Hank's Fluffies, Part 4 (By TheWarmGun)

This part is fairly short

Part 4

Your name is Hank, and you are driving home with some new fluffies. Neon, a bright green pegasus, and some tiny twins, one unicorn and the other a pegasus. The twins are chirping happily and talking to Neon from their padded box. Once you arrive home, you take them downstairs. You carefully bathe each of them. Neon enjoys your scrubbing and smiles happily in his soft towel as you struggle to clean up the two terrified ferals. They keep trying to run away from the “scawwy wawa,” succeeding only in slipping in the soapy residue. After what feels like the longest twenty minutes of your life, the formerly filthy foals smell “pretty” and are ready to meet your collection of fluffies.

“Hello fluffies! Daddy’s home! I’ve brought new friends!” Your announcement sets off a storm of activity. Your fluffies cheer and warble happily about new friends and all the hugs they are going to give them. Piglet and Snowflake press their pregnant snouts against the clear plastic of their pen, straining to get a good look at their new herd-mates. Grape takes the cake for enthusiasm , though. You set the new fluffies down in the play pen and go to get your little boy. Opening Grape’s pen, he is going absolutely nuts, wiggling and giggling like a happy puppy.

“Wub daddeh suuuuu mush fo getting nu fwends for Gwape! Gwape am gon gib suuu many huggies!” He grasps a ball tightly as you pick him up. “Gon gib baw tu nu fwends fo pway!”
You almost drop him, he is wiggling so much, but manage to put him down gently on the cedar shavings, and he streaks over to the new arrivals, his gift ball already forgotten.

“Hewwo new fwends,” He chirps happily “Fwuffy am Gwape! Gwape wan be bestest fwend to nu fwuffys!”

“Hewwo Gwape, fwuffy am named Neon.” Neon plods over to Grape happily and the two fluffies hug tightly. “Neon am su happy in new home, wid new fwend!” From Neon’s bright green arms, Grape turns to the twins, who seem apprehensive and keep looking around the pen, as if expecting danger at any moment.

“Wat am otha nu fwends names?” he asks, seemingly realizing that they are scared. The twins relax somewhat, but seem distressed at the question. Oh, shit, you think to yourself: you didn’t name them! Before they can answer, you chime in carefully:

“Daddy hasn’t given them names yet, Grape. Let’s do that now, okay?” You look them over.
“How about we call you…Steel?” You point to the tiny blue-gray pegasus.
“Aaaand you are now…Violet!” you say, turning to Steel’s little sister.
The tiny creatures cheer and bleat happily.

“Steew wub nu name, daddeh.” Steel wiggles happily, hugging his sister.

“Viowet wub name tuu, nyu daddeh. Gib nyu daddeh bestest huggies!” She says, hugging your boot with all the might her tiny hoofs can muster.

The new arrivals seem very happy in their new home, and they begin to play with Grape, batting around the pretty ball he brought them as a “gift.” He doesn’t seem to mind that they are much smaller than he is at the moment, patiently waiting for them to catch up as they play a game of chase. You watch them play, and Neon curls up happily in the pen, nodding off to sleep. Grape stops his game and turns to you suddenly, his tummy growling.

“Daddeh pwese give Gwape nummies? Grape am hungwy.”
“Sure Grape. I will bring some for your new friends too.” The twins perk up. They are clearly hungry.

“Nyu daddeh gib nummies to Steew an sissy? Steel chirps happily at the thought of food.

Portioning out some kibble, you fill the play pen feeding bowls, and Grape scampers over to eat, Neon joining him after a moments hesitation and a nod from you. Something is up with the twins, however. Both of them have been sniffing the kibble. Violet sticks her tongue out to taste the kibble, and wrinkles her nose at the taste.

“Nu wan dese nummies. Nu taste pwetty,” she complains. Your smile fades, quickly morphing into a frown that displays your rising ire at the little lady, but she continues before you have a chance to speak up,

“Viowet an bwuddah nu eat dese nummies, fwuffy nee milkies.” Her brother chimes in, looking rather despondent.

“Buu mummah gone naow! How get milkies naow?” He cries softly.

Well shit, you think to yourself. You had completely forgotten about this possibility. Unfortunately, you are all out of foal formula at the moment, having used your last case to wean the very last of your old foals. Fuuuuck. You wrack your brain for a solution, and then you hear gentle singing. Piglet is singing to her foals. You walk over to the cage shared by the two pregnant mares.

“Hewwo daddeh. Pigwet nu can wait fo babbehs come.” She warbles happily.

“Piglet, my two new fluffies are still little babies. Their mother died, and they need to drink milk…” You hope she understands where you are going with this.

“Babbehs nee miwkies?” She inquires. You grab the twins and hold them up for her to see.
“Hewwo widdwe babbehs. Yu am su pwetty. Pigwet sowwy yu mummah take foweba sleepies. Babies wan huggies?” She offers her arms, swollen up with foals though she is. The twins begin to cry again.

“Nu fwend is su nice, bu Steew an Viowet hab wowstest tummy hurties!” They mewl pathetically as you set them down in the mares pen. Snowflake shies away from the two new additions when they squeak for milk.

“Nuuuu! Babbehs nu take Snowfwake milkies! Nee milkies for Snowfwake’s babbehs!” She can’t move much in her current state, but she manages to inch away from the twins somewhat. Piglet glares at Snowflake from across the pen.

“Dummeh Snowfwake! Yu babbehs nu nee miwkies tiw dey come out yor tummeh! Dese babbehs nee miwkies naow. Pigwet hab more miwkies afta for own tummy-babbehs.” Piglet beckons the twins over, rolling onto her side to expose her udders, swollen with milk for her coming children.

“Hew babbehs. Dwink Pigwets miwkies, bee gud babbehs.” They both find a teat and latch on, sucking greedily. Piglet hugs them carefully as they nurse, singing now to the orphans:

“Pigwet wub babbehs, babbehs wub Pigwet. Pigwet gib babbehs miwkies an wub.” The twins coo softly after gorging themselves on Piglet’s rich milk. Their snouts wet with it, they collapse on Piglet’s tummy fluff, and she hugs them tightly. Meanwhile, Grape watches all of this with a hurt look on his face.

“Gwape…Gwape wan mummah! Huuu huu huu! Hab heawt hurties!” he begins to sob. You walk over and pick him up, cradling him carefully to your chest. Soon, he cries himself to sleep.

Poor little buddy.


I wonder if his actual mama was sold or if he even remembers her.

probably sold since Piglet and Snowflake are far enough along. Once he was weaned, the mare was probably sold due to needing new stock.

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@Cybunny @anon86703525

Yep, she was sold in the “spring cleaning” immediately prior to the start of the series.