Fuller Farm Fluffies! Chapter 8 (by DrVegafluff)

“Weawwy pwetty gweenie-babbeh! Wan’ be fwuffy nyu fwen?”

Emma quickly pulled her head from the water dish and looked to her right, seeing a fully grown orange, earthie stallion, with a cyan mane and tail.

“Eeep! Mummah sai nu tawkies tu scawy nu-housie fwuffies! Gu 'way!” Emma stood facing down the fluffy roughly three times her size on the other side of the fence.

“Fwuffy nu am nu-housie fwuffy! Fwuffy hav housie ova tha’ way in twee howe!” The feral motioned with his head towards the woods near the back the James’ property.

Emma calmed a little, and un-puffed her cheeks at the stallion. "Fwuffy nu stiww nu 'spose be neaw daddeh housie!!

The stallion glanced around the yard at the mention of a “daddeh” as if he was making sure there were no humans around.

“Weww… if babbeh sai fwuffy nee’ gu ‘way… Buh do babbeh wan’ fwuffy to git buggie munsta off babbeh?” The stallion said looking at Emma.

Emma paused for a moment as she registered what the fluffy had said. “Buggy munsta? Huhuuu!!” She began quickly running around in circle and hopping trying to shake off the unseen “buggy munsta” on her tail.

The stallion interrupted her fear with an offer. “Babbeh poke taiw in fencie howe an’ fwuffy giv bities tu buggie munsta!”

Emma, being terrified already, allowed her previous apprehension towards the strange stallion to fade away when confronted with the prospect of a having a bug on her, and pushed her rear up against the fence as best she could.

The stallion bent his head down, and grabbed her tail with his teeth. Only to immediately yank it roughly, squishing Emma against the chain-link.


The stallion didn’t relent his pulling because of her screams and continued yanking, fortunately for Emma, her mother’s previous spoiling of her had left her slightly more plump than her siblings, causing her to have difficulties going through the fence hole as her fat body couldn’t quite squeeze through easily, not that the stallion would come to that conclusion.

“Dummeh enfie-babbeh huwwy an’ come thwu fencie!!” The stallion kept shaking the foal around by her tail, trying his best to force her through the fence.


The entire cardboard towers, as well as the tunnel, could be seen shaking as Fern ran through them as fast as she could (not very impressive, but for a fluffy she was moving with gusto) and emerged from the tower closest to the side of the yard Emma was on. There she could see a strange stallion on the other side of the fence trying to pull her foal through as she screamed. Fern’s first reaction to seeing that was to do the one thing that she was sure would work better than anything else.

deep inhale


Fern was much louder than the foal, James hadn’t been able to hear Emma over the sound of himself busy in his kitchen, but he could hear Fern’s screams plain as day. He flew out of the kitchen, feet barely making contact with the ground, on the way outside, he grabbed the nearest object that would fit into his hand as he ran out, paying no mind as to what it was.

He stepped onto his yard to see Fern staring at the fence with tears running down her face, and he turned to meet her gaze and saw the stallion trying to pull the foal through the hole.

James stomped his right foot onto the lawn heavily, causing a loud thud and raised his left leg in front of him, and cocked his right arm back, followed by him shouting, “HEY FUCKER.”

He hadn’t even raised his voice in several years, so going straight to an angry yell sounded a bit unnatural in his voice, perhaps scaring the fluffies even more, considering that both the stallion immediately shit itself, Emma likely would’ve done the same if she had any left in the tank.

The stallion dropped Emma upon seeing the source of the sound on the other side of the fence, and took off running and crying, tufts of white fluff from Emma’s tail falling from his mouth as he did so. While Emma ran off sobbing towards Fern and her brothers who had now come out of the cardboard houses as well and were watching.

Unfortunately for the stallion, he wasn’t running fast enough. And James launched the object in his right hand towards the fluffy with no restraint, his left foot making another loud thud as it came down with his pitch.

Extra unfortunately for the stallion, the object James just so happened to grab before coming outside was an icepick, which propelled itself directly into the fluffy’s left flank with such force it knocked him off of his feet and caused him to roll several times as a large scream came from him.


It quickly scrambled to it’s feet and ran off into the bushes leading into the woods, likely in fear that more pain would follow unless it was quick to leave. Which was true. Though running wouldn’t save him in the end regardless.

James took a deep breath before looking over to the fluffies, Emma was a sobbing mess, and was being surrounded by her family as they desperately try to hug her better. He walked over and sat cross legged on the ground next to them, and began rubbing Emma’s chin with his finger as she “huhu”-ed into his hand, slowly getting more and more quiet as she calmed down.

James looked down at the foal, and spoke quietly and calmly. “Emma, are you okay?”

