GWP fluffy headcannons 2 (gal-With-Pastels)

• A Dam will only become immobile only if she is expecting a big litter, Dam’s can have up to 1 to 9 babies.

• The gestation of a Dam pregnancy lasts up to 4 weeks before going into labor. unlike other breeds the Dam will not Poop while delivering her foals.

• foals will be in they’re chirpy stage for at least 7 days before becoming talkie babies and they’re eyes fully open. they’re mane and tails will start growing after the 3rd day of they’re Birth.

• Adult fluffies can live up to 7 years if kept in good health.

•Stallions tend to not get special lump hurties , And know not to enf mares that are expecting , the only way they will however is if they are given drugs

• Ferals tend to have harder hooves Than domestic fluffies who’s hooves are very soft

• These fluffies are prone to getting colds and other types of the flu.

• Most Dams make sure that runts have the first priority when getting milk.

• Some birth defects include

  • Sensitive babbeh - Unlike other Senstive babbeh’s these foals still advance into talkie and grown adults. they just need extra time to learn.

  • derped/ Cross eyes - Unlike a majority of derped fluffies, These fluffies only have they’re eyes stuck in a cross eyed position. and are as intelligent as normal fluffies.

  • Multiple horns and wings

  • conjoined foals

• The intelligence of these fluffies are higher then most other fluffies. As these fluffies are aware that Water isn’t bad at all, And a majority of this breed can swim ( except for spoiled fluffies, Bitch mares and bestest babies). Along with being aware if something is wrong with they’re owner Similar to service animals . yet need to be taught how to deal with these situations , Otherwise they will try to give huggies only rather than help they’re owner.

• Bitch mares Are Extremely Stupid , having been under the influence while growing up that they were superior to other fluffies, they usually consist of designer fluffies , Are usually over the normal weight for fluffies. Due to they’re often spoiled Nature, These fluffies are prone to mistaking Inedible objects as nummies, Being unable to swim and crushing foals.

• Bestest babies are incredibly lazy and Whiney Mostly being Balls of fat due to they’re dependence of their mother. not really learning how to swim or find nummies. These Foals are often not picked in fluff marts due to they’re attitude .

•While a majority of herds have a smarty ( who can sometimes lead to the herds deaths.) Certain herds have 1-2 fluffies referred to as leader fluffies ( basically good smarties) .

• These herd consist of a multitude of Toughie’s of both male and female genders, that aren’t as dumb as Normal toughies, That protect the Current safe heaven of the herd.

• Nurse fluffies are both male and female fluffies that watch over soon mummah’s and foals, Always on the look out for mothers that are about to stomp on an alicorn or refer to a baby as they’re bestest. as alicorns are accepted in these herds.

• Scouts are members of the herd that Go out to find nummies , often accompanied by a few toughies for protection.

Part 1 : GWP Fluffies headcannon( Gal-With-Pastels)


This is great ^^

Really enjoy the detailed descriptions.

thank you

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Honestly a lot of this is in line with my head cannon which surprised me, but great work I like it!


What my fluff would become, if I was unfortunate enough to live in a timeline with fluffies.