Gerard Saves A Foal by Chikahiro

Commission - Gerard and Fixer (by Booperino/AtlanticHillFolk) for those interested in gerards story, atlantichillfolk and i worked on a part 3.5 showing what happened to the litter pal jr :slight_smile:


Its not like it’ll have anything to eat, honestly. Can breath through its nostrils. Keeping it quiet means not unnerving the other stock/fluffies in the store, or potentially the customers (not all of whom would want a litter pal of any sort).


Good boy!

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If you like reading stuff it was an interesting story. Dunno if it got finished.

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“Hu does di kind ob ting tu a babbeh?”

I would if I had my hands on a foal.

I can’t remember if that was in the story or if I added that with the feeling it was in character for Gerard.