This is a little side-story branching off from Love Persevering when Dallas and his Toughie are beaten by Mulligan and Lambert and follows on directly after when Dave threw them both away like the trash they are.
It’s not an important addition to the series; I just wanted an excuse to put Josef in his element again.
The Unicorn Toughie landed harshly on the ground, the pile of leaves broke his fall and one of his legs, but he was alive. He looked around, ignoring the pain in his broken leg, and in his forehead where the mean human had broken his horn getting him out of the fence, it was unfamiliar territory, but the Unicorn knew that all he had to do was turn around and walk straight until he found that mare who embarrassed him and he would have his REVENG…
That was the last thought to go through the Unicorn’s mind as his Smarty leader Dallas crash landed on top of him, breaking the Unicorn’s neck and killing him instantly.
Dallas had his eyes shut the entire time he was in the air, too scared to open them and meet his doom. That is until he felt himself hit something solid followed by rolling onto the cold, wet ground. Slowly he opened his eyes, examining the situation and realising that yes, he was indeed alive.
And if he was alive, then that mean he must’ve flown.
Dallas was a Pegasus, a VERY special Pegasus according to his mother. His jet black Fluff with white mane and white striped pattern meant that he was the best looking Fluffy EVER, but it was his wings that made him stand out, they were noticeably larger than usual for a Pegasus – still not enough to even lift a Fluffy off the ground but Dallas didn’t know that – and would make him a great stallion to breed with.
That’s what his mother had said, it must’ve been true. The only time his mother had been wrong was when she said his pointy/wingie brother was not a monster, and that was simply because she was blinded by being his mother. Dallas WAS special, he was the best stallion, and he was the first Pegasus to ever fly.
“Dawwas find nyu hewd, aww mawes wan hab enfies wiv Fwyin Smawty.”
Ignoring the corpse of his former Toughie, Dallas started walking away, confident that he’d soon find the prettiest mares to compete for his gene pool.
Three bright-times later, and Dallas was furious.
Not only was he still alone, cold, hungry and exhausted, but he hadn’t had any enfies in FOREVER.
He came across one herd the day before, a Technicolor wonder of Fluffies, but when he tries to introduce himself by fucking one of the mares they got all pissed at HIM and chased him away. Idiots didn’t know what they were doing, they’d suffer without a talented Smarty to lead them.
Dallas thought back to his old herd, how proud he was when they accepted him as their Smarty, how good fucking all the mares was, how dumb they were when they didn’t listen to him and went forever sleepies, it happened way too many times, too many Fluffies died because they didn’t follow his instructions.
Of course Dallas would never be such a dummy as to pick a fight with a dog, or eat obviously poisonous berries, or annex a human’s garden. He was the Smarty, and if those decision got Fluffies killed then they weren’t smart decision, therefore they couldn’t have been his decisions. Probably his monster brother leading them in the wrong direction.
Dallas though of his special-friend, a pretty red Pegasus like him though her wings were much less impressive. He missed her, not because he cared for her, but because his special-lumps were having the worst hurties right now and he needed some release, he hadn’t fucked her since she became a soon-mummah, and she had the gall to get angry at him for fucking the other mares while she was pregnant. One swift sorry-hoof to the face sorted that out, Dallas reminded her that she had the privilege of being his special-friend, and that just mean he didn’t enf her while she had his foals, something that could easily be fixed if she kept pestering him.
If he saw her again, he would enf her, soon-mummah or not she did give the best good-feels.
A loud crack of thunder caused Dallas to shit himself, then piss himself as he realised the sky boom meant rain would be coming soon, and he had no idea where he could find shelter. In a panic he started running, no clue as to where he was going, but hoping he could outrun the sky wawa before it drowned him.
As he came to a clearing in the trees he saw a bridge leading to the city, a city with humans, humans with nummies. As dumb as Dallas was his internal programming still drove him forward, plus having been a domestic until a couple weeks ago he wasn’t yet scared of humans, just angry at his dumb daddy for not letting him have good feels.
Approaching the bridge, Dallas saw a human man and a big red Fluffy overlooking the river below, as he got closer he saw the man drop something. Dallas could’ve sworn that the flash of orange he saw fall into the water looked like a Fluffy, but this human had his own pet Fluffy, it didn’t make sense for him to give another Fluffy forever sleepies.
