If you haven’t seen or heard of this before this is my personal sketchbook series
Gr1m’s Grimoire!
A collection of topics for old Fluffybooru legacy art, sketches (shitscribbles),
work in progress’ (wip’s) or unfinished ideas from both the past and present!
.62 - Oh no an imposter has taken Skippy from Melissa! Who!?
.63 - Woes of a true owner alternate universe ending be like:
The authors first draft involved killing Skippy at the bathtub/water scene?
.64 - Skippy “The Boys” ‘shit-edit’ meme
.65 - MF’ Fluffymon: Fluffy Subspecies!!11one. The Offensive Pocket Buds!
.66 - More Fluffymon Fluffy Subspecies ideas!
.67 - Another Fluffymon Fluffy Subspecies!
.68 The Magi-Fluffs! Concept:
.69 (ayyy) New Breadfluffy subspecies: The Cake Fluff
.70 - Uhh Idk fluffy self portrait? New emoji?
.71 - GoT inspired head crushing
.72 - “How to hug box” - now say it 10 times really fast
.73 - Shit-edit from Discord
.74 - Melissa and Cherry.
Before I had a handle on drawing humans. That uncanney valley tho’ ! ?
.75 - Better than before ^ (Elizabeth, Melissa, Jaylen)
.76 - The (mis)adventures of Punt the Football Fluffy
.77 - A spacefluff! @ThatWelc would be proud.
.78 - A fluffy crushing+kick animation, 1st draft and 2nd draft !
.79 - From Discord: Taiws gets twowwed meme (Tails gets trolled meme)
.80 - The WarFluffs!
.81 - A late entry from Nixy’s connect your own scenario event.
Dragonixa’s contest: Tale of Two Wolves
.82 - A lost image from Fwufftober! Day 6: Cursed!
Thanks for looking, more to come soon!