She sniffled and looked up at him, tears still running down her fat cheeks. hic “Daddeh!! Hab wowstes’ taiw huwties evuh!! Huhu… Meanie stawwion gib suuu many huwties!! Caww Emma meanie namesies an’ sai am enfie babbeh nao. Huhu!!”

James felt a vein on his forehead begin pulsing. He knew stallions would rape, and even on rare occasions would do so to foals, but he had assumed that was the result of extreme conditions caused by living in cities, or disgusting shelters. He had never expected it from ferals out in the country.

Suddenly James snapped out of it enough to remember that she kept complaining about her tail, he looked down at the foals tail and saw it was about as bad as she complained. It was nearly stripped of all it’s fluff, leaving only a small stubby rat tail was spatters of white fluff here and there, it was clearly broken, pointing straight up at the sky unnaturally halfway up the tail. If fluffies are anything like rats, they’ll likely just have to amputate the tail where it was broken.

James briefly remembered how easy it was for people to… amputate pieces of fluffies at home… but he pushed the thought from his mind for now, he had other things to deal with before then. He picked up Emma, and gently held her in his left arm as he stood up.

He looked down at the other fluffies, who were looking to him expectantly. “Come on, we’re going inside for the day, I’ve got to clean Emma up.”

The fluffy family said nothing as they followed him inside, occasionally looking up at the foal in his arms. As they entered the living room he looked down at the fluffies to address them again.

“I’m going to go make Emma feel better, your saferoom door is open but I’ve got to go deal with her right now, so if you need to go poopies or peepee you better go in there and do it, because I don’t have a litterbox out here. If you’re not going to the saferoom, then watch this and be good, don’t break anything.”

James grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, quickly switching it to FluffTV, which was having a “Babbehs!” marathon, then quickly walking out of the room and into the garage, leaving the fluffy family alone in his living room.

He set Emma down on the same workbench she’d been on before when she was in the garage, only this time she was wrapped in a soft blanket.

"Huu… daddeh taiw hab suu mani huwties huhuu… wai huggies nu hewp?? She slumped down into the blanket, crying silently.

It was sad to watch, but James knew something needed to be done about the broken tail or she’d just keep hurting. So he reached into the grab bag of shit he bought at FluffyMart and pulled out a bottle of Fluffatonin, it was a liquid that could go into food or drinks, or be administered straight, but it was intended to knock fluffies out for several hours. James had bought it in case he needed to take them to the vet or something and didn’t want a mess in his car, but according to… some reviews… online, it seems like this would work well for his purposes as well.

He pulled a sugar cube out of the box and soaked it liberally in the liquid, before handing it to Emma.

“Here girl, have a treat, this will make you feel better.”

sniff “Tweat fow Emma? Tank yu daddeh!” She took the sugar cube and began sucking on it, by the time it was halfway gone she had already collapsed onto her stomach and was snoozing soundly. James elected to get it done with quickly, and grabbed a pair of wire cutters that were kept on a nearby shelf, originally kept around to cut baling wire off of square bales of hay.

As you would imagine, it cut through a foal tail with no resistance at all. James tossed the small bloody broken piece away, and wiped the blood off of Emma’s tail nub, and promptly coated it with a healthy amount of “Fluffosporin”, scoffing at the name as he did so, despite it being rather accurate. It was a triple antibiotic, as well as something that, well… it just says “Heals Fluffs Better!” whatever that means.

He wrapped the now goopy and coated tail nub with a couple bandages and picked the foal up to carry her back to her awaiting family. At least this way he’d have an easy way to tell Emma apart from Fern when she’s grown.

As James walked back to his living room though, one question kept bouncing around his brain, desperate to be answered.

How would he deal with that stallion that ran away?

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Didn’t notice how short this one was until I posted it haha, but too late now. Maybe I’ll make the next one longer.

Emerald really went through it this chapter! I wonder how she’s gonna feel about her tail situation? I know some of you were hoping for her to get… a little more than this. But unfortunately that wasn’t the case this time! She was lucky she was so rotund otherwise she might’ve ended up in a much more painful situation.

But wowie James sure yeeted that ice pick. If you’re wondering how he managed to throw it perfectly through a chainlink fence, aside from luck, he also spent most of his childhood practicing throwing knives, screwdrivers, and hatchets, just for something to entertain himself. It’s boring living in the country away from other kids, he had to find something to do! Looks like it came in handy at least.

Anyway hope you enjoyed. We’ve got some funnnnn coming up next.


He’ll be easy to find. Guarantee the icepick wound left a blood trail all the way to his little tree hole. Time for death by fire!


Can’t wait to see how good ole James handles it. Honestly dude even without the abuse and gore in other stories I’m loving your work. Can’t wait to see chapter 9.


Set up bear traps. Put barbed wire around the property. Maybe have poisoned food out as traps. Or follow the blood and be ready for a slaughter.