No, Dallas made a choice to trust this human, and since he was a Smarty it was obviously the smartest choice to make. The man started to turn away when Dallas broke out into the slowest sprint known to man and called out.
“HOOMIN! Smawty wan nummies an enfies, gib dem nyo.”
The human and his Fluffy – now Dallas could see it was a Pegasus with wings almost as impressive as his – turned back, a look of disgust on their face. A look that slowly turned to a smile but not one that made Dallas feel happy.
Dr Josef Mongola turned to his pet. “Well Crimson, what do you say we have here?”
“Cwimson fink it Smawty pwick.”
“I think you’re right. Hello there Smarty, did I hear you say you wanted food and enfies?”
“Dat wight, Smawty wan bestesh sketti nummies, and pwettiesh mawes fow gud-feews. Gib dem nyo.”
Dallas saw Josef and Crimson stifle back a laugh, he couldn’t understand what was so funny about his demands and it was pissing him off. Thankfully Josef quickly composed himself quickly.
“I’m afraid I don’t have any mares on me right now, it’s just me and my pet Crimson here, but I have sketti back home, if you come with me I can find you mares in the morning.”
Dallas wasn’t happy about having to wait even longer for enfies, but he was hungry and skettis were a godsend, begrudgingly he agreed.
“Ok hoomin, take Smawty bak tu nyu homesies. Gob skettis nyo, an mawes neks bwite-time.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Josef walked over and knelt down to pick up Dallas, stopping just short of touching him.
“Before we go any further, do you have a name?”
Dallas puffed his cheeks. “Smawty am cawwed Smawty dummeh”
The forced smile on Josef’s face would’ve been enough for even a Fluffy to start getting concerned, except Dallas really was too dense to see it.
“I know you’re called Smarty, but did you have a name before that. If you have a name then you had an owner, and if you had a owner they’re probably looking for you, I need to know which humans I need to avoid so I can keep you supplied with mares and skettis.”
Dallas made the decision to tell his nyu daddeh his real name, it was the smartest decision and therefore had to be his.
“Smawty am cawwed Dawwas, wib wiv meanie daddeh an munstah brudda. Daddeh nu wet Dawwas hab enfies, su Dawwas gib housie su many sowwy-poopies, den find ousside mawe and hab enfies. Wen daddeh find out he git su angwy, Dawwas teww him dat munstah brudda gib sowwy-poopies tuu, no wet him stay wiv daddeh, daddeh thwow boff Fwuffies away.”
“I see, and what about the mare, the one from outside.”
“Smawty nu cawe, hab gud-feews, nu need hew nu mowe.”
Every word out of Dallas’ mouth was making Josef more and more excited to teach him a lesson. Finally he picked Dallas off the ground and cradled him in his arms.
“Ok then Dallas, let’s get you home.”
Josef wasn’t looking for a long-term abuse toy, he hadn’t long adopted Crimson into his life and was still getting use to the mentally damaged stallion. But the hellfire Pegasus had proven to be a useful tool and a decent conversationalist so maybe it was time to start hurting Fluffies again.
His mind was already swimming with ideas as he brought Dallas into his home, which was a fairly impressive home even by human standards, only for the little fucker to snort once he was inside.
“Hmmph, whewe safe-woom? Whewe toysies?”
‘The front door hasn’t even closed yet you little shit’ Josef thought as he fought back from breaking Dallas’ neck.
“Easy there Dallas, I don’t have many toys since Crimson here is a little too grown-up for them. Would you like me to pick some up for you tomorrow?”
Dallas fell for the bait like the sucker he was. “Why dummeh hoomin gibben toysies? Smawty am gwown-up Fwuffy, tuu big fow toysies.”
Josef smirked, in another life he might have enjoyed the gas-lighting prick, but Josef wasn’t about to stand back and let a Fluffy try and get the best of him.
“Well how about some nice dinner then? I think I heard someone ask for skettis earlier.”
“Smawty wan skettis, gib nyo.”
“Ok, ok, I’ll get right on it.”
