Fuller Farm Fluffies! Chapter 5 (by DrVegafluff)

James walked out of the sliding glass door, peeps from the kitchen turning to silence as he shut the door behind him. He spotted the foals running around, trying to climb into an old wooden sandbox from his childhood. “Huu!! Babbeh nu can weach wittabawks!!” Cloud cried as he attempted to climb up the wooden frame, wings buzzing. His brothers Crow, and Pepper were attempting to push boost him up there, but to no avail, as their mother paces back and forth while watching them, before noticing James entering the backyard, and running towards him.

“Daddeh Daddeh!! Can mummah hav pwetties’ gweenie babbeh back nao? Babbeh am sensitiv!!” Fern had jumped up, with her forelegs against James’ knees.

James’ lip curled in annoyance as he leaned down closer to the fluffy. “You said “prettiest baby”. I thought I told you that good fluffies loved all their babies. Why have you been telling Emma she’s the prettiest baby? Now she’s spoiled, and being a very, very bad baby. She even gave me sorry poopies when I gave her a bath, and tried to do it again multiple times.” he explained all of this to Fern, who’s face contorted in horror as she was accused of being a bad fluffy, and as she learned of what her foal had done.

“F- Fewn nu kno wha’ du wong!!! Emmuh babbeh am jus’ pwetties’ babbeh!! Nu am bestes’ babbeh!! huhu!! Peppew babbeh am bwaves’ babbeh an’ Cwow babbeh am mos’ quietes’ babbeh!! Huhu… an’… an’ wingie babbeh Cwoud am fastes’ babbeh…”

James paused his scolding of Fern and thought for a moment, before coming to a realization. Fern really wasn’t spoiling Emerald, at least, not intentionally. Calling her the “prettiest” baby was really just a way of categorizing her foals, and she had similar descriptions for all her other foals. Although, it didn’t seem like Emma had realized that was the case, she really thought she was the “bestest baby”.

He looked down at Fern, still crying at his feet in fear of having been a bad fluffy. “Fern, if she wasn’t your bestest baby then why is she so fat? Why does she eat so much?”

Fern looked back up at James, sniffling and blinking tears down it’s cheeks. “Huu… Pwetti- …huuu Emmuh babbeh am awso scawdies’ babbeh! Nu wike bein’ awai fwum mummah, awways stayin’ neaw mummah instea’ ov pwayin wif brothahs.” She continued on with her story, “Mummah awways hav miwkies cuz daddeh giv suu many nummies, an when babbeh hav scawdies dey awways dwink miwkies!”

James looked at the fluffy, technically it was all true, it’s not like she had to ration her milk like a feral, she could give extra to Emerald and still never run out for the other foals. But the way fluffy psychology works had just caused the filly to convince herself that her extra feedings meant she was receiving preferential treatment, completely oblivious to the fact that their mother just considered them the most cowardly of the litter.

Fern was sniveling on the ground as James leaned down, getting onto his knees to closer hold the fluffy. “Fern don’t worry. I don’t think you’re a bad fluffy. I do think that Emerald is a bad baby though, at least for now. I’m going to have to put her in the sorry box for tonight, and we’ll see if she can be a good fluffy after this.” the fluffy looked up, tears still flowing freely from her eyes.

“Huu… babbeh get meanie sowwy boxie? Huhuuu… buh babbeh am be bad babbeh… huhuhu!! Mummah nee’ be bettuh mummah!!! Huhuuu…” James pets the poor fluffy on the head, before turning his head towards the foals, still attempting to get into the sandbox. He lifts her off the ground, making sure her rear is pointed away from him, and carries her over to a small kiddie-pool he had brought into the middle of his backyard, it was only about 9 and a half inches tall, short enough that Fern could climb her way over the side if she so wanted, however the only response she had when James set her down was “wawm!! wawa wawmsies?” as a small brown cloud formed in the half inch of water around her her dirty hooves.

“Stay in the pool, I’m going to go get your babies.” He turned away from Fern as he said this, walking towards the sandbox they were gathered around.

“Otay daddeh! Fewn pway in wawm wawa!”

She bounced around, splashing water around the small pool. James smiled as he approached the sandbox to the upset sounds of the foals.

“Huhuuu! Nee’ poopies suu bad!! Bu’ nu can weach boxie!! Huuuu!!” Cloud’s blue wings were flapping hard against his body as he slammed his forelegs against the box, being just short enough to not reach the top even on his back legs.