Hunt that fucker down and create a barrier of entrails along the fence to warn off other vermin.

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Chase down that mother fucker immediately, and his herd hopefully. They all need to learn a lesson. I get the impression he’s either a toughie or a smarty, so there’s probably more he’s running back to. If he has a special friend and foals they need to be slaughtered in front of him, especially the foals since he was so willing to cause harm to another babbeh.

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Surely it did, although in reality I’m not too sure how much bleeding something like that would cause in reality, my gut says it wouldn’t bleed much until it’s removed, but for story reasons, we’ll just assume it dripped a decent bit :wink: Thanks for the support! I hope chapter 9 meets your expectations. :slight_smile:

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Bear traps are a hilarious idea for fluffies, mostly because the amount of force those things close with would likely completely sever a fluffy appendage, rather than hold it in place.
Barbed wire, at least the way it is normally done in the country, likely wouldn’t help tooo much with fluffies as they would simply squeeze under it, possibly not even feeling any barbs if they even touched one (an unlucky foal on a parent’s back is a different story). Razor wire would possibly work better, but James likely wouldn’t use it because of the chance of hurting other wildlife, like the deer that often jump fences like that.
As for poisoned food, there’s a similar problem, in that there would be little to no decent way for James to guarantee that a fluffy gets the poisoned food, he’d hate to poison a raccoon or a opossum by mistake, James likes the animals in the countryside.

Though, just to mention it, James’ pasture, all 15 acres of it, is actually fenced in with barbed wire, with hot wire running across the top of it as well. It’s been like that since his parents were raising livestock and he never bothered to change the fencing.

Thanks for the support! Sorry for a long response!

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I feel as though you might be satisfied by chapter 9, or at least what I’ve planned for it so far. Thanks as always for your support :slight_smile:

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Ruh ROH… Babbehs on flufftv? That’s not a good sign


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If there’s any good thing to come out of this, losing her tail should curb Emma’s “pwetty” mindset right quick.

Or maybe Fern will double down on it to make her feel better. Shit, I dunno.

Either way, James should follow the blood trail of the rapist prick, make sure that A) He’s dead and B) There aren’t more of him waiting in the trees.

Bonus points, if he’s alive, James can practise his cutting technique


Ordinarily I’d agree, but seeing as Fern already has foals, and they’re not even weanlings yet, I don’t think there is tooo much to worry about.

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That was one of the reasons I wanted to make sure it was Emma that encountered the stallion haha, well that and I don’t really care about her as much as the others. This gave a good way to tell her apart from Fern physically, and a final kick to her ego about her perception of being the prettiest, even if she had seemingly been acting better, this was a good way to really seal the deal.

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Oh yeah, nothing will kill that pretty feeling like almost being a fucktoy for some horny stallion.


Wonder if that ‘Fluffosporin’ has a bit of the ol’ bio-gel based fluffy stem cells in it or otherwise is a pre-variant of the ‘Fluffy Bio-Glue’ or ‘Blue’ that I read about in other more future-set stories in the Fluffy universe- basically using the fluffy’s heal factor to even more quickly seal injuries on fluffies, with the cost being simply robbing them of some energy for a short period of time. Part of the ‘joy’ of being a genetically engineered chimera.

And of course it goes without saying that stallion needs to be tracked down and… dealt with. Not just out of revenge, there’s a distinct danger in allowing a fluffy that’s got some small amount of smarts ( he could tell he couldn’t get into the yard very quickly so he deliberately lied to Emma to trick her into getting within grabbing distance, its only her pudge that screwed up the plan ) and is also an unrepentant babbeh raper to continue existing in the area. Who knows if he’s the only one or if he’s got others in a herd… or possibly other victims.

Looking forward to the next one as always!


That’s basically the gist of it, yeah. I wanted some sort of nondescript “fluffy healing goo”, letting the “hasbio bullshit” excuse to do the heavy lifting. The reality of it is I didn’t wanna do a whole vet thing but at the same time I wanted to make the amputation of her tail as “kind” as possible from James’ pov. Basically in-universe it just activates “regenerative” properties in the damaged nearby tissue allowing the wound to close cleaner and faster.
Logical in our world? Maybe not. Convenient for story purposes? Definitely.

Thanks for the support! I’m actually nearly finished typing Chapter 9 right now, I think you’ll enjoy it :wink:

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That’s a good point. I wonder if Emma even understands she was basically gonna be a one-use cocksleeve for a dirty hobo and therefore needs to be more scared.

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If she doesn’t know now, she’ll likely realize it later in life if the memory is traumatic enough to stick around in her mind. (it is, and it will.)

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Barbed-wire enema, prison style. He deserves worse but that’ll do in a pinch.