Josef carried Dallas through to the kitchen, Crimson following close behind, and laid him on the floor while he got dinner started. Dallas was still grumbling about the ten minute wait for his meal and took to wandering around the kitchen while Crimson stayed by the door.
Josef knew it was a ploy to keep Dallas in the kitchen, since the little black stallion was clearly scared of the much bigger and stronger Crimson, but he was at least smart enough not to start anything.
Or more likely he at least had some survival instincts left.
Dallas passed by the glass door leading to the back garden and huffed again. “Smawty wan gu ousside.”
Even Josef couldn’t hide his annoyance at that demand. “Dallas I just brought you in from outside, I’m not letting you out again before dinner.”
“Dat diff-a-went. Smawty wan gu in gawden.”
“No, it’s too late, it’ll be getting dark soon, just leave it for today.”
Dallas would’ve made more of a fuss but the aroma of skettis was starting to tickle his nostrils and he was starving. Reluctantly Dallas relented but he sat down in a huff waiting for his meal to be ready.
When Josef finally plated the heavenly nummies at his feet, Dallas didn’t even say thank you.
Josef and Crimson shared a little giggle as they watched Dallas devour his meal, Crimson had his own plate but he was much less enthusiastic about it, turns out whatever snapped in his mind a few months back had neutered his desire for the red delight. He still enjoyed it when he was allowed to have it, but he’d developed a taste for a much sweeter meat, and that meat was mixed into tonight’s meal.
Crimson waited until Dallas was mostly done before he spoke up. “Dawwas wike nummie?”
Dallas scoffed at the clearly dumb question. “Couwse Smawty wike nummies? Am skettis, bestesh fing eba, Smawty desewve skettis ebewy bwite-time.”
“Du yu wike da speciaw-ingwediant?”
Dallas looked down at his nearly empty bowl, it didn’t taste any different to regular skettis. “Wha ingwediant?”
Crimson leant forward, his eyes dancing with demonic glee as he whispered.
“Fwuffy meat.”
Dallas jumped back, almost throwing up the first meal he had in days. Josef turned round to see what the commotion was. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong Dallas.”
“Meanie Cwimson say Smawty num Fwuffy meat, dat am nu twue, Smawty nu num Fwuffies.”
Josef knelt down and took Dallas in his arms, the wee Pegasus instinctively wrapped his hoofs around Josef’s waist.
“There, there Dallas. Crimson’s a bad jokester, I’ll see he gets the sorry box for that tonight. Why would I ever feed Fluffy meat to the new Smarty.”
Dallas felt his heart stop racing, of course his new daddy wouldn’t feed him Fluffy meat, how could someone think of something so cruel.
“Smawty kneoo Cwimson wying, he big dummeh.”
Crimson snapped his jaws, causing Dallas to jump in fright and shit a little, thankfully on the kitchen floor and not on Josef.
“Crimson stop that, you’re spending the whole night in the sorry room for that stunt.”
“Oh pwease daddeh, nu da sowwy-woom. Cwimson onwy pwaying.”
You’d have to be an idiot not pick up on the inch-thick sarcasm Crimson was laying on, and Dallas was an idiot.
“Ok buster, you’re coming with me.”
Josef made a show of grabbing Crimson by the collar and dragging him to the basement, he slammed the door behind him to make sure Dallas didn’t follow him.
Once downstairs, Josef placed Crimson on one of the tables and chuckled. “You know you could’ve left him in the dark, seems a shame to have wasted the surprise on the first meal.”
“Dummeh Dawwas twust daddeh nyo, du wha-eba daddeh say. Easya tu fuk wiv him nyo.”
Josef had to concede, Crimson made a fair point. “Alright, how you thinking we fuck with him.”
Crimson stared as Josef with a look of disbelief. “Da fuk yu ask Cwimson fow? Yu da finkie-pwace man, Cwimson jus fuk an num Fwuffies, nu awways in dat owda.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll figured something out ya little psychopath.”
Josef left Crimson and went back upstairs, he had a bunch of ideas on what to do with Dallas but he wanted to make it worthwhile, really get at the egotistical prick.
As he reached the top of the stairs, inspiration hit him in the form of Dallas humping one of his coach cushions he’d left on the floor.
