Fun With a Diverse Litter by FwuffySadist666: Part 6 - Get Off My Lawn

Who’s next? Ah, right, Brutus, the Toughy.

I actually have some admiration for Toughies. They’re assertive and demand respect, but unlike Smarties, they actually care about others and are usually tough in order to defend their loved ones. We all know Fluffies are the weakest creatures to ever exist, though, so this toughness only gets them so far.

“Brutus! Brutus! The family needs your help!”

“Huh? What am happening?”

“There’s a munstah trying to attack the housie! I need you to help defend your mummah and the other babbehs!”

“Munstah? Toughy babbeh Bwutus am nu scawed of munstah! Bwutus sabe mummah an’ babbehs!”

I picked him up and set him down near his opponent: an alligator from the nearby bayou.

“Dummeh munstah! Big gween munstah get wowstest huwties fwom Toughy babbeh Bwutus!”

“That’s it, Brutus! Go get him! I’m gonna sit back here and get this on video, your mummah will be so proud when she sees it!”

He approached the reptile with his cheeks puffed out and a defiant look on his face. The gator struck immediately. It grabbed him by the muzzle and thrashed him around a bit, inching him further into his mouth and impaling him with his sharp teeth. I could see Brutus’s broken legs sticking out from the gator’s mouth as it swallowed. It made a meal out of the Fluffy who thought he was the strongest creature on the planet that could take down any opponent.

I didn’t need to explain to Dashie where he went, she immediately understood that he was in a new home.

==To Be Continued==

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I love swamp puppers


Ahh, reminds me of my time in Louisiana.

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That is indeed where my stories take place!

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Vore fetishists eatin’ good with these ones


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