“Stupie boxie! Wet bwuddah in! Nee’ make gud poopies fo’ make mummah and daddeh happies!!” Pepper was bucking his legs against the box, as he puffed his cheeks in defiance.

Crow just sat on his haunches and looked at the board keeping them from accessing the sand on the inside, “Pwease boxie wet babbehs in wittabawks? Nee’ make gud poopies an’ peepees.”

“What are you guys doing over here? Do you want in the sandbox that much?” James bent down to pick up the blue pegasus in one hand as he stood next to the foals.

“Nuuu!! Huhuu!! Daddeh nu giv upsies!! Tummeh huwt!!! Nee’ make poopies suuu bad!!! Huhuhu!! Nu wan’ make bad poopies!” Cloud squirmed as James lifted him, trying to wiggle from his grasp, but the man simply took four steps over to the compost pile and, making sure his ass was faced away from him, placed the foal near the pile and gave him a light squeeze on the belly as he let go, causing him to erupt violently from his ass.

PBRRT “EEE!! Nuu!!! Bad poopies!! Huuuhuhuhuhu!!!” he began crying almost as soon as he completely evacuated his bowels, but James just laughed, causing the fluffy to look up at him, sniffling, “Wai daddeh am waff? Huu… Am bad babbeh, made bad poopies…” the foal turned his head, finally noticing he had been carried somewhere different.

“No Cloud, I carried you over here to the compost pile. It’s where you go poop and peepee outside. I should’ve told you earlier but I was distracted by your sister. You did fine.” The fluffy quickly turned it’s head back to James with a big smile.

“Weawwy? Am gud babbeh stiww? Yay! Wuv daddeh!” It waddled towards him happily as he stood up, just in time for the other foals to finally cover the massive (5 steps) distance he’d put between them.

“Wowie!! Daddeh hewp bwuddah fwy to wittabawks suuu fasties!! Can Peppew fwy nex’ daddeh??” Pepper looked up at James excitedly, tail wagging. James laughed as he scooped up Pepper, Cloud, and Crow, carrying them all in his arms, much to their excitement.

He walked over to the pool Fern was currently relaxing in, and bent down, placing all the foals slowly into the reaction, despite how apprehensive they all seemed. “wawa? wawa bad fo’ babbehs! fwy away wingies!!” Cloud began buzzing his small useless wings, as he was the first lowered down.

“Cloud cut it out, your mom is over there in the water and she’s just fine. It’s only a little water going over your hooves, you’ll be fine I promise.” Not halting the lowering of the foal as he spoke

“Huu… otay daddeh, Cwoud twy an’ nu be scawdies…” His hooves touched the water, and he stumbled backwards onto his haunches after James let him go, before he realized he was fine, and the warm water felt nice!

“Peppew wan’ pway wif bwuddah! Wan’ pway in wawa!” Pepper, ever the brave one, was already over his fear and was more excited about the prospect of playing in the water, tried to wiggle his way out of James’ grip and actually succeeding into falling about five inches onto his rump on the hard plastic, with only half an inch of water cushioning the blow. He began to whine and “huu” to himself, before getting distracted by his frolicking brother and quickly getting up to join him.

The final foal to go was Crow, who didn’t give James as much of a reaction compared to his siblings, he simply looked down to the water, and back up to James before speaking. “Cwow take baffies fo’ daddeh. Twust daddeh an’ get in wawa wif bwuddahs. Wuv daddeh!” the foal hugged at James’ hand as he sat it into the water, where it’s mother watched them play.

James decided to let the foals play for a moment while he ran inside to get some things he had forgotten, namely the foal shampoo and conditioner, as well as a foal/fluffy safe brush (which was just a brush with extra soft and bendable bristles meant to not harm a fluffy). While James was inside he decided to carry the box containing Emma into the garage so she wouldn’t be heard by the others when he brought them inside. His rushing led to him shaking the box around a little as he yanked it from the sink, causing her to respond.

“Wha-? Huh? Bad upsies!! Whewe am babbeh? Oh… am stiww in sowwy boxie…” and of course when she realized it was likely James carrying her, she began with “Pwease daddeh wet pwetty babbeh ou’! Nee’ see mummah! Wan’ miwkies!!” “Huhu!! Babbeh nu kno what du wong! Am gud babbeh!! Huhuuu nu wike dawkies! Am scawedy!!”

Not a fuck given, James had nicer fluffies to be spending time with. He carried a five gallon bucket of water with a small cup inside it outside next to the pool, where he began rinsing Fern, who was used to the process, while the foals played, not caring.

