merit of what you’re saying, as well as what Jejjick is saying. I think I might have an idea for it that may satisfy both sides!

Hopefully at least.

Thanks for the support! I hope the next chapter is satisfactory :slight_smile:

awesome chapter :mechanical_arm:

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Read this all just in time for you to post 5.5, loving this so far and can’t wait to see where you take it from here

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As a bit of an add on, maybe the invading herd contains a few members of Fern’s old herd that also survive. That could create some conflict where they either try and help Fern when the new herd gets rough or they could be the ones instigating things because they are jealous that she got a new howsie and daddeh.

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Emma is not that much of a scaredy fluff, as it turns out.