fully automatic cannibal chamber, by Grim

I’ve got something special for you here;
a fully automated, self feeding and cannibal refilling, cannibal setup

There’s 5 super rapey stallions on the main grassy level, running back and forth because of five or six blocks of plain dirt at the ends of the grassy area- they run at the wall until they get hungry and turn around to eat, then run back across the field looking for something to rape.

The center point is around ten of the smallest mostly female milk bags in a two block gap. they get sex done to them, then the babies fall around 1.5 blocks- still close enough to get milk from the moms/male milk bags.

When the detector detects that one of the foals is 210 seconds old or older, the doors open to drop the walking foals down, along with any younger foals who die. The detector is just far enough away from the milk bags that it doesn’t detect them, but does detect the foals on their little platform. If the foals are too large to fall through the two block gap, then they quickly starve to death, and once dead they fall through easily, although sometimes it takes another cycle of foals to release the corpses from the doors that close when the 210 second or older foal dies- every time, they fall neatly down after one or two additional cycles.

doors manually opened here to show open condition

The result is that even if all the cannibals at the bottom die/eat each other, the regular addition of walking foals ensures that there will always be cannibals at the bottom, and thanks to the milk bags not needing food, the entire thing is powered by abuse magic!

I’ve tested this for many hours with no actions needed on my part- the corpses pile up, the cannibals multiply, they eat all the corpses, they start to eat each other, then more corpses fall and it starts again!

This uses @TommyBoyio 's Casual Fluffy Remake demo (by TommyBoyio)
Check it out if you haven’t


Things you’ll see only here


dude’s grinding fluffy simulator


Oh man I feel honored with what people can do in my game so far

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i think ima do this and leave it running all night, lets see what happens