“Enf, enf, enf, speciaw-wumps hab, enf, enf, wowstesh huwties, enf, enf, enf, need pwetty mawe soon, enf, enf, enf.”
Josef smirked as he closed the door and called out. “And you just stay there and think about what you’ve done.”
The sudden loud noise took Dallas by surprise, he jumped off the cushion and started half-heartedly playing with a small plastic ball on the floor, trying to look inconspicuous. Which was hard now with his balls screaming for release.
“Hey Dallas, I hope Crimson didn’t scare you too much, he’s got a weird sense of humour, I can’t tell you where he got it from.”
“It ok daddeh, Smawty nu scawed of dummeh munstah.”
Josef had to smile at Dallas first instance of calling him daddy, Crimson was right, now Dallas had fully embraced Josef as his new owner.
“I’m glad to hear that, listen I’ve gotta quickly run out for a few things, will you be ok by yourself?”
Dallas immediately started shaking. “Yea daddeh, Fwuf… Fwuffy nu be scawed awone.”
“That’s my boy, here I’ll put on the TV so you don’t get bored.”
Josef didn’t have Fluff-TV – absolutely no need for him to buy a subscription when neither he nor Crimson wanted to watch it – but he was could run the internet through his TV, he found a video-streaming site and set up a playlist of the Fluffy Cup’s Best In Show: Mare’s Heat, before picking up his cushion and some other items off the floor.
In human terms, Josef had put on a Victoria’s Secret Underwear Show and removed any way for the blue-ballsed stallion to relieve himself.
“Bye Dallas, I’ll be back soon.”
It was all Josef could do not to immediately start laughing as Dallas unconsciously started bucking his hips looking for some way of relieving the growing pressure on his nuts.
He would find none.
Josef took a quick drive to a nearby Fluffy store, slightly more upscale than he was use to but the extra money would be worth it once his plan came together. He entered the store and was greeted by a cheery young woman, her nametag reading ‘Natalie’.
“Hi there, welcome to Fluff and Love, how can I help you today?”
“Yes, I’m looking for a mare, my little guy Dallas is finally at the age where he wants a special-friend, he’s handsome enough to stud out but I don’t feel that’s right, I want him to have a good life with his special-friend and as many foals as we can handle.”
The greeter audibly awwed at Josef’s lies, believing him to be the genuine article. “That sounds lovely, if you’d like to follow me I’ll show you our mare range.”
“Thank you, I’m willing to pay extra for premium if you have any on offer.”
As Josef was led down the aisles, he heard a cocophony of ‘Nyu daddeh?’ and ‘Pwease take Fwuffy’ and ‘Gib Smawty homesie nyo’. He was reminded why he primarily stuck to ferals, aside from the prices they tended to be less clawing.
Natalie stopped in front of a wall of mares, a few of them noticed Josef and immediately took to begging for him to take them home, a couple of them even demanded that he give them a special-friend so they could have babies.
Josef ignored them as he slowly walked down the line, checking each and every one of them, trying to find one that would stand out. Then suddenly he saw her, she was pricier than the others, but with her colours and her temperament – being one of the only mares not begging for attention – she’d be worth it.
“Her, I’d like to see her please.”
When Dallas woke it was dark-time, after a long time trying to quell the pain in his balls and failing to ignore the Fluffy catwalk on the telly, he decided to go to sleep, hoping that would help his blue balls. It did for the most part, there was a still a dull ache but they weren’t screaming at him like earlier.
He looked around the quiet room, the TV was off and he had a blanket over him so he could guess that Josef was back. But there was something else, something quiet that had woken him up, he could barely hear it but at the same time he couldn’t ignore it.
Dallas swore it sounded like enfies.
Part of him was tempted to go an investigate, but he decided against it, there was no way his new daddy would have a mare and not give it to Dallas for enfies, that would be silly.
Plus he didn’t want to risk running into Crimson, not that he’d admit that to himself or anyone else.
Dallas made a note to ask Josef about it in the morning, but when morning came he was too hungry and too horny to remember. He carried his lazy self through to the kitchen where Josef had already laid out a bowl of kibble.
“Morning Dallas, you have a good sleep?”
Dallas just looked at the kibble unenthused. “Dis nu skettis?”
