So I wanna work on something besides Cherry and Brian for once, and I’m wondering if there are any ideas you’d like me to write. I can do hugbox, neutralbox, weirdbox, abuse, pretty much anything. I have a few rules, though:
No sexual stuff. That includes heavily detailed fluffy mating. No sexual abuse either.
No hardcore undeserved abuse, or abuse that happens for no reason. (That’s not my thing, personally. Not yucking your yum though! I just prefer “justified”. And for it to be hardcore, the crime the fluffy did would have to be pretty bad.)
Nothing that is racist, LGBT+ phobic, etc. No hate, that’s all I ask.
That’s about it! These can be oneshots, or multiple chapter. They can be of your characters, or mine if you want. (I’d have to get familiar with the way your characters act before I write yours, though.)
Someone loses functionality in their legs due to some disease, so their family get’s them a fluffy that they initially reject but over time comes to depend on for emotional support, then have to try to live without due to a new government edict, then they eventually move as they emotionally just couldn’t live without it.
So there’s two herds (relatively small), who both arrive at a house to beg for shelter. The person, bored and looking for some entertainment convinces them all that there’s room for one herd but not both, so they must compete for their place.
Take it wherever you want, I just enjoy the idea of a fluffy style double dare challenge.
bored guy starts collecting feral fluffies and fluffies from vending machines, shelters, and pet stores and puts them in a fluffy sized victorian london with working fluffy safe toilets, farms so they don’t just die, and a bar with actual booze for shits and giggles, and a “prison” for bad fluffies. and every once in a while causes a sudden flood or releases a puffy griffin or even a fluntfy in it for a while just to spice things up. (fluntfies become permanent residents)
A fluffy gets tired of eating the same kind of food every day and asks for different foods from the owner, who is a skilled chef. The owner agrees and makes new dishes for the fluffy to eat that are made with other fluffies. The dishes include other regular fluffies as well as “food” fluffies mixed with other real word ingredients. The fluffy does not realize it is eating it’s own kind until later on. This idea happens in a world where fluffy food is becoming popular and accepted by the public.
One thing I’d find interesting is seeing how a colony of ferals would interact with other wildlife. One idea is at least their initial interactions with a nursery of Racoons or other similar omnivorous scavenger where the the ferals encounter one to two of the creatures and frighten them off or harm them, only for the racoons to return en masse similar to this photo Here and, well, take care of business.