Until Fern’s bath was over and it came time for the foals, he plucked the closest one to him up, which was the Cloud, the blue pegasus.

“Huh? Wai giv Cwoud upsies? Am pwayin’ spwashy tag wif bwuddahs! Pwease wet babbeh Cwoud back downsies so can pway?” Cloud looked up at the man, not scared, but more confused as to why he was removed from his playtime.

James looked down at the foal’s siblings, who were also staring at him intently, before he motioned for them to go play with his spare hand and turned his attention back to Cloud, while Fern ushered the other babies away leading to them playing with just themselves.

“Cloud, you guys are having your first bath today, that’s why we came out here to begin with. Remember?” The blue pegasus tilted his head and looked at James, even more confused than before.

“Buh- Cwoud awweady haf baffies! In tha’ wawa!” he motioned over towards the pool. You begin chuckling, before looking back at him. “Cloud, that was just the beginning! I was just getting the dirt of off you guys, now you’re getting your shampoo.”

James set him into the water on the other side of the pool from his siblings and mother, and grabbed a cup full of warm water from the bucket at his side, and cascaded it over his rear half, causing him to jump with alarm.

Eep!! “Wawa get babbeh! Hewp!!” his small wings began flapping as he tried to run away, but James pinched his tail with two fingers as he attempted running.

“Cwoud nee’ wun fwum meanie wawa!!” huff huff EEP! “Huhuhuu!! Wawa nu puww Cwoud pwetty taiw pwease!! Dat giv Cwoud wowstes’ huwties!!”

James felt his eye twitch, a bit annoying, but nowhere near as much as Emerald, this was still endearing in a way. “Cloud, quit running, the water doesn’t have you, I do. I’m sorry it hurt when I pulled your tail, but you can’t run away from me while you’re having your bath. That would make you a bad baby like your sister is being!”

He peeped a bit when James compared him to Emma. chirp! “Nu! Cwoud am sowwy daddeh! Am jus’ scawedies of wawa! Nu wan’ be bad babbeh! huhu…” He walked back over towards the man, tail between his legs.

“It’s okay bud, just close your eyes and I’ll let you know when it’s done.”

He sat on his haunches, eyes shut, and let James continue with no breaks.

Fluffy shampoo, rinse, fluffy conditioner, rinse, extra rinse, happy clean foal.

After he was done with Cloud, James told the foal to go get his brother Crow, and tell him to come over. He watched as the blue pegasus sauntered up to his siblings, gave them a brief hug as they both smelled him, taking note of how he smelled like fruit, and then Cloud pointed his hoof over towards James, and Crow began trotting over.

He sat down without saying anything except, “Cwow am weady daddeh!”, and simply kept his eyes closed the whole time, until James told him to go get his last brother.

Pepper came over, very excited as always, and also seeming ready to go back to play with his siblings. All was going well until, being a little too excited, he opened his eyes and began trying to run over to his brothers before James told him that he could open his eyes, the foal stumbled and fell onto his stomach immediately, trying to cover it’s eyes with it’s hooves.


James quickly plucked up the writhing foal as his concerned mother and brothers gathered around him, unsure what to do. “Dammit Pepper, I told you to only open your eyes when I tell you, but you didn’t listen did you?”

The foal turned around onto it’s back in his hands. “Huhuuuu!!! Peppew sowwy daddeh!! Nebah du again!! Huhuuu!! Am suuu huwties!! Pwease hewp babbeh!”

James softly rubbed the foals eyes with the soft towel he had prepared for the fluffies, it was about time for them to get out of the water anyway, until Pepper had calmed down and mostly stopped his crying.

“You feel better Pepper? Are you ever gonna do that again?”

“Huu… Peppew neva open see-pwaces befowe daddeh say so in baffie evah evah again… Peppew pwomise!” James smiled as he continued drying his brothers and mother off, and led them into his house.

Fern looked over towards the kitchen where she had last heard Emma as she came into the house, she seemed disheartened as she didn’t hear anything, so James looked down and told her about the situation.

“Fern, she’s gonna stay in the sorry box tonight. It’s a different sorry box from the one you were in, so she’s (probably) gonna be able to have (some) light. It’s (probably) not gonna be complete darkness the whole time, like it was for you.”

She looked sad at this, but said nothing, and just hung her head low and let her tail drag unceremoniously behind her as she guided her foals back into the saferoom where she went into the doghouse to lie down. The foals however began playing amongst their room, seeking more things to entertain themselves with! And with everyone accounted for, James left them to their fun, having some things of his own to busy himself with.

