GigaFluffies(? I think - (AgathaNurmi)

A lion feeding on them would be pretty metal

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WARNING: High risk of damage or even death by suffocation due to the extremely fluffy hide of these biotoys and their inherent stupidity.

They’re adorable but the warning labels would know no end.

(The art is perfect)


The classic take,of course, is by @RQ


And then they did enf on her.


Their faces creep me the fuck out, like something from a Jim Henson nightmare

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Looks cool, so big fluffies are fat horses? Or are they still smaller?

mostly in the headcanon the fluffys are still considered toys, objects that is, there would be no bestiality. So calmly, one of that size is more of a big sex toy, okay, and just a mental image forces me to put on a weirdbox.

i am terrified

Just think of how much sketti those things could eat