“Come on Champ, skettis aren’t a breakfast food, besides they’re not good for you and I want you to look your best for the little surprise I got you.”
Surprise? Dallas was simulataneously excited and scared at what his surprise could be.
“Smawty wna suwpwise daddeh, gib nyo.”
“Ok then, since you’ve earned it.”
Josef dashed off to the other room and brought back a small carrier cage, Dallas was confused until the scent hit him.
It was a mare.
Josef placed the cage on the floor and opened the door, and out walked the most stunning mare Dallas had ever seen. She was a unicorn, her Fluff was hot pink with glittery sparkles, her mane a canary yellow, her horn was a double-spiral of both colours converging.
She’d cost Josef a pretty penny, but the look on Dallas’ face was worth it.
“Hewwo.” She spoke softly to Dallas. “Am Ewwen, who am pwetty stawwion?”
Dallas stood proud – or as proud as a Fluffy could be with a visible erection – and opened his wings. “Am Smawty, pwetty Ewwen wan be speciaw-fwiends?”
Ellen turned and looked at Josef, she almost looked like she had a question but Josef got there first.
“It’s ok Ellen, I got you to be mates with Dallas in the first place.”
“Weww, if daddeh so it ok den Ewwen wan be speciaw-fwiens wib…”
No sooner had the wods left her mouth as Dallas pinning Ellen to the ground and enf, enf, enfing away. Having been on edge for so long Dallas finished in seconds, leaving Ellen sore and confused as to what just happened. Dallas simply rolled off her back and smiled.
“Smawty needed dat.”
Ellen was still processing what happened, she was sure she’d just had enfies based on her special-place hurting and the wet feeling inside of her, but it was so quick and so pathetic she wasn’t 100% sure.
Still, she was sure enough to lay down next to Dallas and try to snuggle with him, the Pegasus looked at her confused at why she was still here after he just had good-feels but he was too tired to say anything and just let her stay there.
It was a couple of days and several enfies later when Ellen started singing her soon-mummah songs, she was so happy to pregnant, having never been able to have her own babbehs before. Josef tried to share in the good news.
“Congrats you guys, I’m sure you’ll both make amazing parents.”
Ellen giggled. “Fank yu daddeh, Ewwen be bestesh mummah eba, wub babbehs eben if poopie ow munstahs.”
Josef noted that Dallas was less happy about the news. “You ok Dallas? You look kinda down.”
“Nu faiw.”
Josef could guess what the problem was so he picked Dallas up and carried him through to another room so that Ellen couldn’t hear them.
“Dallas, are you upset about Ellen being pregnant?”
“Nu faiw, Smawty finawwy hab pwettiesh speciaw-fwiend eba, an she gun hab dummeh babbehs. Nu can hab gud-feews nyo, dummeh Ewwen nu wet Smawty gib enfies.”
“Dallas? Do you trust me?”
Dallas nodded.
“Ok, well I got Ellen for you because I thought you wanted a family, I brought you the most beautiful mare I could find so that you could have the prettiest babies ever, I spent a lot of time and money getting her for you, I’m sorry if I got that wrong. If I knew all you wanted was enfies I could’ve grabbed any Fluffy off the street for you, I guess you don’t love your daddy enough to appreciate what he does for you.”
Dallas looked around a little awkwardly. “Smawty am happy, Ewwen am SU pwetty. Jus knyo it be wong time tiww hab gud-feews gain.”
“Tell you what champ, I’ll make you a deal, if you can be a good mate to Ellen, look after her and her foals, make sure she’s clean and well-fed, then I’ll get you a toy to help with your lumps hurting. Then after she gives birth, we’ll see about stopping having babies altogether so all you need to do is look after your no-no stick.”
Dallas was disappointed, but he wanted to make a good impression on Josef, more so he could keep enfing Ellen more than anything else.
“Ok daddeh, Smawty wook afta Ewwen an tummeh-babbehs.”
“Thank you Dallas, that’s all I ask for.”
Dallas smiled and trotted off back to Ellen with a new sense of purpose towards their relationship. Josef watch the little cunt walk away and grinned, Dallas was so easy to manipulate, he genuinely thought Josef was giving him everything he wanted.
Which would make it so much sweeter when Josef took it all away from him.