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This ones a bit shorter than I generally do chapters, but it’s 4 am here and I just wanted to finish it. Sorry if it isn’t the best chapter so far haha. I can’t decide whether I want Emerald to be an irredeemable little shit, or if I want to try and reintroduce her just to have her delusions shattered in front of her. Once again I’m very open to suggestions, if you lot have anything you think might be fun for the situation, lemme hear it!
While I’m asking, does anyone have any story recommendations? I’ve read Alice, and Spinel, and a lot of the more popular image post stories, but I’m looking for some lesser known ones. If anyone has any that stand out in memory I’d love to hear about them! Thanks as always for reading!


I think you’ve handled this perfectly, and I’m very glad to see Fern isn’t in bitch mode and just didn’t realize anything was wrong. Not going into full crazy abuse but reasonable punishment and clear explanation of what they did wrong, and it seems to have gotten through to the good fluffies.

I’d say reintroduce Emerald now that her mother and brothers know she’s been bad to have her delusions destroyed. Since she seems to be a sort of unintentionally created pseudo-sensetive babbeh I think it’ll be interesting to see how she develops, seeing as she can talk and do more than most of her ilk. It’s much more satisfying that way I think, as if she’s just a too far gone little hellion it’d probably get frustrating. Though maybe I’m just tired of hellish bestests and smarties that never learn, and obviously it’s entirely up to you how you proceed.

Still loving this story, very much looking forward to the next part. As for recommendations, check out Soylent Brown if you want a great text abuse series, and KerosineCannibal’s adaptation of No Miwkies by Foalout4 if you haven’t read it already. (Apologies for this long ass comment lmao. Apparently I had more to say than I realized.)


I really enjoyed how this chapter was written. The dialogue was good and I can’t wait for more

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Man I really don’t know what to think of Fern, but the flips on usual tropes are keeping me interested.

She might be dumb as hell, but maybe not as malicious as I thought


Hmmmm Emma talks and makes bad decisions like trying to trick daddy into getting more sorry poopies, so she’s clearly not an SBS foal… we just have a stupid little shit on our hands.

Imma stick with my first recommendation to drown it.


Thanks for the support! Also don’t worry about longer comments, I love that sort of thing! Also wow I just realized that you made that incredible bowl fluffy piece! Just read your “Alley Mummah” series too, can’t believe I didn’t recognize your username, super cool to see you reading my stuff! The parallels to “sensitive babbehs” with Emma is something that I’m glad was picked up on, I wasn’t sure if it’d come across that way. I wanted her to just be a spoiled child, not necessarily a smarty, nor a SBS foal, just a filly who is certain she is valued much much more than everyone else, despite Fern not showing any real favoritism.

I’ve seen the No Miwkies adaptation, but Soylent Brown doesn’t sound familiar. Thanks for the recommendation! I hope you enjoy the next chapter! (probably tonight or tomorrow)

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I got used to seeing fluffies in stories that just… like never give a shit about punishments. So I wanted to try n write Fern as an actual good fluffy, and a good mother. Even being willing to change her thought process when provided with explanations about why she was wrong. I wanted her to be less of an evil hell gremlin fluffy, and more of a really gullible victim of ignorance, i mean, she had no reason not to believe her former smarty, he was supposed to be the smartest in the herd!
Realistically I’ll probably use a lot of the old fluffy story tropes a fair amount of times, both in this, and future stories. But it also helps to actively go against those tropes in a sense, to give certain characters or stories personality.

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Correct, definitely not full blown SBS. Just a foal that seems to not enjoy running and playing with siblings, instead preferring it’s own company, and staying near it’s parent at nearly all times. Still a strange filly. We might very well end up at a point where we all wished we took your advice on drowning it. :wink:

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Aw thank you very much for the kind words and checking out my stuff. It’s crazy to me that people know my comics at all lmao.

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Something interesting you could do if you decide to go the irredeemable hell-gremlin route; have Fern try to discipline and reform emerald but fail. Maybe have emerald go full on hell-gremlin towards her family to the point where they actually go to the owner asking her to go away forever. At that point you could have the owner kill her off basically guilt free.


I LOVE how you handled Fern here. She’s not a bad mummuh, just a little dumb. And she didn’t know what she was doing was wrong, and once she did, she instantly tried to correct it.

I also like how james was understanding about it too and saw things from a fluffy’s point of view.